Meaning of Lost BoysA Story by Abishai100Should an Earth prince seek Neverland folklore-image or delve into vampire-consciousness to nevertheless yield a 'human' color?
Vampires are such summer fun, so here's a random-one featuring a 'cool' reference to Peter Pan's Lost Boys (JM Barrie), which I think you'll like,
---- ==== Isaiah was studying social patterns of flight-traffic claustrophobia in the Western world of incomplete-distances readings of life-linked dodecahedrons and knew he'd be able to contour symbolism from JM Barrie's flight-boys squad of swordsman-adventurist fantasia-land faeries known as the Lost Boys, 'the army' of flying Peter Pan of iconic cartoon/folklore legend and maps, with the Earth 'helmets' of transit and Selfie-culture image of everyday sanity. He'd been invited to a special reading of unusual texts at an investor's place in New England when he discovered the gathering was one of vampire-worshippers, with the host perchance being a real vampire who wished to challenge Isaiah's fascination (intellectually) with Lost Boys image, insisting that the real 'lost-boys' of Earth estates and gorges were not faeries...but vampires (Selfie-like). READER: The Lost Boys of Neverland are flights of fancy and frills. ISAIAH: They represent the control-consciousness of escapism, friend. READER: The concept of 'lost-boys' of Earth being youth-vampire gangs is IQ, no? ISAIAH: This text-contour of Neverland and invasion-superstition is bloody cool. READER: So why not make the leap of faith, writing-man? ISAIAH: Some things better left to the pillow, friend (ok?). READER: Sure. Isaiah met a gorgeous young 'maiden' at the party/gathering that eve, and she insisted she needed rescue, as she'd been a housekeeper turned vampire-coven hand-servant of frailty, and Isaiah knew he was the hero for the Romanticism, given her frail beauty, which he'd fallen for instantly. However, she was a vampire. Would she stay with him now? Would he become a Lost Boy of Earth? STORY_EXCERPT: "Was she someone I had premonition of at a super market or something...for this lady of bloody-angel visage had become my very-human face of Earth-transit...and perchance we find a 'Peter Pan' for any vampire-dodecahedron for the lines of end zones (for anyone)?" "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing