She-Hulk: Boston ThermalA Story by Abishai100A man negotiates super art rhetoric and hears the 'republication-wok' of the strength-superwoman ('She-Hulk') whispering to him softly about certain democracy.
A comics fan-tale of the incredible strength-enhancements heroine of weird-sportsmanship, She-Hulk (Marvel Comics), the first in my 3-series (actually!). Thanks for reading,
---- ==== Mr. Amlan Satan was operating our of his Homeland-Jersey hostel-station hotel (Inn-Express) and had been enjoying Saturday-AM cartoons in the lounge, where TV and coffee flowed; and he thought of a special inspiration for super powers of cartoon like magic for social media commentary in the post-9/11 era American Homeland of transit/infrastructure securities for Earthling vanities for bread/fruit. Well, he didn't anticipate what was to come (Selfie-like). SHE-HULK: You made a comics-cartoon rendering of my visage with crayon? MR. AMLAN SATAN: You can talk...I can hear you whispering to me through veil! SHE-HULK: You cast me as your deity of strength/honor for antiterrorism, fool. MR. AMLAN SATAN: I've made you my gargoyle of strength for lands, She-Hulk! SHE-HULK: I'd like you write me as a special athletics-fitness steroids angel, man. MR. AMLAN SATAN: You make mark of me as some fitness medium for vanity? SHE-HULK: You've made the right grammar...keep secret, for Facebook-cities. MR. AMLAN SATAN: Of course, my-lady...Selfie-like for the Ego (ok?). Amlan Satan did some post-9/11 era terrorism-superstitions microfiche research and studied Boston Marathon bombing and the Notre Dame fire and contoured it with post-WWII invasion-paranoia Roswell-lore for American Homeland folklore and mythos. He wanted a rounded Earth-dominions word for fitness-chemistry. He knew he had to create that She-Hulk fitness-competition steroids enhancement vanities storyboard for world-rhetoric and wanted some 'alien' visage for the imagery of species/race blending in this Earth of space/privacy/publicity angst of library-recorded human living (for leviathan/uncertainty!). SHE-HULK: I rather like this crayon-rendering of my personality you've crafted! MR. AMLAN SATAN: I've contoured you as a rough-tough maiden of chemicals. SHE-HULK: I want you to make the opposite of a soldier, for a survivor-paranoia! MR. AMLAN SATAN: That's the right-stuff direction you've drawn me to, my-lady. SHE-HULK: I want this social media culture storyboard to invoke me as mystery! MR. AMLAN SATAN: We've reached the right-accord for my Selfie-age workshop. SHE-HULK: Facebook-like (damn)? Moved by his fan/reader praise, Mr. Amlan Satan, the protagonist 'prince' of this Earth-art fable, decided to move to New England (Boston-town) and made She-Hulk something like Marathon, and he had her run through the streets of the town creating special super-eye strength for varied woes of Earthling hellmouths like terrorism and narcotics-traffic and treasure-exploitation and knew that he'd become her special medium-messenger of what was now the sure Blue-Planet darkness of transit/roadways...but he wondered if She-Hulk was whispering to him something about premonition-value of dangerous weakness and not chemical liberty (wow). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing