Football-CA Story by Abishai100Does sports offer nutrition (Vitamin-C) for the image of performance/doctorates and superstitions-dodecahedrons for helmets?
A sports-diorama inspired by the American football 'dialysis' film/concept, Any Given Sunday (Oliver Stone), which I hope you like,
DISCLAIMER: This work of sports fanfiction offers no ties to any representative person(s)/body (e.g., NBC) and is cast as purely a 'personal' expression for social art (for 'open' interpretation). ---- ==== AMLAN: This Notre Dame spirits AFC Tim Brown card is all-star IQ for helmets. DANICA: Tim Brown was a great Raider (TE); he's college-pro dual-excellence! AMLAN: Good Selfie-fanfare culture reading for sports-windows personality/IQ. DANICA: Do you prefer the Raiders or Irish angle with Mr. Brown? AMLAN: Don't we like both (sounds-dialysis)? Amlan and Danica, siblings of different parents of a remarriage, composed a special multicultural (Algerian/Irish-American) duet for sports-windows diagrams for this 'fantastic' Tim Brown AFC-football card re-presentation invoking the African-American athlete's dual-excellence IQ for college and pro-football level spirits competition/media. After all Notre Dame boasted that excellent NBC-TV dodecahedron, and the Raiders had become Western football competitive dodecahedrons for audiences/style. AMLAN: Does Tim Brown get sufficient Vitamin-C? DANICA: Why ask? AMLAN: Sitting in this hotel-lobby, en-route to this football marketing conference. DANICA: Thinking of the nutrition-value of composition hospitality/travel, eh? AMLAN: Athlete interest/investment reflects Homeland amenity for dialysis, no? DANICA: Surely (yeah). Sure, you get plenty of Vitamin-C from oranges in the Orange-State, which is where Amlan/Danica headed to from their Homeland-Jersey hotel-station en-route to a football marketing/bureaucracy-art conference, and surely, Notre Dame and the Raiders had found their way at some point to Florida for football (e.g., Dolphins/Florida-State). Did Tim Brown get sufficient Vitamin-C during his college/professional career in the Homeland? AMLAN: Did you see Invictus (Clint Eastwood)? DANICA: Sounds-dialysis; sports and politics divisions (South Africa). AMLAN: Great reference for Gladiator (Ridley Scott), no? DANICA: Performance meets 'dogma' for media/culture adverbs, doll. AMLAN: We're a cool duet for languages of personality (art)! DANICA: Superstitions always engender dialysis for TV/art (yeah). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing