Belfast DownsA Story by Abishai100Portrait of eco-capitalism 'examination' for fare-rich UK's expression for Western arms/hands for inventive social media field goals.
A world commerce/pluralism dodecahedrons vignette featuring a reference to the UK-diarism complication-organization known as the IRA, with a very-special spotlight for relevant/modern eco-capitalism 'dogma' (for social media journal imagery). Inspired loosely by the American films The Devil's Own (Harrison Ford) and Blood Diamond (Leo DiCaprio). Thanks so much for reading (and Happy Father's Day!),
DISCLAIMER: This work of politics drama/fiction offers no ties to any representative person(s)/body (e.g., UK-Parliament) and all images/references used herein comprise a purely 'personal' expression for social art (for 'open' interpretation). ---- ==== Mr. Amlan Satan darted to fare-rich Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) for an eco-capitalism intercept of blood-diamonds heading into already commerce-challenging Belfast from African shores with smugglers-roads extraction corruption for pirate/profiteer corruption IQ, which created negative superstitions about black-market consumerism destabilizing consumerism-geared Catholic-Protestants street-customs/exchanges for Parliament policy talks concerning capitalism oriented economics-cleats. This was his Selfie-consumerism commentary culture readings for the 'nerdists' of Western diary, for pronounced declarations authority/governance in social media 'matter' (e.g., Middle East petrol-politics) news. BANK MANAGER: This guy walked into the Belfast on Halloween. INTERVIEW: Masked theater-claim for media-photos for insurance. BANK MANAGER: Used his street-theater prop water-gun with acid. INTERVIEW: Burned the Ion-co. box; swapped gems with glass-toys. BANK MANAGER: Glass animal toys; rumored/insured blood-diamonds. INTERVIEW: Used a mock-hostage, an inn-housekeeper (Shelbye). BANK MANAGER: Crawled out bank-restroom and left insurance note. INTERVIEW: What did it read, friend? INTERVIEW: Good (thanx!). The real 'twist' of Satan's Halloween eco-capitalist 'deed' for insurance-gossip drawing (Interpol-relation?) examination-eye concerned the mock-hostage for the Halloween Day bank-theater, Shelbye, a nearby Belfast-inn housekeeper Amlan met while lodging there, disclosing his eco-capitalism passions to her and discovering her problem in Belfast (UK). You see, she was being harassed en-route to work (walking) by a gang of Black/Tans descendants (Protestants) because she'd been blogging about eco-capitalism 'measure' for enhanced Catholic-Protestant exchanges for politics-engineering/creativity. She wanted to be part of Mr. Satan's plans/record for Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) art. SHELBYE: I saw that film Michael Collins (Liam Neeson). SATAN: That's excellent, Ms. O'Hara...sounds-dialysis for leviathan. SHELBYE: So, I knew of Black and Tans 'matter' for news/journals! SATAN: These gang-juveniles claim they're 'descendants' with hazing. SHELBYE: Didn't appreciate eco-matter for Catholic-Protestant ties, sir. SATAN: Glad you're on-board, Mr. O'Hara...sounds-dialysis for leviathan. SHELBYE: Selfie-like! When the gang-members showed-up one glorious sunny Saturday-AM in Belfast-UK in a convertible to haze/jeer at Shelbye's working-window, Amlan Satan peered out in mask and threw a Molotov-cocktail and shooed them away; as they thought all the recent street 'buzz' concerning incomplete-distances readings for eco-capitalism 'matter' for (Interpol-relation?) examination-eye gossip was drawing stronger Catholic-Protestant (insider?) forces of darkness for waged/gauged inter-religious eco-cleats for pluralism image (wow). GIRLFRIEND: Happy you're back in Boston-town, Amlan Satan. AMLAN: Thanx...Selfie-like. GIRLFRIEND: Made you Irish-stew for Saint Patrick's Day, Amlan Satan. AMLAN: Thanx...Selfie-like. GIRLFRIEND: You've the face of someone who rescued a damsel! AMLAN: Thanx...Selfie-like. GIRLFRIEND: You've the arm of a man engaged with leviathan-memoir. AMLAN: Thanx...Selfie-like. "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
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