![]() Aeneas/Racso: The Quarantine DeckA Story by Abishai100![]() Two indoor-life Americans, Ishmael and Isaac, engage in an online Lakers-Celtics video-game rivalry during the Coronavirus quarantine and draw attention to 21st Century dumbells.![]()
Here's a fun (last one!) Coronavirus quarantine prayer/fable referencing the Aeneid and Racso and the Rats of NIMH , two iconic works representing social/human duties, which I hope you will read and find inspiring! Thanks (signing off),
++++ ==== Everyone was inside during the Coronavirus quarantine. However, there was no real outdoor activity allure, since the NBA season was cancelled. Fans of the iconic Lakers-Celtics rivalry would have to toast their fanfare with Xbox video-games of Lakers-Celtics thrills. This didn't stop two fans, Isaac and Ishmael, a Celtic and a Laker. ![]() Isaac was a paranoid schizophrenic who washed his hands constantly during the quarantine with sanitizer. He wore masks often, even just to take out the trash. He was also a fanatical Celtics fan, having lived in Boston for some time and enjoying playing Celtics basketball video-games on his Xbox. Isaac was a Celtics superhero, masked of course. ![]() Isaac's girlfriend, an actress named Amherst Green, simply didn't understand his complete Celtics obsession, even during the Coronavirus global quarantine! ![]() Isaac often wore green argyle sweaters while playing Celtics video-games on the Xbox at home. ![]() Isaac even made Internet blogs of gorgeous models in iconic Irish styled costumes and outfits to signify his love of Irish sports such as Notre Dame Fightin' Irish college football and of course and especially the Celtics NBA team. ![]() Ishmael was Isaac's diametric opposite, a coolheaded Italian-American Lakers fan living in California during the Coronavirus quarantine. ![]() Ishmael was dating a drop-dead gorgeous L.A. Lakers cheerleader who was obviously sidelined during the quarantine when the NBA season was frozen because of the plague. ![]() Ishmael liked dressing in yellow and purple festive clothing such as polo shirts and argyle pants to toast his love of the Lakers. He also had a Microsoft Xbox, like Isaac, but enjoyed playing Lakers basketball games on them of course. ![]() Ishmael was a big fan of Virgil's epic Roman poem the Aeneid, which presents the iconic story of the tragic hero Aeneas who flees the burning city of Troy after it is sacked by Greeks and ends up erecting the foundations of what will someday become the classic and legendary if vain city of Rome. Ishmael believes the Aeneid represents man's complete focus on civilization diorama and collects artworks depicting the diary-like character of Aeneas. ![]() Isaac and Ishmael connect online during the indoor quarantine and begin to play Lakers-Celtics games on the Xbox which draws the attention of many other online players and fans in the hot summer of 2020! ![]() Ishmael's ex-girlfriend is a computer firm employee who notices the popularity of Isaac and Ishmael's online Lakers-Celtics video-games being played on the Xbox and creates an indoor-life media marketing campaign with Microsoft which spawns colorful new TV ads about the advantages of indoor life created by new age design technology! ![]() Isaac's sister Inyuasha is a collector of fancy Indian sarees and decides to create mosaics of green-and-yellow fancy sarees for Isaac to create blogs about the Lakers-Celtics rivalry on the Internet. These saree mosaics represent a new indoor aesthetic regarding sports rivalry and social fanfare only made possible through the modern dollars of computers. ![]() Isaac cares nothing for the Aeneid (unlike Ishmael) and instead is a huge fan of Jane Conly's iconic children's defiance novel Racso and the Rats of NIMH, which presents the very unusual story of a princely casted heir (named Racso) of a deadly rat-escape story from the clutches of mad scientists and warring super-intelligent rats during an apocalyptic journey. Isaac's admiration of this dioramic rat-prince Racso reflects his democratic fanfare of the populism-oriented city of Boston and its diary-casted Celtics. ![]() As the Lakers-Celtics video-game rivalry online on the Xbox between Isaac and Ishmael becomes more and more popular during the summer of 2020, a publicized murder trial surfaces involving a deranged media celebrity accused of killing multiple policemen in Texas and claiming she was 'moved' emotionally by the dungeon video-game rivalry between Isaac and Ishmael! ![]() Since Isaac eventually wins more games against Ishmael during their epic contest, with a win-tally of 67-63, Celtics fans all over America who witnessed the cool video-game rivalry begin playing Celtics video-games on the Xbox during the great Coronavirus quarantine. This helps America get over the scarring story of the murdering cop-killer in Texas. ![]() Meanwhile, it's reported that Ishmael's begun dating a very popular Hollywood actress, and apparently, she's funding a new movie about indoor-life quarantine-time video-game marketing in America in the 21st Century. Even though Ishmael has lost to Isaac in the games count tally, he's seeing more media attention! Ironic, isn't it? ![]() A prominent Italian film-maker comments in an online magazine that all this quarantine imagination is made possible only because of the modern miracle of the Internet. Without it, such 'joy of life' is not as dioramic indoors. ![]() ISAAC: Racso is cooler than Aeneas! ISHMAEL: Well, we both agree the Xbox is a democratic miracle! ![]() Are you a fan of Aeneas or Racso? Should Ishmael have won the game tally over Isaac? Are you a fan of the Lakers or the Celtics? Does the Coronavirus quarantine worry you about new age depression? ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
© 2020 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing