![]() Clothing-Handed-MonetaryA Story by Abishai100![]() Can sports-and-TV culture infuse capitalism complexity with journalism-dialysis for revelations in 'weakness' superstition for the West?![]()
A sports-capitalism blended world-society fortune 'intelligence' vignette drawn from varied media (e.g., The Last Boy Scout).
---- ==== AMLAN: Our college-pro dual media-marketing football card/image is diamond-ties! DANICA: Sounds-dialysis for leviathan; net-fanfare for mod-age of crime/terrorism. AMLAN: Doesn't television ease that beast of capitalism-aesthetics ambition-dangers? DANICA: Super Bowl TV-revenue 'culture' and college-football Saturday TV is hosting. AMLAN: That's why it's invaluable to monitor this sports-arena black market fear! DANICA: Sounds-dialysis for leviathan; gem-ads 'education' for football's Selfie-read. ![]() Wow, Amlan and Danica, sports journalists in the American Homeland, cast a special college-pro dual-athlete 'celebrity' image/card of a very-special tight-end football player whose shine in college (Heisman) and pro-level (Hall of Famer) reflected a TV-culture capitalism 'ethos' net-commentary symbolism for what made socialized/networked/televised athletics and competition-windows excellence for American 'aesthetic' in the vanities of choreographed team/city/institution fanfare and following for a Selfie-helmets 'lifestyle' read. It's why this new 'troubles' with football/TV culture diamond-ads consciousness ties with some diamond black market 'troubles' cast doubt and moved the two journalists of Western excellence to explore the Rationalism behind the assignment of a new hot-rookie detective-cop (Officer Charlie) in a football-TV diamond storages/merchandising explosion superstition for the books. ![]() Now, Officer Charlie was considered the new 'Sherlock Holmes' in this football environment/TV exploration of the symbolism between ties of competitive televised activity (sports!) and capitalism reflections of network linked American Homeland teamwork/fanfare/exchanges trophies (sure). This new diamond black market circulations superstition in the football environment (college/pro TV 'culture') for ads between game-time moments for national audiences (e.g., Pro Bowl, Notre Dame TV) cast Officer Charlie as the right-stuff messager for Amlan and Danica's new and fascinating treasure/trophies football-TV culture securities for 'confidence' thinking and why sports/coaching/commentary required a simply absolute helmet-distance from the darker 'universe' of fortune's dodecahedron crimes-and-vanities (wow). ![]() INTERVIEW: So, this gem-underground for football-TV ads-circles 'hype' is poverty? OFFICER CHARLIE: There's some proof of football team/school rings for consumers. INTERVIEW: Black market diamonds making-inways into jewelry/fashion, eh? OFFICER: It's like the invisibility of vanity's complications reach warehouse level. INTERVIEW: There's some centralized hub of bad-items management! OFFICER: Clothing handed monetary (Selfie-like). INTERVIEW: Damn (thanx). ![]() Folks, Amlan and Danica had much on their proverbial mod-Earth (21st-Century) media-culture plate of competition/teamwork/fanfare/TV links with capitalism reflections and trophies/treasures symbolism (sure). They pondered about that helmet-quality of patriot-intelligence adventurism storyboards and cinema and comics richly and 'liberally' exploring why Earth-resources management would invoke a journal-adverb for all that's become 'end zone' superstition (for the Ego). ![]() "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing