Ex-Intelligence: Robin B+A Story by Abishai100Amlan and Raki (Ronin of Earth) find French roadways underground IQ and contemplate the words of sport-devils.
A world-intelligence adventure tale inspired by the excellent ex-intelligence/mercenary film Ronin (John Frankenheimer). Thanks for reading,
---- ==== AMLAN: What's this Baroness want with diamonds from Arles, pal? RAKI: Ex-intelligence of Earth ask too little to get too too much, pal. AMLAN: You know of the myth of the Ronin --- displaced warriors. RAKI: Selfie-like. As Amlan/Raki prepped their French toast diamond black market misadventure for the Baroness, they knew their status as Earth-Ronin prompted special field goal intuition for the hand-axes of all that'd become capitalism's insurance intelligence in the underground for treasure-islands corruptions, but Amlan wondered if Raki was still intelligence (CIA). Was this good for tourism or fiction? BARONESS: Good work, heroes. AMLAN/RAKI: Is this for Olympics-diamonds ads or for the UK storyboard? BARONESS: Which one of you still intelligence, heroes? AMLAN/RAKI: Hey, hey...we're simply mercs here for the art (e.g., Van Gogh). BARONESS: Good (Selfie-like!). Raki vanished post-mission, while Amlan took-in some of the Arles-art that made that French toast town an icon spot of Earth, still wondering if he parted-ways with a man trying to scheme his way into the pocket-billiards info-environment of the Baroness-universe (blood-diamonds?). Was Ronin language simply adjective for field goal dialysis (hmmm)? "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing