First Knight WireA Story by Abishai100A toy-man fan reviews with psychiatry his American Homeland fascination with a first-knight robot-avatar toy (Transformers) for Earth space for Selfie-dimension.
A world-media yarn featuring avatar-imagery and toylands-dodecahedrons from the robots-books media franchise Transformers, which includes comics, cinema, cartoons, and stickers too.
---- ==== MR. AMLAN SATAN: "This Ultra-Magnus (G1) 'classic' mod-civilization robot avatar toy, a first-knight hero-figure who mechanically shape-shifts into a magical roadways truck requires a special psychiatry session of what's my interest for my Selfie-age of life/traffic linked mobilization machinery intelligence!" PSYCHIATRIST: Perchance it's a roadways cue for mobilized field goals, Amlan. SATAN: I like how Ultra-Magnus typifies first-knight mezzanines. PSYCHIATRIST: You have some roadways fascination with army-mezzanines? SATAN: A first-knight 'avatar' (and hence its reflection toy) catches confidence. PSYCHIATRIST: You like the 'image' of confidence for skill or arts for personality. SATAN: I like the idea of categories for decisions for skill-contribution/mobility! PSYCHIATRIST: You've a special 'first-knight' fascination with field goals, Amlan. SATAN: I'm an overachiever; and my robot-toy is antiterrorism mobility framing. PSYCHIATRIST: I get it; you like sculpting the 'cinema' of toylands dodecahedrons. SATAN: Fine (let's proceed, doc!). PSYCHIATRIST: Are you a fan of Blood Diamond (Leo DiCaprio)? SATAN: Why'd you ask, doc? PSYCHIATRIST: Seems to me you're interest concerns 'worldly' mobilizations! SATAN: I know it's some eco-capitalism languages; you think I'm magazine-man. PSYCHIATRIST: Are you (Facebook-like)? PSYCHIATRIST: Where were you on 9/11? SATAN: Holiday Inn Express (Homeland-Jersey)...watched on lobby/lounge TV. PSYCHIATRIST: What came to mind? SATAN: guess it. PSYCHIATRIST: Did you post commentary? SATAN: I did...something about tourism threats to mod-Earth (dodecahedrons). PSYCHIATRIST: Aha, Facebook-like...overachievers 'sense' dodecahedrons. Mr. Satan gained much from his psychiatrist-review for his 'dodecahedron' interest in his new (magical!) robot-avatar toy (Transformers) with his trusted counselor in the American Homeland and perchance found an enhanced 'dialysis' for his Selfie-consumerism commentary culture of incomplete-lines readings for the quality of life's environmental distances...for TV helmets! "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing