Mileena/Sindel: Outworld Boots

Mileena/Sindel: Outworld Boots

A Story by Abishai100

Outworld visitors seek Earth-world expression and a trophy for symbolic deeds and engage with a prince of capitalism's downs.

A 'love-letter' to the combat-phenomenal graphics-heavy video-game 'empire' that became Mortal Kombat. Hope you like, 


SINDEL: We find Earth-realm prince for solar-system IQ and trophy.
MILEENA: Excellence for trophy vanities, my Queen; game of Hell.
SINDEL: We return to Outworld with some trophy image for IQ.
MILEENA: A good expression for defiance to Kahn's new schema.
SINDEL: We'll become Barbies of Outworld rebellion for capitalism.
MILEENA: Excellence for darkness, my Queen (Facebook-like!).

Friends, Mileena and Sindel found the ideal Earthling-prince for a trophy-quest to return to their own dominion (Outworld) for a choreographed image-rich graphic defiance of a horrid kingdom of power-dehydrations, a New England dentist who doubled as a cyber-blogging (Catholic!) eco-capitalism (masked!) idealist 'superstitions' writer, Dr. Amlan Satan, who thought of the 21st-Century Blue-Planet 'anathema' of blood-diamonds seepage/extraction from African shores a serious Selfie-consumerism commentary 'culture' darkness requiring adverbs for (simplified) democratic dodechaedrons.

DR. SATAN: Me finds an ideal football card for Bowl-revenue chats.

SINDEL/MILEENA: Good looks for capitalism 'racer' thinking, doc.
DR. SATAN: What do you sirens seek (in Earth-realm) now?
SINDEL/MILEENA: You've some Bowl-card memoir for revenue-IQ?
DR. SATAN: Perchance I've a special Brady-Bledsoe (QB) pairing.
SINDEL/MILEENA: A solar-system football field foal flare, doc?
DR. SATAN: For a racer image in revenue tied with treasures.
SINDEL/MILEENA: We'll get replicas for Outworld (good).
DR. SATAN: Seems I've offered 'education' in universal dialysis.
SINDEL/MILEENA: Keep secret, doc; our quest is Revolution.
DR. SATAN: Facebook-like (good for consumerism/television!).

Friends, Mileena/Sindel found the 'cool-customer' for capitalism value in Earth-realm in the work/imagery created by Dr. Amlan Satan who'd been gifted a special reflective American Homeland history-culture chess-set art-piece for a bureau consideration of how his chess-ties with consumerism and media and sportsmanship and eco-capitalism on the Blue-Planet of incomplete-dodecahedrons rendered a special 'leviathan' evasion for defenses in socialized, choreographed craftsmanship. The two lady-warriors of Outworld returned to their (own) dominion with a newfound crystal-clear image of special/bound vanity (for the brains!).

"Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). 

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2024 Abishai100

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Added on May 10, 2024
Last Updated on May 10, 2024
Tags: Mortal Kombat (Adaptations)




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
