Vampire-MathA Story by Abishai100Portrait of relations between numbers (fractions) 'consciousness' and vampire-intuitions for challenging end zones.
A theory of numbers and blood.
---- ==== I'm Mr. Amlan Satan, a Boston-town resident of Catholic-faith and immigrant-turned-citizen of the West (American Homeland), moved from Algeria to New England working inside the private-studio math circles of continuity-fractions study for the adjective of comparative capitalism-pockets for Selfie-consumerism commentary culture readings cleats of the Ego. I became fascinated by portions-visuals and images of fractions, or part-number divisibles of discrete ratios of parts-and-wholes for renderings of figment-image Gestalt calculations for systems surgery of a particular 'mechanic' function for the Ego. Fractions are divisibles when they're the opposite of prime-numbers (sure). I started thinking of the muscles and cartilage of divisible continuity of fractions for a systems-continuity surgery of number theory of whole-universe sets of numerics connections of multiplications and reversible shrinkage (wow). This was muscles and brain-parts thinking for number-partitions and ratios/portions or 'pizza' slice thinking for the Gestalt Earth blood-work of incomplete-arts (sure). VAMPIRE: I've read of your cyber-posts about the systems-IQ of fractions-adverbs. MR. AMLAN SATAN: You consider me some 'prince' of fractions-for-leviathan, then? VAMPIRE: Surely, math-prince of Boston-town (surely). MR. AMLAN SATAN: I think of number-portions (fractions) for parts/mechanics. VAMPIRE: Gears for bolts of twisting/turning compatibility (divisibles)? MR. AMLAN SATAN: You said it...but you've claimed you're a blood-immortal. VAMPIRE: A vampire-queen, prince of math (ha). MR. AMLAN SATAN: Why this questionnaire for me, vampire? VAMPIRE: Guess it,'s an Earth-materials strike for bloody-murder. MR. AMLAN SATAN: for breaking rocks into pieces for diamonds. VAMPIRE: Damn you (leviathan). MR. AMLAN SATAN: Selfie-like (wow). VAMPIRE: You see why I oppose your 'beautiful-mind' theory for fractions/parts. MR. AMLAN SATAN: You count divisible-surgical fractions as systems integral? VAMPIRE: Not like you...I look for the deconstructed bloody Earth...storms! MR. AMLAN SATAN: Can't you eye that I'm a fantasy-messenger of mechanics? VAMPIRE: Selfie-like (ha). I proceeded to debate with this woman claiming she was an actual vampire of Earth, a blood-immortal, who challenged my incomplete-arts for fraction/parts systems mechanics integrity for civilization's arms of leviathan/sanity/congruence, and I wonder now if fractions have drawn me to some lesser 'intelligence' of Earth's eternal question...about bad-sports quietness (damn). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing