Arrow/Lantern: The Hammond Mall*A Story by Abishai100An alternative form of Green Arrow and Green Lantern rise to prominence to stop a world druglord named Hammond who intends to pervert commercial vanities...and dogma!
Signing off with just a regular comic book story about an alternative Green Lantern and Green Arrow crime-world! Thanks for reading,
==== Green Arrow and Green Lantern (DC Comics) comic books had become quite iconic in American markets. They represented a comic book art interest in portraying superheroes/superhumans as bearers of great light and magical weaponry but with a special machismo drama that young boys found daring and cool. Arrow/Lantern comprised an important axis or duo-aesthetic in the American comic book market. A Chinese ninja named Han Lee decided to mimic Green Arrow (DC Comics) by training himself in the forest to become a super-archer. He trained an entire summer, honing his skills at handling and firing/releasing arrows from his bow. He carried one mechanical crossbow, and he carried one traditional manual bow. Lee started referring to himself as the Chinese Arrow and wanted to travel to America to tackle the nefarious international druglord Hector Hammond. Chinese Arrow now only needed a right partner. Chinese Arrow got his uniform and look from a fan profile presentation for a Halloween season Green Arrow (DC Comics) costume get-up scheme in a magazine. Chinese Arrow began assembling these items and/or fashioning some homemade items to present himself loudly as a real-life vigilante, if not a magical superhero. Chinese Arrow was now focused on the narcotics hellraiser Hector Hammond! Chinese Arrow put an ad on the Internet about being trained and training to deal with the global druglord Hector Hammond, who was currently based in California. Chinese Arrow found numerous interested individuals, mostly college students, who're willing to dress up like Robin Hood or vigilantes or 'hell angels' to tackle Hector Hammond using underground stealth tactics and of course masquerade! However, Chinese Arrow found all these 'applicants' were simply too young and hence would be too risky to take on as partners! Finally, Chinese Arrow got an Internet applicationf from an African-American, a young assistant professor at Georgetown. This African-American Georgetown professor was Dr. Thomas Washington, great descendant of the iconic African-American scientist George Washington Carver. Thomas Washington taught linguistics at Georgetown and was studying the forms and patterns of sociolinguistic development in the 'underworld' or world of narcotics and crime. Thomas Washington was intrigued by Chinese Arrow's intention to use vigilantism to deal with the druglord Hector Hammond. Chinese Arrow realized Thomas Washington was indeed passionate about ingenious crime-fighting and decided to don him African-American Green Lantern. Thomas started referring to himself as 'Green Lantern John Stewart' (DC Comics), the only ethnic minority Green Lantern in DC Comics from the entire legion of democracy defenders known as the Green Lantern Corps. Now, Chinese Arrow (Han Lee) and Green Lantern John Stewart (Thomas Washington) headed to the newly-constructed giant Pandora Shopping Mall (PSM) in California. The PSM was built with endorsements from the California governor after the Coronavirus quarantine ended. The PSM was co-endorsed and funded, in secret but rumored to be true in society circles and capitalism magazines, by none other than the infiltrating druglord Hector Hammond who seemed to have his fingers dipped in everything! Arrow/Lantern decided to go to the PSM and stake-out the rooftop by holding green-light assembled rifles that shot only tranquilizer-darts and crossbows fitted with soft-tip arrows laced with a potent sedative. When Arrow/Lantern would spot Hector Hammond approaching the PSM (Pandora Shopping Mall), they'd both take shots to knock him out and take him to a private location for interrogation! HECTOR HAMMOND: I've worked too much on this and spent too much time on this and spent too much mony on this Pandora mall in California to be disappointed in any way, so I intend to go there during its opening week in my brand-new silk suit and tie, to rebutt my critics who claim I dress too casually in public! Hammond showed up at the PSM and Lantern/Arrow both fired shots at him and at his bodyguards, knocking them all out! The vigilante-duo then carried Hector Hammond to an abandoned warehouse for interrogation. They discovered Hammond's narcotics syndicate was indeed privately sub-funding the Pandora Shopping Mall (PSM) which would serve as a capitalism totem for 21st Century commerce talks between America and Japan. This venture would yield much profits because of the communications and hardware industries. Arrow/Lantern noted how deformed Hector Hammond appeared because of his early-age toxic-waste spill contact/exposure accident in Japan and why kids rendered him with very strange comic book like caricatures, portraying him as a 'Jewish' Frankenstein! Arrow/Lantern decided to tell Hector Hammond that they's stop stalking him and call off any vigilante pursuits on his person if he conceded to simply retire with his money and vanish and travel to Nepal and just stay there as a wealthy hermit. If Hammond complied, he'd be pardoned for his involvements in various international narcotics-world rice and hardware. If he didn't comply, Arrow/Lantern would recruit more 'legions' of vigilantes who'd make Hammond seem to be a Frankenstein in the public. Hammond complied and as proof of his promise gave Arrow/Lantern a Vanity Fair painting of an African-American celebrity (to offer his 'personal pledge' to new world democratic media!). ARROW: Why'd you think Hammond conceded so easily? LANTERN: He knew there were legions rising to defame him! ARROW: Was he the prototypical victim of magazine-consciousness? LANTERN: He may be the first real criminal caught by gossip. ARROW: Cool. ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
© 2020 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing