The Prince and the PartingA Story by Abishai100A wife puts a time-capsule testimony of her hubby's disappearance post-venture of a vampire-legend helmet.
Vampires get to our natural Earthly curiosity about incomplete dogma, and this one is one such yarn. Thanks for reading (Happy Summer),
---- ==== I know not what happened to my darkened prince, my hubby, Amlan Satan, who trekked to Europe as an anthropologist-writer, after receiving a stranger invite by a dark-man claiming he'd entice my darling's natural sensibility-fascination or (unnatural!) curiosity about the very real presence/existence of vampires, of the immortal undead of blood-ingestion dark magic of Selfie-consumerism commentary readings cultures of lifestyle gone nerdy or mysterious (for the Ego!). I relate this tale to you, my audience, of a future-time/world, so that vampire-lore remains undead, so that my darling's pursuit, pre-gifting of a cool classic white auto before he departed (forever!), not go in incomplete vanity. Perchance he was converted or brainwashed or destroyed by that dark-man claiming he had uncanny knowledge of the machinery and logistics of vampire-existence and consciousness (Selfie-like). I remained to keep the memoir/memory of my darkened prince, Amlan Satan, my darling, and I fashion myself as his wonderful-teller, and though he vanished from the good Earth known to me (or my friends!), I remain in fashionable 'good' vanity to serve you, my audience, as an oracle-scribes woman or 'Circe' of his dark misadventure, in my estimations of Selfie-culture leviathan (ok). Amlan Satan had reached his Euro-currency examination hostel-station and conferred with me by telephone and assured me his quest remained incomplete but exciting. Though I remain ignorant of his ultimate fate, I know I was his past, and he shall be my shadowy and welcomed memory for life. Where did he go? Are vampires real? Had he been infused into a vampire universe by the dark-man who drew him to that Euro-post (Selfie-like)? You must study this further (for the Ego). DRACULA: You doubted I was real, prince of Earth? AMLAN: My wife awaits my safe-return to the American Homeland, vampire. DRACULA: You've two choices here and now, prince...conversion...or death. AMLAN: My wife will recount what she knows (best) of the good-Earth we shared. DRACULA: You speak with the tongue-honey of valor and decide! AMLAN: My choice marks me as Mister Destiny, vampire. DRACULA: You said it (Selfie-like). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing