Life is poetry.  Poetry is life.

Life is poetry. Poetry is life.

A Poem by Aa Harvey

The poetry I write is about my life and writing poetry has taken over my life.


My history tells me my life is no lie.

It is my truth, preached to you in tune and in rhyme;

With no time on my hands for a master plan;

Just a laugh and a quick shake of the hand.



The good will out, I have no doubt,

But my lack of faith in myself will always keep me down.

I drag myself up to let my feelings out,

But still I suffer in silence wearing this thorny crown.



Life is not about the destination,

It’s about the journey we take to get there.

My life has been a rocky road that began with such anticipation;

Only now do I see the darkness that surrounds me…I no longer care.



Life is a river that constantly flows,

As poetry flows from within our souls.

I write what I feel, because it feels right to tell you of my thoughts;

But to feel anything else is a struggle, so I shall write no more.  



(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016 Aa Harvey

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Added on March 2, 2016
Last Updated on March 2, 2016
Tags: poetry, life


Aa Harvey
Aa Harvey

United Kingdom

I have been writing poetry for over ten years and I write about everything. The music I listen to can be found on you tube. Just search aa harvey 5000 playlist. The first 5 playlists are the mu.. more..
