American ClaimsA Story by Abishai100Portrait of alien-abduction ethos/mythos in the American Homeland, concerning one man's Homeland claim of invasion-lore dodecahedrons.
An abduction (aliens!) yarn inspired by Fire in the Sky (Robert Lieberman).
DISCLAIMER: This work of science-fiction/psychology contains images/references with no explicit/commercial ties to any representative person(s)/body (e.g., Boston) and is cast as purely a 'personal' expression for social art (for 'open' views). ---- ==== INTERVIEW: You're a New England schoolteacher, Mr. Satan? AMLAN SATAN: Boston-town...that's accurate, friend (sure). INTERVIEW: You were camping with some college-buds in New England. AMLAN SATAN: That's when I saw this great big fire in the sky. INTERVIEW: A flaming unidentified spaceship in the night-sky in America. AMLAN: Right after 4th-July, friend. INTERVIEW: Selfie-like (sure). INTERVIEW: Believe in odd things, creatures, faeries, Bigfoot, lycanthropy? AMLAN: I like fantasy and myth; but this was too strange to think it's hype. INTERVIEW: You were abducted, lifted into the spaceship, and your buds fled! AMLAN: That's my American claim, friend; I'd have done the same...too eerie. INTERVIEW: Says here you're (now) working on some online faerie-tales. AMLAN: Selfie-like (why not?), ha. INTERVIEW: Tell me the whole-story, Satan. AMLAN: That's why I'm here, friend. INTERVIEW: Your wife divorced? AMLAN: Boston-town residents had hard-time believing in us, sorry. INTERVIEW: What was the spaceship like (interiors)? AMLAN: I was in a cage-pod bed arena; they cut open my biceps (studies). INTERVIEW: Pain. AMLAN: I was inoculated, anesthesia (something); masked and wrapped in a web. INTERVIEW: You then broke free of your pod. AMLAN: I told my school-students these 'beings' looked like man-like werewolves. INTERVIEW: Werewolves from Mars, Satan? AMLAN: Facebook-like (ok). Friends, should we believe or believe-in Satan (Amlan)? His 'American claims' were quite extra-ordinary, of the fantastic comics-art variety. Why'd alien 'beings' from another dimension, resembling man-wolves, kidnap and study a New England human schoolteacher (for sport)? Were they the fallen angels of Lucifer or something (wow)? In Amlan Satan's bedroom now hung a cool UFO-fantasy poster-art image, a reflection of his newfound schoolteacher/writing interest and hand-axes investments in faerie-tales and Earth-realm myth or mythology (sure). His camping college-buds maintained he was speaking truths (for abduction/invasion/aliens lore in the post-9/11 era American Homeland of incomplete-distances readings for the 'matter' of the Ego!). Amlan knew he didn't hallucinate a minute. Whatever those abduction minds were, they (certainly) wanted us (all!) to think Mr. Satan had become a Selfie-culture messenger of the 'sport' of human/social dogma (for leviathan). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing