Crowned Touch/Down

Crowned Touch/Down

A Story by Abishai100

Narrated sarcasm-portrait of what makes capitalism-treasure consciousness for Western-Earthling media/cinema a view for fortune's special 'risk' politique.

A fictional portrait of Crown Jewels intrigue placed in-contest with world-politics confusions, inspired (very-loosely) by the treasures-paranoia brilliance from the iconic theft-doubts Pink Panther franchise, which I think you'll like, 


Do you know how I figured a special Crown Jewels heist from the UK while in a gas-station restroom thinking about the paranoia surrounding blood-diamonds for eco-capitalism street-insurance hyperbole in the Western world in my Selfie-consumerism commentary culture age of petrol-politics for citizenry-dodecahedrons?

We were a trio of 'merry-men' who entered the Crown-Jewels exhibition in the UK on Halloween-Day claiming we'd been eco-capitalism photo-messengers of treasures for blood-diamonds superstitions and swapped the fabled royalty-pieces with premade replicas while one of us was dancing with the escorting/lone guardsman in front of the security-cameras for a costumed/masked social-media 'theater' worth its weight in Earth's special piracy-marketing for the Ego.

GUARDSMAN: They left-behind some toylands-gun symbol for insurance-politics.
INTERVIEW: Were they Interpol-relations gents or eco-capitalism comic artists?
GUARDSMAN: We thought they were Irish Republican Army; but I liked their toy.
INTERVIEW: Was this some UK-treasure insurance 'hype' for eco-capitalism books?
GUARDSMAN: Honestly, this was some cyber-traffic adverb for blood-diamonds IQ.
INTERVIEW: Why'd African conflict-zone gems make it to the United Kingdom?
GUARDSMAN: I honestly think this is some Parliament (prepaid) theater for toys.
INTERVIEW: Aha, it's some museum-expression for eco-capitalism 'field' goals.

We acquired this special deed from the UK-fortress/palace and made for an eco-capitalism follow-up with a flare-setting on Thanksgiving for special hospitality-reading for pre-Xmas consumerism 'insurance' paranoia, while my girlfriend stood on London-Bridge for social media photo-journal expressions of capitalism's 21st-Century paranoia-writers in a 'cinema' hyperbole (wow!).

I never thought I'd become an eco-capitalism extra credits vigilante, despite my conscious fascination with the work of Edward Abbey, but this Halloween-Thanksgiving-Xmas 'deed' found me a cyber-faces traffic diplomat of the costumed festivity of all that'd become Western/Earthling 'field' goals for citizenry-doctorate and commercial-life vanities (damn).

“Her ears felt pinched. She reached up, realizing that she'd accidentally slept in the diamond earrings from the Crown Jewels Collection" (Katherine McGee, American Royals).

I made toast of the Crown Jewels eco-capitalism micro-celeb 'miracle' with an (Indian) luchi-bread thanksgiving-diner plate chat(s) to count myself in the annals of great capitalism-race vanities heroics, among the avatars/legends of fortune-reading like James Bond and Robin Hood; and I thought to myself that I'd become, alongside my UK-allies for that Halloween-Thanksgiving-Xmas deed, something of a creator for sportsmanship-draft. Do you agree?

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2024 Abishai100

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Added on May 18, 2024
Last Updated on May 18, 2024
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
