Faerie Dawn-Riders

Faerie Dawn-Riders

A Story by Abishai100

Faeries traverse into our dimension as disguised 'humanoids' (citizens/soldiers/messengers) and bring relief to Eastern/Europe for diagrams of dawn.

A story of how/why faeries give us a sense of 'fantastic' dread. Thanks for reading, 

A host of faeries transformed into humanoids to aid mankind during the troubles in Northern Ireland and Russia-Ukraine, to facilitate the stabilization of Europe and Western civilization during the otherwise more 'grave' issue of Israel-Palestine.

A faerie is a multi-dimension winged humanoid with messages of magic/charm and omens of vanity or indulgence in times of great socialized dilemmas or vice(s). The faerie is both a friend and a harbinger of doom, and it must be weight whether their presence is one of optimism...or warning!

The faerie 'image' is one of ethereal charm or magic or even solitude or friendship. They're regarded as special 'sprites' or magical beings of strange ideas regarding social cohesion or individual freedoms. This gives the faerie an air of historical weight regarding the ornaments of basic idealism!

So, as our story continues, the host of mentioned faeries traverse a dimension-portal to become infused into the world of humanity as humanoids mingling with the armies and/or forces of the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) and Russia-Ukraine (Eastern Europe), giving the magical portal a special timeless feature.

The humanoids-transformed faeries in our dimension worked with things like blood-diamond traffic in Northern Ireland and Eastern Europe to stabilize commercial relations overground and reduce piracy fears during sectarian troubles and territorial wars in Belfast/Crimea.

Some of the transformed 'humanoid-faeries' who'd disguised themselves now (quite effectively) as human beings or 'citizens' of the world, were acting in capacities as diverse as soldiery and journalism, be they men/women/children!

You can't simply 'spot' or sight a faerie even if they're transformed humanoids, and their message is essentially one of patience and natural labor and the virtue wrought from such value. The faeries in Northern Ireland and Russia-Ukraine were multicultural in human-social appearance or 'visage' and re-presented a globalism worry regarding traffic securities in times of great social unrest...or poverty.

Some of the faeries were engaged in sports-demos on the world-stage during the troubles in Europe and Eastern Europe, and they therefore successfully brought ideas or messages of great human confidence in this era of great globalism complications. Since 9/11, the world had become on-edge about commercialized globalism structures/buildings, and this sports-demo activity during the troubles in Eastern/Europe revealed a special presentation of life's odd dances.

FAERIE: We come not with the words of eternity but with the humility understood in the condition(s) of pure dangers!

Yes, indeed had 9/11 scarred the face of Earth, and yes indeed did citizens of the entire world suddenly 'fear' the qualities of commercial infrastructure and the safety of attending public events in social arenas like Fenway Park and the Sydney Opera House, but the host of faeries now working in Eastern/Europe to bring ideas/sounds of calm were reminding us that this post-9/11 era was once of dangerous photography/imagination.

Perhaps the timed history of humanity engaged in uniformed stances of great socialized will or mobilization reveal our civilization sensibilities regarding the failures in shared spaces or governance confidence or even military foolishness, and the faeries now working in Eastern/Europe were messengers of the historic timelessness of human actions of great dreams.

The faerie may even invade the realm of the cyber-highway and take the 'identity' of video-game 'characters' like Lara Croft (adventurer-archaeologist) and Raiden (god of lightning) to remind the users/players of the cyber-matrix that engaged participant imaginations of valor, daring, fear, and weaponry remind us of the simple value of life's dangers.

Those faeries resembling human children meanwhile advocated the continued stabilization/security of commercial activities and consumerism conveniences and liberal Eastern/European access to clothing/goods stores for the basic objective of continued predictable grounds-customs (and play!). After all, this is the time of WalMart and Nickelodeon.

Faeries were (arguably) seen as humanoids in civilization's past, donned as appropriate Centurions in armor, ready to defend the 'sanity' of societies/states in times of great unrest or change that destabilize basic fibers of governance reliability or patterns.

You need not be Christian, Hindu, or Muslim to enjoy the medicinal value of a faerie-message or visit. However, you must regard such fanciful imaginations as re-presentative of a human curiosity about the creative 'face' of life's unusual qualities such as war, poverty, change, globalized competitiveness, and intellectual fervor (e.g., Computer Age). The faerie is a divinity-messenger simply reminding us of the magic of intelligible or communicable history. That's how they send images of idealism to the children of Eastern/Europe during the 'troubles' in civilization outside Israel-Palestine!

FAERIE: You might find our 'visage' in a simple Earth-field where a child in Asia plays with a 'host' of fireflies and dreams big.

Maybe a faerie might even deliver a 'product' of youthful play or recreation, since after all they offer us the special illumination of peace and calmness. In other words, the faerie is a 'teacher' of life direction and the 'toys' they might showcase would remind us of the socialized distances in times of sectarian woe or territorial journalism!

The faeries visiting Eastern/Europe succeeded in their unusual mission as transformed/disguised 'humanoids' integrated into civilization as citizens/soldiers/messengers and the woes of the United Kingdom and Eastern Europe gave way to new forms of social leadership, reporting, aid, sovereignty, education, tolerance, consumerism, and of course...doctoring.

"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2022 Abishai100

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Added on March 17, 2022
Last Updated on March 17, 2022
Tags: Fable, Adaptation




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
