Football's WintryA Story by Abishai100Can Orange-State swamplands football 'field goal' fanfare yield expression for Western/American social media diet (for all)?
A sports culture image inspired (loosely) by Any Given Sunday (Oliver Stone). Enjoy!
---- ==== AMLAN: This sports field goal case for Orange-State cheer is winter-bureau. RAKI: Relax, there's space for comforts in Selfie-commentary culture's arts! AMLAN: We'll make a field goal expression for my Marino-card IQ (youngsters!). RAKI: Fan of Ace Ventura, pal? AMLAN: Surely (yeah). RAKI: Me wonders what my bud Amlan makes of my Selfie-post of Bowl-TV, ha. Amlan/Raki found their Marino-trophy item a special (American Homeland) football-culture expression for superstitions in Bowl-TV culture, a Marino-gem of great (Upper-Deck) value, despite the fact that the Dolphins-celeb had never acquired Super Bowl laurels, despite having been cast alongside the ranks of great never-wons, which is why they wanted to use the QB-image for TV-culture for fans who don't get to embrace Bowl-sofa pretzels (ever!). READER: So one of you two heroes are from the East/Asia. AMLAN/RAKI: Amlan (yeah). READER: Don't masses gather to bathe in a spirit-river (India)? AMLAN/RAKI: They do...goddess Ganges (Hinduism), friend. READER: Swamplands extension symbolism for no-Bowl fan-languages, eh? AMLAN/RAKI: Why not...Ganges' cheers (ok). READER: The Dolphins will win someday. AMLAN/RAKI: Many might agree (Facebook-like). READER: Fine. Were they right? Would Orange-State swamplands superstitions cast a line for no-Bowl sofa-cheers for (American Homeland) citizenry for spiritual sports-windows fanfare imagery/arts? After all, wasn't American capitalism/competitiveness more than just about that 'dodecahedrons' win (for life)? Was this a new 'brand' of social media culture 'friendly' language(s) dictionaries for the Ego? "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing