Terminator: Human-DocumentsA Story by Abishai100Can Amlan and Danica serve humanity in a post-invasion A.I.-freakish 'environment' of resilience-print (for the Ego)?
A Summer fanfiction of that iconic apocalypse-A.I. misadventure franchise, Terminator. Enjoy!
---- ==== Folks, Amlan and Danica had become pronounced very-chic Earth-lands (American Homeland) bank robbers of rumored/insured conflict-zone gems which hade made their way into North America from African shores through new millennium smugglers-roads for bad capitalism insurance wit when the world around them would shockingly be altered, casting them as not Robin Hood like outlaws but stranger barren-lands apocalypto-mercenary-sensibility warriors for Earthlings post-invasion by a dreaded A.I. race of 'aliens' seeking total and timeless subversion of human cultures/festivities like Mardi-Gras and Earth Day. Follow along, for a Selfie-capitalism culture salvations 'faerie-tale' worth its weight in citizenry-shoes (for the Ego). WANDERER: These Terminators are pure evil, killing beings, machines of Hell. AMLAN/DANICA: Hey, Earth days have endured much leviathan, pal (ok?). WANDERER: What the hellmouth reason do you two mercs have to offer us all? AMLAN/DANICA: We've countless water-guns fitted with glass-tubes and HCL. WANDERER: You don't doubt these shape-shifting robot-menaces will melt (acid)? AMLAN/DANICA: Isn't Earth-lands the fruits for transit-darkness blade-havens? WANDERER: Good fortunes, friends...this is terrorism/invasion of the evil-axes. AMLAN/DANICA: Not without doubt, pal. Of course, frightened 'wanderer' humans of Earth-lands were not inept to think this 'Terminator' A.I. alien-invasion of a hellmouth-glass was simply awful, seeing their post-global meltdown subversion of old-civilization requiring incomplete-distances readings to the matter of simplified leviathan/survivalism! However, Amlan and Danica remained the two 'antihero' crusaders in their recruitment/guerrilla/operations/drones strike initiative with HCL, seeking to dismantle that Satanic 'aura' of Earth-lands end zones the Terminators created without hesitancy...and without cinema (damn). Ironically, the use of chemicals (HCL) to strike and push-back the walls of Terminators' dominion in this 'new' Earth of resilience reflected Amlan and Danica's clever-human resourcefulness wits of material deconstruction for the employ/harnessing of the mind's recognition of undeniable systems-physique frailty (for the Ego). AMLAN: Remember when we were Robin Hood like and sports-arena faces? DANICA: Don't remember too much about our Selfie-worlds past, dear. AMLAN: The resistance continues with chemistry for memory-sustainability, no? DANICA: You're always the more charmingly idealistic antihero between us, dear. AMLAN: Leviathan's cleats (Selfie-like)...alien relish (for end zones!). DANICA: Good. "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing