![]() Catching the DodgerA Story by Abishai100![]() Can a world-hopping eco-fortune musketeer for media-class paint in adventurism create languages/lines for Earth's capitalism cleat (e.g., blood-diamonds)?![]()
A bright capitalism-daydream (epic) fanfiction of the fortune-engineering themes from the Spielberg-superstitious film Catch Me If You Can (Leo DiCaprio), which I hope you'll like. Thanks for reading,
---- ==== Let me tell you the tale of a real-world Artful Dodger who crafted himself as an eco-capitalism faerie-messenger of treasure-islands languages for special insurance-duty intelligence-imagery for the diamonds underworld of smugglers/profits Earth-minerals mining bad-air of superstitious Earth field goals leviathan. Follow along. ![]() READER: You claim you're that merry-man of airport-gem stores infiltrations? MR. AMLAN SATAN ('Artful Dodger'): This is eco-crusade languages for Selfie-like! READER: Why all this work with blood-diamonds smugglers profits-adjective? MR. AMLAN SATAN: There's a consumerism-citizenry commentary personality, yes? READER: So, you claim you're that airport merry-man for Selfie-capitalism game. MR. AMLAN SATAN: What's to doubt for commerce-traffic patriotism-fantasy? READER: How much airport-gem treasures have you swapped with glass-toys? MR. AMLAN SATAN: That question weight is your arm, surely; Selfie-mall class. ![]() Mr. Amlan Satan fashioned himself as a creative street-insurance treasure-islands insurance-gossip hyperbole-artist and hopped from gem-stores from airport to airport, entering each outfit with mask/costume and wielding water-guns filled with HCL and claiming he offered jewelry-substitutions offers for varied Ion-company pieces with conflict-zone gem-mining gossip/rumor/scandals and created an Earth width (Interpol-relation?) diamonds-insurance rumor circle for the infrastructure 'confidence' of shopping complex cleat (for the Ego!). ![]() READER: You think you're Peter Pan or James Bond or Robin Hood, friend? MR. AMLAN SATAN: I'm in Mardi-Gras for consumerism-theater for hype, pal. READER: This is some faerie-tale for capitalism's arms, yes? MR. AMLAN SATAN: Facebook-like (kingdom-share). ![]() When this Artful Dodger for eco-capitalism (blood-diamonds game) deeds made an acid-gun swap for rumored/insured conflict-zone gems swaps with replicas on Halloween Day, we all wondered if his special airport-theater art performance thievery for masked/costumed gestures for treasure-islands insurance superstitions/paranoia was some Artful Dodger line/language for the cleats of capitalism's Earth field goal dancing (ok). ![]() READER: You're that Artful Dodger merry-man, you say? MR. AMLAN SATAN: I've swapped rumored/insured blood-diamonds with toys! READER: You've a special James Bond heroine-muse for air-transit Romanticism? MR. AMLAN SATAN: An air-transit flight-attendant lady (Esmerelda). READER: What's all this hype with blood-diamonds seeping out of Africa? MR. AMLAN SATAN: My work with airports/banks for gems is cartoon-bread. READER: For the Ego, no? MR. AMLAN SATAN: For the great capitalism-empire story of beautiful-myths. READER: You're Batul the Great. MR. AMLAN SATAN: Fiction's cleat (thanx). ![]() Amlan Satan enjoyed a Chinese delicacy at an airport-restaurant dive and wondered if all this capitalism race super vision for vigilante-veiled story cast him as a special cinema-faerie for the hospitality-line of Earth's football (sure). ![]() INTERVIEW: Are you a pirate for eco-capitalism splendor? MR. AMLAN SATAN: Don't doubt it, friend. INTERVIEW: What's all this airport-store gem-swap hype for smugglers-fiction? MR. AMLAN SATAN: Wasn't Peter Pan a sort of pirate for paranoia? INTERVIEW: Citizen watch for diamonds-light? MR. AMLAN SATAN: Facebook-like! ![]() Years later, we find our protagonist 'antihero-prince' of Artful Dodger adjective, Mr. Amlan Satan, living in a Homeland-Jersey suburbia -prototype suburbia small-town of incomplete-distances readings for capitalism/consumerism class storytelling capitalization (Echelon) enjoying his (earned?) blood-diamond case commissions driving a vintage-classic American-auto and thinking (deeply-now) of the machinery behind fortune's colored-glass (for a universal helmet). Was this an American Dream (for Earth class)? ![]() "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing