Football's QuietA Story by Abishai100Can sports yield a 'light' for all things Earthling-document (for life)?
A sports-culture (American football) vignette drawn from the competition-consciousness entertainment-sector exploratory fun-image Any Given Sunday (Oliver Stone), which I hope you'll like,
---- ==== Amlan and Danica prepped a very-cool American Homeland football-superstitions language-arts reading for the resurrection of NY-football (Buffalo!) fanfare in the 21st-Century of Western incomplete-distances readings for Selfie-media commentary readings culture of competition-windows 'linked' social-net intelligence (for the Ego!). DANICA: Fashion-world magazine image for restorations in NY, pal. AMLAN: You said it, babe; the Bills are a new team with new faces for fans! DANICA: The new-gen young-crop QB (Josh Allen) is on the cover of Madden. AMLAN: Madden NFL video-games are the standard-bearer of home-fanfare! DANICA: Selfie-magazine stylized superstitions line for cleats in havens. AMLAN: Surely good for social media thesaurus (good). Amlan/Danica found themselves at a Homeland-Jersey hostel-station (inn-Express) en-route to their Buffalo 'environment' for fanfare-readings for their superstitions-image storyboard for the great revival in Bills lines in the new millennium, a restoration that began first, somewhat unsuccessfully with the acquisition of former-Patriot downs-star Drew Bledsoe. The two writers thought deeply now about how hospitality-readings for American Homeland 'infrastructure' made reflection for home-media/entertainment 'linked' social-IQ (for the Ego). READER: So, you played Tecmo/Madden as a lad/boy, Amlan? AMLAN: You said it, reader; this Josh Allen feature for video-game is NY-IQ, no? READER: What's so special about Buffalo pre-Bowl laurels, mister? AMLAN: You asked it there, reader; there's lines for cleats of leviathan. READER: Leviathan (sea-beast of chaos-symbolism or anarchism)? AMLAN: Think it, reader; uncertainty breeds the images of wages (on Earth!). READER: Fine (thanx). Folks, our two 'hero' writers of sports-superstitions for NY-cleats had found the right-tones for the bread/fruit of what made Buffalo-football a cool Selfie-language for all things American, leviathan, media/TV, life-magic of chance-games and fun, and of course, the lifestyle 'dramatics' of inventive social-net dictionaries (sure). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing