Atlantic FranticA Story by Abishai100Crossing-Atlantic vacation-seekers make discovery for a 'leviathan' in UK-danger, in this 'bright' fanfiction of Polanski's Harrison Ford gem about Romanticism-dictionaries.
An adaptation of that gripping late-20th Century paranoia-gem of inventive tourism-superstition/insanity, Frantic (Roman Polanski), set in the UK.
---- ==== INSPECTOR: You say you and Ezzy (wife) hoped to cross-Atlantic for vacation-dream. MR. AMLAN SATAN (Amlan): That's right, Inspector; we checked into a Belfast-suite Monday. INSPECTOR: You were in the shower for extended-time; and she simply vanished. AMLAN: She'd been a jewelry-treasures blogger for our Selfie-culture consumerism planet. Poor Mr. Satan felt nothing less than frantic for his examination of Belfast-streets of superstitious paranoia concerning kidnappings, when his darling new-wife (Ezzy) vanished from their Northern Ireland (UK) suite in the time-span when Amlan was showering in the bathroom/tub. Speeding to the police, Amlan was given a special day-guide Inspector aide who went to all the cues/clues the distressed hubby could offer. INSPECTOR: What if she left with a guest...adultery? AMLAN: My wife's a faithful lady, Inspector; let's inquire of some nearby buildings/shops. INSPECTOR: Good for Belfast-tourism social media, Mr. Satan...police/tourist aiding. AMLAN: Facebook-like (excellent). Amlan and the Inspector went to a nearby garden-store by the Belfast inn and found-out that Ezzy was (indeed!) there, some time that morning, while Mr. Satan showered. The lady was escorted by two young men, and she was in a 'stunning' blue-dress Amlan was not familiar with and gave him concern (wow). GARDEN STORE OWNER: She posed for some Facebook or something photo. INSPECTOR: Were the escorts forcing her by gun or something? OWNER: No, but one had her well in-arms by his side, Inspector. AMLAN: Was she crying? OWNER: No, she seemed to simply be quiet and cooperative, Mr. Satan. INSPECTOR: Facebook-like (good). Amlan and his aide (the Inspector in Belfast) did some street shops touring and then some backgrounds checks concerning what Mr. Satan did (indeed!) know about Ezzy's social-media culture 'fascination' with jewelry-blogging. Perchance she blurted some vacation-info about them staying at the Belfast suite from which she simply vanished, requiring Amlan to make frantic scopes/scales for Northern Ireland (UK) transit/tourism 'dodecahedrons' of police infrastructure (for all!). INSPECTOR: What did you eat for breakfast that morning, Amlan? AMLAN: Why ask? INSPECTOR: Did Ezzy make any comments about luxury or jewelry ideas for blogs? AMLAN: Well, yes...she did in fact mention she made some blog-photos of blood-gems. INSPECTOR: Aha, Conflict-zone gems 'superstitions' in 'commerce complex' Northern Ireland. AMLAN: What, you think this was some IRA-nonsense, Inspector? INSPECTOR: Perchance your darling's made-way into roadway of luxury-skeptics (streets). AMLAN: At least Irish breakfast is not fiction (damn). EZZY: I was terrified, darling! AMLAN: Jesus Christ, Esmerelda...not Facebook-like. EZZY: I'd this (secret) green-emerald eco-symbolism jewelry I blogged about some time prior. AMLAN: And the men who 'snatched' you were some NI-UK eco-capitalism feud-warriors, eh? EZZY: They wanted to make some pawn-sacrifice game of bad-tourism chess, darling. AMLAN: Bad chess for bad least the BBC will inquire of treasure-islands. EZZY: Hopefully Interpol-relations, Mr. Satan (good). AMLAN: Selfie-like! Wow, that jewelry-set Ezzy brought to Belfast for vacation in the UK with Mr. Amlan Satan post-blog about eco-capitalism superstitions/charms in the Western 'worldly' expressions of incomplete-distances readings for treasure-islands super vision drew the ire of a local feud between warring capital-pirates of opposing sides, with one seeking some bad-tourism prestige-media to wage 'dodecahedrons' against the other (wow). Fortunately, the Inspector helped put some cues together and managed to make leads from a local jewelry outfit (Northern Ireland) that led Amlan to a negotiation with a pronounced ransom offer-man at a nightclub later that day, and Amlan agreed to 'gift' the kidnappers 1/2 of Ezzy's green-emerald treasures in-exchange for her soul, before the Inspector popped out from hiding/stalking and shot the ransom-man before he was able to fire his revolver (not Selfie-like). Amlan and Ezzy successfully returned to the American Homeland, less-frantic, and completed their vacation at a Homeland-Jersey branch-hotel where they enjoyed a cool Netflix download of Blood Diamond (Leo DiCaprio). JOURNAL EXCERPT: "This darling-Earth of fare-rich incomplete-distances, with tourism/capital woe, makes for pluralism consumerism length-measures for simplified leviathan...and that's what a tourist-eye may see, in a region of commerce/life 'complexity' like Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), where treasure-islands 'TV' and lore makes for the hand-axes of inventive...socialized...troubles (for all!)." EZZY: Sounds-dialysis for language-arts, love. AMLAN: We escaped without the leviathan. EZZY: You think those evildoers were rogue IRA/UVF? AMLAN: Who knows, perchance 'descendants' of another gang entirely, darling. EZZY: You were frantic, no? AMLAN: Without doubt, Esmerelda (thanx). EZZY: Was this the Kingdom-expression made for adventure-saints, Mr. Satan? AMLAN: Without doubt (Selfie-like). EZZY: Good. "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing