![]() Venus: The Red XenomorphA Story by Abishai100![]() Lambert and Ripley are two female space-explorers sent to Venus to investigate an alien intelligent signal sent during the Coronavirus pandemic on Earth, a potential sign of life design!![]()
Here's a Coronavirus sci-fi paranoia themed fantasy-adventure prayer vignette referencing the fascinating if terrifying Red Xenomorph fictional alien species (from the Alien sci-fi horror-film franchise) and inspired by the film Prometheus. I really hope you all like this one, since it's my last (I promise, right?)! Thanks so much (signing off),
++++ ==== The Weyland space-exploration crew boarded the USS Sulaco in the summer of 2020 when an intelligent signal was detected emanating from the planet Venus. Apparently an alien species landed on Venus and wanted to make contact with humans and awaited a human diplomacy group to go to the planet. Fortunately, NASA had been long developing a secret light-speed technology enabling a potential US space-vessel to go far distances in short time, and hence the Sulaco could now take a human space crew all the way to Venus. The Coronavirus pandemic was still being managed on Earth, so the Weyland Company and NASA worked together to assemble the right human diplomacy and soldier crew to travel to Venus to see if this alien species had something helpful to tell about the eradication of the COVID-19 global virus. The Sulaco crew included warrant officer Ellen Ripley, technician Brett, navigator Diane Lambert, and soldier Parker. ![]() The Sulaco used its special light-speed technology to trek all the way to Venus. While traveling there, Ripley and Lambert, the only women on board, became fast friends and shared theories about what these aliens might look like and what their intentions were towards humans during this Coronavirus pandemic on Earth. Ripley and Lambert both theorized that the aliens might have something important to say about eradicating the Coronavirus and were both eager to land on Venus and make final contact. The Sulaco was working beautifully, so the mission was seemingly quite bright. ![]() Lambert shared with Ripley a theory she held for quite some time while working for Weyland, though she'd not disclosed this theory to anyone. Lambert told a fascinated Ripley that the Weyland Company might be making secret contact with an alien intelligence and working out plans to create a co-species colonization scheme in the universe, sharing power and authority because of shared technology and weapons. Lambert believed that the aliens who sent the intelligent signal to Earth detected by NASA was potentially either an intelligent species already working with Weyland or a malicious species possibly luring humans towards Venus to experiment and see if the Coronavirus had rendered the human species malleable to suggestion. Ripley agreed that this possibility that the alien species might be challenging had real merit. The two women began preparing for the very worst. ![]() When the Sulaco landed on Venus, the crew began exploring the planet. They noticed some blue lights created by some floating ships flown and hovered by the aliens who'd sent the signal to Earth. The Sulaco crew began trolling around the planet searching for aliens on the ground who were willing to make contact. Ripley and Lambert took charge while the two men, Brett and Parker, served as dutiful soldiers and watchful engineers. ![]() The aliens who sent the signal and who were flying the hovering blue-light emanating crafts above the Venus atmosphere sent the Sulaco a transmitted video of images of what the aliens looked like, and Ripley and Lambert quickly noted and recorded that the aliens were quite frightening. They resembled an insect-dragon like intelligent creature with claw hands and extensions in the back and a large elongated head. The aliens called themselves 'Xenomorphs' since they were adaptive in various formats, and were red in color. ![]() These aliens also sent a recorded information transcript to the Sulaco explaining that the planet and system they came from, LG in Galaxy Rui, was inhabited by both Red Xenomorphs and Black Xenomorphs but that the red clan had won a great territorial war and won the right to travel to Earth's solar system to try to make contact with humans. The Red Xenomorphs sent the Sulaco a detailed message describing their analysis of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic on Earth and why they reasoned that a multi-pronged approach to containment, respiration, and multi-medicine treatment of ribavarin, erythromycin, and other drugs would facilitate a final control of the outbreak. The Red Xenomorphs also explained to the Sulaco crew in the transmitted message that their defeat of the Black Xenomorphs on planet LG was very important to their species story. ![]() The Sulaco crew relayed these messages back to Weyland/NASA and were instructed to send the Red Xenomorph aliens detailed information transmissions about the Coronavirus COVID-19 evaluation and description. Lambert and Ripley organized the detailed message which included images of the Coronavirus molecules and how it was invading the human immune system on Earth. The sent message to the Red Xenomorphs tediously catalogued how humanity was rallying to eradicate this invasive biological presence. ![]() After Lambert and Ripley completed the message relays between the Red Xenomorphs and Weyland/NASA, they waited for the aliens to offer further instructions and recommendations for further contact and messaging. Lambert and Ripley had already sent a message thanking the aliens for their evaluations of the efficient treatment of the Coronavirus problem on Earth. Lambert then wondered if the Red Xenomorphs were done with their contact mission or possibly had something hidden in their minds for a conspiracy or secret agenda and therefore waited with a certain degree of worry. ![]() Ripley agreed with Lambert's assessment that the aliens, the Red Xenomorphs, might have some secret agenda and should be treated with kid-gloves and approached with some objective mature worry. Ripley told Weyland that Lambert was acute in her theory that the aliens might want something more than just Coronavirus recommendations as the summation of the contact mission on Venus. Ripley started preparing weapons on the Sulaco and training with Lambert so that when the Red Xenomorph aliens landed on Venus, they'd have something ready in case there was something terribly wrong. ![]() Well, unfortunately, Lambert was right. When the ship carrying some diplomacy aliens landed on the ground of Venus, the Red Xenomorphs who popped out were malicious in appearance and behavior. They came in a pack of three and moved as a team towards the Sulaco crew. Lambert screamed and decided to start shooting her UV-laser gun, as did technician officer Brett. However, one of the Red Xenomorphs jumped onto Brett's back, stuck its claw arms inside Brett's chest and then expanded its claws and excreted a poisonous explosive gas that simply imploded Brett's body. These Red Xenomorphs turned out to be messengers of Hell. ![]() Lambert and Ripley continued to fire their UV-laser guns in unison towards the three Red Xenomorphs and finally managed to harness their joint firepower to disorient the aliens with the bright disarming light and the piercing hot laser. The Red Xenomorphs fell to the ground burned and blinded. Surviving soldier officer Parker recommended they leave Brett's destroyed dead body and simply retreat back to the Sulaco and report this tragedy to Weyland and NASA. ![]() The UV-laser gun that was designed by Weyland and brought to the Venus mission aboard the Sulaco was quite impressive and had that exact blinding and burning capacity necessary to fend off the three Red Xenomorphs who no doubt would have simply killed all the crew members of the Sulaco. Lambert and Ripley began preparing a report for Weyland describing procedures for complete evasion of the Red Xenomorph species, and surviving soldier officer Parker prepared his report on the efficacy of the UV-laser gun used to kill the three aliens before the surviving crew members of the Sulaco reboarded their Weyland vessel. ![]() The Sulaco hovered above Venus and flew around, avoiding contact with the remaining ships of the Red Xenomorphs still hovering above Venus as well. Lambert and Ripley spotted a giant crater on Venus and decided to land the Sulaco inside the crater which ended up being an incredibly deep cavern-like hole. Once inside the hole, Lambert and Ripley (and surviving officer Parker) waited for the Red Xenomorph ships to follow them down into the crater. Two Red Xenomorph ships did just that, and Red Xenomorphs popped out of the ships and began trying to break into the Sulaco. ![]() However, Lambert and Ripley and Parker were ready and began using their UV-laser guns to blast away at the Red Xenomorphs through open window holes in the Sulaco. Within 3 hours, the Sulaco crew managed to kill all the Red Xenomorph aliens in the Venus crater-hole trying to break into the Sulaco. Lambert and Ripley then flew the Sulaco out of the crater-hole and zoomed away from Venus, passing by the two remaining Red Xenomorph ships still hovering in the planet's atmosphere. When the Sulaco crew returned to Earth, Lambert and Ripley relayed the entire harrowing tale to the media, and very quickly, a thrilling comic book story was published and released on the Internet about the menacing Red Xenomorphs, and countless people on Earth read the online comic during the enduring Coronavirus global quarantine. ![]() The comic book published online made Lambert and Ripley quite famous, and the US government was now working closely with Weyland to establish defense procedures in the event that the Red Xenomorphs decided to follow the Sulaco back to Earth for some kind of revenge and attack humans during their Coronavirus trial. Lambert and Ripley were given medals by American President Donald Trump, and the two Sulaco female crew members spent their Coronavirus quarantine time together indoors perusing the now popular online comic book about the Red Xenomorph resistance on Venus. ![]() The following month, a toy-maker decided to market Red Xenomorph dolls and action-figures on the Internet, which became very popular merchandise. This was great sci-fi marketing and entertainment, but Lambert and Ripley continued to wonder if the Red Xenomorphs were simply done with their engagement with humans on Earth or were continuing to plan a new scheme involving some future contact that would be tied to some terrifying invasion or colonization scheme. Lambert and Ripley knew that despite how popular these Red Xenomorph comics and dolls became on Earth during the Coronavirus global quarantine, their harrowing adventure on Venus was one of darkness...not daylight. ![]() LAMBERT: We avoided doom, Ellen. RIPLEY: Those red xenomorph aliens were b*****s, Diane. LAMBERT: Do you think they're cooking up more schemes, Ripley? RIPLEY: I really can't know, Lambert! LAMBERT: Well, at least we're all alright for now. RIPLEY: Too bad for Brett, though right? LAMBERT: Yeah, the Red Xenomorphs imploded him from the inside. RIPLEY: They're real terrorists, Lambert. LAMBERT: You said it. RIPLEY: I wonder what all this sci-fi comic book stuff will render. LAMBERT: Well, it'll make for some nice quarantine time media. RIPLEY: Are you a fan of comic books, Lambert? LAMBERT: I wasn't until our Venus adventure, Ripley! RIPLEY: Sci-fi is much more digestible in comic book format, right? LAMBERT: Yes, it is. RIPLEY: I wonder what Weyland and Trump will make of the Venus adventure. LAMBERT: I imagine they're working with M.I.T. and Lockheed-Martin right now. RIPLEY: I hope this Coronavirus tribulation will become some kind of DreamWorks fable. LAMBERT: Me too... ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
© 2020 Abishai100 |
1 Review Added on April 17, 2020 Last Updated on April 17, 2020 Tags: Coronavirus Fable, Alien Fan-Fiction AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing