

A Story by A.M Leone

Another edit of a story that had previously been posted. This one is how we as creatures of comfort are so willing to give up our privacy for convenience




“I'm sorry, but we don't accept cash anymore."  the small shop clerk said with a patronizing smile.


“Well how about debit or credit?"  the man in front of the counter asked.


“Sure, just show me your chip.”  the clerk asked as the man in front of him looked at him confused.


            The man stared at the clerk confused, his wallet already out and open while he composed his thoughts enough to speak.


“What chip?  I don't have a chip, what are you talking about."  the man asked putting his wallet back in his pocket.


 Now the clerk stared at the man strangely   He was a young kid, fifteen maybe sixteen years old; this type of situation is something he hasn't experienced yet.  The young clerk reached under the counter pushing a small panic button,  there was no alarm but the response time was very impressive.   Barely two minutes later three officers entered the store.  The older man in front of the counter turned to face the three officers.  They wore camera's and an armored uniform, their voices changed slightly by a microphone.


“What seems to be the problem here?'  the lead officer asked as they casually surrounded him.  His hands raised defensively in an attempt not to instigate violence.


“He has no chip, or so he says.  He has no way to pay for these items and he already opened the bottle of water.”  the young clerk said his voice wavering slightly. As he pointed at the two items on the counter.


“Sir, can you raise your hand and show me your chip please.”  the officer asked as he approached him slowly.


            The older man looked at him strangely as the man approached him.

“what chip are you talking about!  I don't have any chip.  I have cash, Debit cards, and my license I don't know what else you people need from me.”


“If you have all that then you have a chip.  Let me scan it and get this problem resolved.


“ok then here you go."  The older man said as he took out his license and showed it to the cop.  "Here we go this is my identification.."


“What’s this?" the cop asked as he examined the chunk of plastic.  "This isn't a chip.  If you don't mind, I have to ask you to voluntarily come down to the station that way we can really resolve this matter.  I'd like to not have to place handcuffs on you."  he said towards the older man.


“Yeah, actually let's go so we can resolve this matter." the older man said as he followed the lead officer outflanked by the other two.


He got into the back of the police car along with one of the officers, they drove through the city looking like a child visiting somewhere new for the first time.  It was amazing how much the city had changed since he was there last.  The streets were spotless, the people looked identical and there was no expression in sight.  All the graffiti was replaced with murals and snappy catchphrases that guided you to live a certain way.  He wasn't a fan. It didn't take long before they were at the police station and he was led immediately into the interrogation room.


 The three officers stood behind a one-way glass as the older man stared them down through the glass.


“You don't think that he knows we are here do you?" one of the cops said as he took off his helmet showing him to be about eighteen.


“Nah that's impossible, isn't it.”  another one said taking off his helmet as well the same age kid as the first cop.


“He knows you're there." the police commissioner said as he walked in and opened the door.


“Good afternoon sir, I hope you aren't too uncomfortable.”  the commissioner said.


“I'm fine to thank you for the courtesy, you have to excuse me I'm not used to this."  the man said with a smile.


“So how long have you lived outside the city?”  The commissioner asked abruptly, steering the conversation a little less casual.


“I have lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere.  This is the first time I have been to the city for, hmmm at least a decade."


“And there we have our explanation.  You don't have a chip because you weren't in the cities that implemented this system.  The people voted that a chip to replace Id's and currency would be much easier managed and less risk than the current system.  So willing were the people when given the option for these chips and money no longer exists.  Your bank is linked to your chip, just like your license.  Probably shortly after you moved away from the city." the commissioner explained.


“I'm sure that made it convenient for you cops.” the older man replied a relaxed smile on his face.


“Well thanks to this system, forgery and identity theft is an impossibility.  This freed up the officers to be able to protect and serve better, as well as some fringe benefits.” the commissioner said.


“Well I must say, your force has done a great job, the city looks cleaner than I've ever seen it." the man said looking from the commissioner, the glass, and the door.


“Now if you are staying in this city for any real length of time, I must very much recommend getting a chip for yourself.  I would be more than happy to prepare it myself.” the commissioner said with a smile.


“Actually no, thank you, I think I'm just gonna go back home if you don't mind.  I'll just see myself out." the older man said waiting for the ok.


“Well I could still prepare one for you just in-case you decide to visit the city again soon.” the commissioner said taking another stab at it.


“No thank you, sir, I don't actually think I will be coming back here again.  I'm leaving as soon as you say ok."  The older man said standing, joined by the commissioner who walked him out.


            Walking out of the station there was a blue van waiting for him outside.  The older man walked to the car and got right into the passenger side door. The car drove off as quickly as the law would let them.  Someplace a little simpler.

© 2018 A.M Leone

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Added on January 29, 2018
Last Updated on January 29, 2018
Tags: conspiracy, scifi, fiction


A.M Leone
A.M Leone


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A Story by A.M Leone