Narrated claim of a writer whose Saturday Homeland library-visit draws ghost-encounter of a 'thesis' kind/variety.
A ghost-story, for Sunday's Eve. Thanks for reading,
I was visiting the library every Saturday in August, as the college-football season approached and excited my new sports-seasons writing for media/TV culture access to student/education culture environments for Selfie-comment/fanfare and had no idea my interest in Selfie-adverbs would invoke a special hallucination (for the Ego).
It was one special Saturday when I was inside this Western (American Homeland) library when the hallucination came. I say it's a hallucination, since I'm not (honestly!) certain the vision was real of self-imagined, perhaps a simplified reflection of my post-9/11 era paranoia/superstitions of leviathan or terrorism or anything like that (e.g., Coronavirus tribulations feelings of the Biblical side of Earthling cleats/life). I saw a ghost (not Facebook-like).
When I got home, I decided to grab a glass of veg-juice (tomato) and nutrition-distance my Selfie-brain away from the Saturday library ghost-specter vision. The ghost made his/her/its presence known, and only to me (for unknown reasons). I could feel its presence, and I knew I was the only one (somehow!) that it was showing itself to, in that library. Was I special (somehow)? The tomato-juice at home refreshed my courage, for college-football (sane) writing. I'd never forget that ghost, and I'd always think of myself (somehow) as some 'diplomat' of library hallways specter-vision...perhaps for Selfie-Jabberwocky (damn).
"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
Hi, I enjoyed your story, Library Threaded and these are my personal feelings. I'm a Christian and after all my studies I truly believe souls after death are not permitted to cross The Gulf back as spirits or anything else. Demons, on the other hand, are able to take desired shapes to wreak havock on humans which they hate. Btw, I'm reading Kings and about Abishai who was a military leader under the biblical King David. (Oh, I see where you did say "a special hallucination".) I enjoyed the story even though it's Monday morning, lol.
Yes, incidentally, my writer's pseudonym/alias (Abishai100) is personally referenced from that Kings-passage you cited. Under David-time, yeah! Glad you liked the ghost-tale. Hard controversy, surely. Ghosts and demons and goblins and real world (manmade) troubles, right. Makes you think of dreams/images, no? I'll keep working on the concept broadly for myself. Appreciate your feedback. Happy manic Monday, reader,
Hi, I enjoyed your story, Library Threaded and these are my personal feelings. I'm a Christian and after all my studies I truly believe souls after death are not permitted to cross The Gulf back as spirits or anything else. Demons, on the other hand, are able to take desired shapes to wreak havock on humans which they hate. Btw, I'm reading Kings and about Abishai who was a military leader under the biblical King David. (Oh, I see where you did say "a special hallucination".) I enjoyed the story even though it's Monday morning, lol.