Unicron: Earth DealA Story by Abishai100The two daring Transformers/warriors, Agus and Cyclonus, have to investigate a mysterious robot-planet named Unicron who's approaching Earth with unknown intentionality.This is one last vignette I couldn't stop myself from creating, and it's a Transformers (Hasbro/Marvel) fan-fiction about the ominous giant robot-planet Unicron creating 'original' tremors on Earth during the holiday season. Merry Christmas (signing off), ==== "The two galactic robot warriors Cyclonus (a wolfish Transformer robot who shape-shifts into a jet-fighter) and Agus (a cybernetic space-pilot who ice cold) realize that the great Universe Wars are over and they're ready to retire and spend Christmas at home on the cyber-robot planet of Cybertron. However, even though Cyclonus and Agus, who are otherwise rivals who often engaged in space-battles on opposing armies, have to now settle down and seek peaceful lives with their families and communities on Cybertron, they're requested by their leaders (Galvatron and Duke) to perform a mission inspection involving a strange invading giant robot 'planet' named Unicron who is approaching Earth with an unknown intention. Cyclonus and Agus are to go to Earth as Halloween approaches and wait at the White House in superhero costumes, serving as diplomats of 'population vitality' once Unicron makes contact with the U.S. President! Cyclonus and Agus accept this one final democracy-oriented mission." "Cyclonus dresses up as the Marvel Comics anti-hero Nightcrawler, an amphibian-like creature of stealth and waits for Unicron in America. Agus dresses up as the Marvel Comics anti-hero Magneto, a magnetic war-commander, and waits for Unicron in America. Cyclonus and Agus resemble these two Marvel characters well, since they were shape-shifted into humanoids who could appear to be Halloween reveler and special ambassadors to the U.S. President at the White House in festive costumes. When Unicron arrives on Earth, Cyclonus and Agus will be prepared to greet/meet the giant robot-planet 'mega-mind' and ask him questions about his intentions towards humans on Earth. Cyclonus (Nightcrawler) and Agus (Magneto) realize this is a very 'colorful' task, but they're confident Unicron will want to engage with them intellectually once the robot observes their 'very human' Halloween revelry!" CYCLONUS (NIGHTCRAWLER): We're pleased to greet you, Unicron! AGUS (MAGNETO): You're an impressive 'super-robot' (indeed). UNICRON: I'm communicating to you through cyber-energy. NIGHTCRAWLER: Yes, we can hear you. AGUS: Please feel free to converse with us openly! UNICRON: I'm satisfied the American President is using you two as diplomats. NIGHTCRAWLER: We represent human intelligence, Unicron. AGUS: Consider us diplomats serving your curiosity and investigating your intentions. UNICRON: I have a sense that you two diplomats are somehow 'extraordinary.' NIGHTCRAWLER: We just might be 'non-traditional' diplomats, Unicron. AGUS: We assure you our intention is to simply engage with you intellectually! UNICRON: Very well, I assume then that the American President confers authority upon you. NIGHTCRAWLER: Yes, America is pleased we're the diplomats engaging with you on Halloween. AGUS: Everyone appreciates our Marvel Comics costumes, and we're sure you find them nifty! UNICRON: You two do seem to be in the Halloween/American festive mood in this time. NIGHTCRAWLER: So, what can we talk about? AGUS: What're your intentions on Earth? UNICRON: I sense you two are 'diplomats' eagerly seeking retiring in peace. NIGHTCRAWLER: You sensed correctly, as we're preparing to retire with our families! AGUS: We want to make that important Christmas deadline. UNICRON: Well, then, I suppose we should get this exchange efficiently going. NIGHTCRAWLER: Are you studying human civilization to evaluate economics or psychology? AGUS: Are you here to understand or appreciate how Earth cultivates organic living? UNICRON: I recognized human problems regarding eco-pollution and capitalism conflicts! NIGHTCRAWLER: America has dealt with the Gulf War and is dealing with post-Chernobyl ecology! AGUS: America is the official 'Big Brother' of Earth's capitalist governance rhetoric. UNICRON: America does seem to command authority as the world's 'captain' of resources. NIGHTCRAWLER: So what's your interest in this America-led Earth, Unicron? AGUS: Are you interested only in Earth or other planets very similar to Earth? UNICRON: I want to evaluate if human civilization is mindless or imaginative! NIGHTCRAWLER: Is it potentially 'mindless' since Earth capitalism is somewhat mechanical? AGUS: Could it be imaginative since America leads the way in resource negotiations? UNICRON: If America is the Big Brother of governance, why is there anti-capitalism terrorism? NIGHTCRAWLER: We're simple diplomats, Unicron, and only understand rudimentary philosophy. AGUS: We're not orators or magicians! UNICRON: That's fine; explain the rationale of American capitalism rhetoric! NIGHTCRAWLER: Anti-capitalism terrorism (e.g., 9/11) represents modern paranoia. AGUS: There's systemic tremors regarding globalization controversies. UNICRON: Are humans satisfied with America's progress in creating globalization podiums? NIGHTCRAWLER: We believe Americans lead Earth towards commercial securities. AGUS: Perhaps you might want to consult with the American President about the World Bank! UNICRON: That's intriguing; I suppose you two will take a 'back-seat' and allow others to deliberate. NIGHTCRAWLER: Yes, we'll be retiring, so we hope this exchange was timely and informative. AGUS: Now that the holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) are here, we're jovial! UNICRON: Good; consider me then a new 'ambassador' of Earth bureaucracy matters. NIGHTCRAWLER: Why don't you consider Earth your new 'IQ' partner? AGUS: There's no need to wander around the universe if Earth is sufficiently stimulating! UNICRON: Fine; I'll become a 'satellite' by Earth's moon; thank you both. NIGHTCRAWLER: Godspeed in your intellectual academics, Unicron. AGUS: We're overwhelmed by your cool presence. UNICRON: Happy holidays. "Cyclonus (Nightcrawler) and Agus (Magneto) were congratulated by the U.S. President for making successful contact with the awesome robot-planet 'mega-mind' Unicron and managed to persuade the mighty robot to become Earth's new 'intelligence liaison' and oversee its governance rhetoric presentations in the new ear. Unicron became a personal friend to the U.S. President (Donald Trump); the President invited Nightcrawler and Magneto to a Super Bowl game the following January during which the two alien-visitors/warriors (still disguised as humanoids) enjoyed a festive NFL game cheered on by attractive Christmas-costumed human female cheerleaders who made them feel like humanity was in full control of its regular joys! Nightcrawler and Magneto realized that the attractive female cheerleaders reminded them of the happy home and family life they now craved and was waiting for them back on their cyber-robot planet of Cybertron! All was well..." "When Cyclonus and Agus returned to Cybertron, they reported their success to their leaders (Galvatron and Duke) and were allowed to seek out their happy and peaceful retirement. They were congratulated for persuading the robot-planet Unicron to make peace with Earth and seek out an intellectual destiny consulting with America as Earth's 'Big Brother' of organic governance and globalization poetry. Unicron would be a force of peace rather than intimidating authority! Cyclonus and Agus were congratulated for serving as shrewd ambassadors in this post-war era mission in the universe meant to 'quell' the ominous Unicron and hopefully prevent him from destroying newfound senses of unified peace and martial sanity. Forms of democracy would indeed rule the day..." THE END ====
© 2019 Abishai100 |
Added on December 12, 2019 Last Updated on December 12, 2019 Tags: Transformers (Fan-Fiction) AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing