Hades' Bike/PhoA Story by Abishai100God of underworld challenges a Cali-prince for his streets-bike enhancements for general human-realm pluralism 'thrift' for capitalism-arms.
A portrait of worldly balances, featuring Hades (god of the underworld). Inspired (very-loosely) by Capitalism: A Love Story (Michael Moore). Thanks for reading (Happy Summer),
DISCLAIMER: This work of social fiction contains images/references with no ties to any person(s)/body (e.g., Southern California) and is cast as purely a 'personal' expression for social arts (for 'open' interpretation). ---- ==== When Hades, god of the underworld, sought to steal a man's Cali-toy, a classic '90s boy-bike with flat-panel plastic disc-wheels for stylish affect, the man, a resident of SoCal, wished he was fortunate to procure some special SoCal 'theater-language expression' of multicultural imagination to make his boy-bike seem/feel more 'democratic' for Selfie-posts and humor and general Earth-realm toys-crossing phonics (for the Ego!). The man, a SoCal prince-Catholic citizen from Algeria, Mr. Amlan Satan, thought to fit his SoCal boy-bike with special training-wheels, those quaint/cute mini-wheels attached to the sides of a bike-primary wheel for secured balance and extra 2-wheel grounding for three-wheel like quadrilateral physique! Mr. Amlan Satan knew the quad-phobia 'look' of the boy-bike would make for 'cool' SoCal multicultural aesthetics for messages/languages of motion totalitarianism. HADES: I want your spiked SoCal boy-bike (with training wheel!). MR. AMLAN SATAN: I dare not refuse/disobey such a god of consciousness, Hades! HADES: You've given imbalances a street-motions look of specified physique-IQ. MR. AMLAN SATAN: My training-wheel enhanced youthful bike is excellent fun. HADES: An adult on a low riding training-wheel spiked SoCal bike's phone-art. MR. AMLAN SATAN: Speaks to multicultural interest in motion-balance funnies! HADES: What's your human world claim for such smilies of the street chips? MR. AMLAN SATAN: As a man, I find your underworld visage street editorial! HADES: Good...keep your training-wheel bike; write about its wire (for me!). MR. AMLAN SATAN: Thanx...I shall impress many-an-artist (for fiction!). So, armed with this new agenda for creativity in street-languages for SoCal magic in motion/phobias, from the words of the once-observing Hades (god of the underworld), our protagonist prince of this Earth-world 'faerie-tale' (Mr. Amlan Satan!) cast his training-wheel 'spiked' boy-bike with disc-wheel for pluralism rhetoric in street-crossings balances superstitions for special symbolism significance for what made multicultural capitalism in civilization (Planet Earth) a special 'colored-glass' reading for all things...profitable/taxed. "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing