![]() Cote d'Ivoire: Theoretical Phone-QuestionsA Story by Abishai100![]() Time-capsule portrait of treasure-island investment yielding expression of capitalism's special (universal) message of a leviathan/uncertainty thermal.![]()
A capitalism fable set in the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire).
DISCLAIMER: This work of fiction offers no ties to the Ivory Coast or any chocolate company and all images/references used herein comprise a purely 'personal' expression for social arts (for 'open' translation). ---- ==== While at a Homeland-Jersey smalltown suburbia (Echelon) hostel-station of sorts (Inn-Express), I decided to take my $15M earned on Wall-St. during the 2009 mini-crash (Ford) for a special Ivory-Coast confectionary investment for world-infrastructure intuitions for capitalism-race storyboard construct (for cleats). ![]() My name's Amlan Satan, and I've always considered the best view for Earthling net activity is through the investment/commercial examination of pockets of fortune-readings and resource-extraction, and I knew Cote d'Ivoire was world-praised for being a leader in cocoa-production, contributing to the world chocolate market of hospitality-imagination. I love chocolate, and I thought about my Valentine's love of varied chocolate brands in the American Homeland, stuff you find at Target or WalMart or other places (e.g., Toblerone). It contributed to a history-sense of investment energizer feelings for my pre-trip (sure!). ![]() MARTIAN: You know why I hacked into your cyber-portal, capitalist-man? ME: You're claiming you're actually some Martian challenger for capitalism-theory. MARTIAN: I want to measure your interest-level for Toblerone-accent of Earth. ME: Capitalism's arms for leviathan-assurances (uncertainty!) make net-work! MARTIAN: You've decent startup-assets, and if you prove-wise, I'll add to coffer. ME: As a secret-investor...Mr. Martian? MARTIAN: Don't you like My Favorite Martian (TV-cubit)? ME: You won't buy me out, ok? MARTIAN: Hey, it's your game; you need only prove midfield brain (Facebook-like). ME: If I win? MARTIAN: You consider me your (invisible) force, for Earth's queens. ME: Good (Facebook-like). ![]() Look, I'm retelling this 'adventure' in a (secret!) time-capsule for future-world archaeologists to make for 'discovery' in the incomplete-distances readings of treasure-islands metaphysics (for superstitions!) in my post-9/11 Selfie age of cinema-building cleats (for the Ego). Whoever this 'Mr. Martian' was, all I need knew was his investor-handshake cemented my overall 'storyboard' for what made Ivory-Coast languages for capitalism a special bread/fruit for personals paper-planes (sure!). ![]() MARTIAN: You want me to do a side-investment (Krispy-Kreme?). ME: Would you, my fave-alien mystery-teammate pal? MARTIAN: I suppose that'd be a nifty personals (good for leviathan/uncertainty). ME: I won't lose. MARTIAN: This is high-art...for a fortune-cookie (computing). ME: Let's imagine (our) Earth pocket's found a convenience brain, Mr. Martian. MARTIAN: Good (Selfie-like!). ![]() GIRLFRIEND: You made a side-investment with a man claiming he's from Mars? ME: What the Hell is wrong with that, Esmerelda? GIRLFRIEND: That sounds like a comic-tale worth skepticism by a shrink, darling! ME: Hey, isn't Earth-investment simplified change (for all)? GIRLFRIEND: Be wary of the green-eyed monster(s) of (universal!) betrayal, Satan. ME: Maybe you're right...I'll make some time-capsule 'revelation' of personals. GIRLFRIEND: Quiet-cool (Facebook-like). ![]() "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing