Strangers: Trailer Park Code Breaks

Strangers: Trailer Park Code Breaks

A Story by Abishai100

Teachers on Halloween retreat to a trailer find aliens/strangers with an invasion-agenda from the dark-side of laughter.

A fanfiction of the horror-series of home/life invasion tales The Strangers, which I think you'll like, 
DISCLAIMER: This work of fanfiction offers no ties to the referenced franchise/films of inspiration and all images/references used herein (therefore) comprise a purely 'personal' expression for social arts (for 'open' interpretation). 



AMLAN: This trailer-park breakaway from schoolteaching for Halloween is ideal.
EZZY: We'll make for a wonderful retreat and take potatoes (candy-sweet make!).
DANICA: There's something so Earthling-qualia for Halloween (Selfie field goals).
AMLAN: No leviathan (Selfie-like).

Friends, our protagonist-trio of fun-loving American Homeland teachers (Amlan/Ezzy/Danica) made for a special language-reading of Halloween spirits by renting a trailer in a park one Autumn October and didn't anticipate anything unusual destabilizing the bounteousness of the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Xmas 3-month series of occasions, least of all three masked 'Strangers' who turned out to be lurking/costumed Martians (actual humanoid aliens from Mars!) with a raw-hell agenda to make trailer park life-code breaks for Earthling superstition/legends (for the Ego!).

AMLAN: I borrowed my friend's classic white-auto.
EZZY: I'm bringing my chemistry-set along to make some trailer-fun kits for IQ.
DANICA: Road-trip!
AMLAN: We humans sure do love the auto focus of transit/retreat ghost-magic.
DANICA: No mischief for ugliness (ever).
EZZY: Amlan can drive!

Friends, our trio of teachers were merrily making potato candy sweets in anticipation for Halloween and were unaware of a crashed UFO (incompletely!) near their park; Ezzy heard the stranger reports/gossip on the radio and told her two school compatriots of this bizarre alien 'presence' on Earth that Autumn-October (damn).

The Strangers, Martians who sought to simply zoom over the dark skies of post-9/11 era American Homeland street-feelings of superstitions/woe of invasion and terrorism in our fare-rich capitalism-globe of commerce/exchange 'linked' social confidence for securities, crashed near the trailer-park where our protagonist-teachers camped and cooked and carried-on; and the Strangers put on masks and costumes on their humanoid bodies, took-out their human-world analogous 'weapons' and prepared to deliver bad-education to Amlan/Ezzy/Danica (not Facebook-like).

AMLAN: Someone left this flyer with pencil drawings, "The Strangers" printed.
EZZY: Outside our trailer, darling?
DANICA: Are they the Martians from that UFO-crash gossiped, buds?
AMLAN: Jesus Christ, maybe the Martians are mischief-artists for bloody-murder.
EZZY: I thought we'd only be thinkin' kaleidoscope sensual candy for Halloween.
AMLAN: Ezzy, can you make some HCL (I've a water-gun and glass-tubes).
DANICA: When in doubt, preserve a trailer code for breaks (Facebook-like).

What did these Martians ('Strangers') want (really)? Why did they carry-on in masks/costumes and stalk/prowl around the trailer where our protagonist schoolteachers huddled in Catholic paranoia for Halloween? Were they messengers of some eerie Samhain anti-human ritual image? Did they seek to gamble with our Earthling sensibilities for (shared) social media gossip? Amlan guessed (shrewdly) they wanted to for some unknown reason gamble-away diplomacy IQ for a humor (dark!) concerning human fate/ruin/sarcasm. Maybe the Strangers knew of our nature-paranoia about domain-invasion for fortune's arts/thorax.

AMLAN: More flyers, left outside, babes.
EZZY: Are the acid-guns prepped (now)?
AMLAN: Yeah...maybe they want some Hammurabi-code punishment fright?
DANICA: That's a weird but conceivable hunch, Amlan; human hands cut.
EZZY: Make a Frankenstein Halloween trailer park code break (for the Ego!).
AMLAN: We lure them with taunts inside and shoot their hands with acid.
DANICA: Weapons-stand to shoo them away and then flee (7/11).
EZZY: We'll keep this Martian secret (forever).

The plan worked. Amlan/Ezzy/Danica flew-away from their trailer after shooting the Martians ('Strangers') with their HCL-gun and made it to the gas-station and reported their follow-up claims to the UFO-crash gossip in that park-area of the American Homeland (for social reaction!).

SCHOOL DEAN: Good fortunes, you return; like the Martian adaptation (tale).
AMLAN: This was no happy Halloween (thanx).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2024 Abishai100

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Added on August 22, 2024
Last Updated on August 22, 2024
Tags: Movie Fanfiction




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
