A Day in the life of Jason Gary

A Day in the life of Jason Gary

A Story by A.M Leone

How situations can turn a nice man into a monster


            "The dreams of man are strong, stronger than any obstacle our world can be put in front of you.  Remember my son, if you can imagine if you can bring it to light."


The annoying buzzing of an alarm clock which stood on the nightstand next to the queen-sized bed; rang annoyingly begging for someone to hit the snooze button.  Jason Gary yawned and stretched as he rose from his unfulfilled night of sleep.  Stretching his arm further he pressed the snooze button hoping not to disturb the young woman who laid alongside him.  He turned to look at her, the only thing visible in the black room was the pool of silky hair that pooled around her; and even that was hardly visible in the pitch blackness.

            Staring at her silhouette for only a moment, the clock next to him showing that it was seven in the morning.      Rising to his feet it had felt almost as if he were blind, though he had been able to make out the edges of the most dangerous objects in his path, his father’s words ringing in his ears.  Grabbing at something in the darkness he flipped the switch of the bathroom sending a bright flash of light through the dark room.  Quickly closing the door behind him the bedroom was once again shrouded in the thick layer of darkness.


            The sky was bright, blue without a single cloud to be seen above.  Wearing a plain black suit which was slightly tattered.  His dress shoes worn, though only when really looking.  Fidgeting with his brown tie as he walked his trademark smile the only real thing that stood out about Jason Gary.  Next to him as he walked past the entire cities traffic, the sounds of the numerous car radio's blending into a unique and incomprehensible sound; a sound that was welcoming and familiar to anyone who really lived in the city.


“Hey there, how are you doing Jason.  It’s such a beautiful day, isn't it?” A heavy-set woman waved wanting his attention. 

Smiling Jason walked over to the older woman’s fence, his infectious smile having ensnared her long ago.


“I don't believe that I could make this day any better if I tried.  Except maybe ditching work to talk to you.”  Smiling as he waved goodbye to the older woman.


He began his walk to work, checking his watch as he strolled along his mood lightened if that could be possible.


'Seven forty, plenty of time.' Jason thought to himself.  His walk continuing as eventful as when it had begun, people waving and stopping Jason in the street to say Hello.


The nasal sound of the morning buzzer to tell the furniture salesmen to get onto the floor and begin the day.  Looking at a mirror as the rest of his co-workers walked from the room.  Alone he began fidgeting with his brown tie, straightening the already straight double Windsor tied knot.  Satisfied he moved on to his jacket and then his pants, pulling them down a few inches before pulling back to the place that they had been before. 


“So, Jason, how is that fiancé of yours this morning?”  The man who spoke had brown eyes, short cropped black hair, not a blemish on his face or his expensive pin-stripe black suit. 


Marcus James the best salesman that the comfort bedding had ever seen, and for that skill, he was promoted to the youngest floor manager the store had yet seen.


“Carla?  She is doing great, asleep when I left this morning.”  Jason said as he turned to reach for a cup of coffee to sip it.


Walking with Malcolm he stepped towards the door that led to a small hallway, the fastest way to the floor.


“Wore her out last night huh?”  Malcolm said as they walked.


"Well, I hate to toot my own horn."  Jason paused before making two horn sounds, leaving Malcolm only to chuckle in a mocking manner.


“By the way, you’re no longer going to be in living rooms anymore," Malcolm said just before they made the floor.


“I'm not?  Where am, I going to be?”


“You’re getting put into bedding and office department,"  Malcolm said knowing that Jason would already know what the change in the department would have to offer.


“Bedding? That's a promotion, isn't it?”


Jason's response was immediate as his mind thought back to all the possibilities that this promotion opened up.  Soon he could pay for the wedding quicker, find a bigger apartment for Carla and himself or maybe buy a suit. 


“That's right buddy ten percent raise in commission and a dollar on salary.”


It was the moments like this that he was truly grateful that he had the Sharply dressed salesman as a friend.  Stepping onto the floor the day flew by like a blur for Jason; His sales improved, his mood elevated and his entire being now radiating a mood so intoxicating to anyone who passed him. In what felt like two to three hours in actually was the full length of his nine-hour shift.  After making a stop in the payroll department to pick up his commission check for the week, too proud of himself to look at the pay.


"Malcolm, I'll see you tomorrow,"  Jason said as he called out in the store, Malcolm nowhere to be seen. 


Shrugging off the thought walked out of the main door and onto the street.


 His walk seemed much more eventful than it had this morning as if that were really possible.  As he walked he took in everything about the fading day.  The Sun late afternoon longing to touch the horizon and prepare to wake the rest of the world; though you still had a good two or three hours left in the blue sky.  The people who walked the street released the energy of different natures, most of which was relaxing and thankful for the end of another long day, though no one seemed to be able to muster up half the smile Jason wore always.


“Jason... Jason come play with us.”  In front of him blocking Jason from passing stood a dozen children of various ages, all with younger versions of the smile that Jason wore.


"Well, how could I say no? What game are you playing?”

A young girl with hair as black as the feathers of a raven with hazel eyes that twinkled in the sun, walked up to him as if to take his hand.  Deception the way of children, they young raven haired girl slapped his leg and screamed.


“You’re it!” she called.


As if on cue she and all the other kids ran scattering like a heard of deer, leaving him to hunt down the slowest of the group before begging his hunt.  For Jason, despite the fun, he was having felt like time was lagging on.  His mind wandered to Carla, her beautiful face and hair and the longing to see her.  Soon though to Jason's relief Parents began to arrive picking up all the kids at the same time.


“Bye Jason!”  The kids called out as they walked.


“Bye kids!” he called back waving before he began walking home again.


His mind went back to his thoughts of Carla, her smile as he walked in the door, the way she would run into his arms. His mind was so immersed in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized he was already inside his dark apartment, for once not taking the moment to enjoy the setting sun; which threw colors of Oranges, reds, pinks all the colors you could think of harmoniously in the sky.  The apartment inside was silent, all except a noise coming from the furthest room down the hallway.  Walking silently wanting to surprise her, he opened the door expecting to see the light from the television but the room was pitch black and the only sound was coming from where he slept, a sound he knew all too well. 

            Stepping back, he vanished completely in the darkness before his silhouette reappeared flipping the light switch on, something glinting in his hands for only the briefest second before the door shut leaving the apartment once again in complete blackness.

© 2018 A.M Leone

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Added on January 30, 2018
Last Updated on January 30, 2018
Tags: fiction, betrayal, nice guy


A.M Leone
A.M Leone


https://www.facebook.com/AMLeoneWriting more..

James James

A Story by A.M Leone