![]() Different CountryA Story by A.M Leone![]() Hey, this is a continually daily updating of my work. This is a story of romanticizing of the past, something that I myself do quite often in such chaotic times in which we all live.![]() A different Country “The past was a different country- We did things differently” those were the last words that he heard from his grandpa as they sat in the hospital. The man who had done most of the raising and taking care of him now lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to more machines then one could imagine. His skin an already translucent color that was steadily getting lighter and lighter as time passed. He coughed as he spoke, the sickness all thanks to the number of cigarettes he smoked. A trait that he had unfortunately picked up from his grandfather. "Thanks, gramps." He thought to himself. He sat and listened to all the stories that his grandfather had told him over the years, less getting edited out as he grew older. It was a rare moment of peace for the young man in the weeks of previous chaos. As if right on cue the sound of the heart monitor, a high pitched and annoying beeping rang out signaling to all the nurses and doctors. The last thing he got from his grandfather a golden cigarette case that had a wolf howling up at the moon engraved on it. The case still full of the brand his grandfather smoked. Once the hand of his grandfather fell cold the daze of loss set in surrounding his mind with a dense fog. He vaguely remembered the nurses and doctors running in and ushering him out from the room. He moved sluggishly through the hospital hallways, navigating outside subconsciously. He hadn't realized that he was outside until a cigarette was lit and in his mouth, the smoke already filling his lungs. Despite the blue sky and the cloudless sky, the birds singing in the trees that surrounded the hospital, he felt cold and alone. The weight of the cigarette case in his hand almost too much to bear. He stared at the shimmering case, the light from the sun dancing off the shiny metallic surface nestled in his hand. His eyes were trapped, his mind transfixed on the almost glowing object in his hand, the engraved wolf almost moving in front of his eyes. He couldn't look away and his body almost as if it was on its own accord continued to take drags of the lit cigarette in his hand. The daze off loss clouding the rest of the mind stopping him from noticing anything around him. Unable to break the spell off the gold case the young man stared helplessly until the cigarette was finished. Once he flicked the butt away he was able to break his gaze from the case. He kicked off the wall of the hospital before he began to walk, no idea where he was going but the feeling that he needed to get away from that place. His eyes were still clouded by his loss so it took a long while for certain elements of what he saw to register. The first thing being the amount of graffiti that weren't on the walls. “What feels so off about this place," he asked as e walked towards one of the busier streets of the city he had lived in his entire life. He continued walking the sound of chatter and feet pounding continuously on the street filled the air as his daze finally began to break up and clear, his senses finally clearing up allowing him to see things clearly. He continued walking another errant thought came floating into his mind. 'Why doesn't it feel like people are moving so quickly.' he thought to himself this brought the third odd thing. There were no Mini- mini skirts, and women weren't dressed trashy, instead, he saw skirts that fell to their knees, dresses that were so elegant that it could make your jaw drop. As for the man they all wore two to three-piece suits, depending on your stature in life. No sagging pants where you can see someone's underwear. There was no rap or hip-hop. No rock or pop playing. Jazz and swing music filled the air, radios playing baseball and kids in the streets paying stickball. Not a cell phone in sight, people were actually conversing with each other on a friendly level. “There is definitely something off today," he thought to himself as he walked now passing some businesses with mirrors in the window. It was astounding to the young man who for the first time caught his reflection. The Blue jeans and t-shirt he had started the day with was not the same as what his reflection was wearing in the mirror. He wore a three-piece black suit with white pinstripes. A perfectly fitting suit that even celebrities would pay through the nose for. On his left breast hung a chain that was attached to w pocket watch hidden in the jackets inside pocket. The women who smoked held long stems attached to their cigarettes which they held delicately as they walked past, their clothes soft and of an actual material, not something synthetically made. The men all talking gruffly the language used to greet each other differently on a whole other level. The cars parked and driving on the streets were something that you could only see in a movie or at an antique show. “Am I dead? Or on a movie set? This is so weird” he said to himself as he walked through the not- as- crowded city streets. The further he walked the more he was beginning to like this city. His jacket now gracefully draped over his right arm as he entered the park. Finding a seat a little while after starting through the park he found a nice seat under a shady tree where he sat for a while and did some people watching. The people who passed by appeared to be in a rush but not to the level he has grown up being used to; the language used with almost no profanity and the kids talk with respect to the adults, even if they end up talking bad behind the adults back. They put in that effort, it was almost like something from a painting. “Wow, such a difference, no foul language, no disrespectful attitudes, this is astounding. People physically seem nicer here," he said quietly to himself. The young man hadn't realized that there was a young woman who sat close enough to him to hear what he had been saying. She turned around to face the man with a look of curiosity. She wore a beige sun hat that was pinned to her falling in ringlets under the hat and behind her shoulders. Her face flawless with barely any paint had to to be done. Her sundress was white covered in pink carnations, her voice soft and sweet with a hint of innocence. “Excuse me, I couldn't help but eavesdrop, why do you seem so amazed at how these people are acting? Why would people use profanity in everyday life?" her question innocent curiosity. “Well where I'm from, just about everybody uses profanity and acts in profane ways, it's genuinely refreshing to see people acting in such a picturesque way. It's very refreshing,” he said with a smile as he turned to face her. She smiled and slid closer to him, turning so that she could see him better. “So your not from the city then I take it?” she asked “Well, you can say that. I'm not sure I'll be staying here though unfortunately. I'm Collin, by the way, its quite a pleasure to meet you." he said as he held out his hand in greeting. “Then you should stay here for good then. This is the best time to live in this city." She said as she smiled taking his hand gingerly. "I'm Felicity and it is your pleasure," she said as she laughed softly, his laugh joining hers melodically. After the laughter quieted down the last of it floating away in the gentle breeze of the air, smiles on both faces, the birds still singing in the background. “I would hate to be forward but would you be up for maybe getting a drink or coffee?” Collin asked as he watched a couple of fallen leaves dance in the wind. “Well I'm not sure if I know you well enough to break the law with you yet.” she winked as she smiled laughing a little.” But I do know a great place to get some coffee. C'mon lets go.” she said as she rose to her feet, Collin standing along with her, stretching his back for a few seconds before following after her as they left the park. It took them about ten minutes for the pair to walk from the park to the restaurant 'Jeans Beans'. “In my opinion this place is Aces, c'mon lets go," she said grabbing her hand. Collin was left speechless when he entered, despite the smell of stale cigarettes something that Collin actually found endearing. The black and white tiles forming patterns throughout the establishment, the smoke giving it an allure of mystery as they walked through to the bar. The stool and booths covered in a red leather, and released air as you sat down on them. As soon as they were seated jean the owner made his way to them, the crowd -including the drunks- were quiet and tame allowing the bartender to serve everyone. “Hey Jean, two cups of coffee and a cig please," she said as she flashed an innocent smile. As Collin sat there looking at the menu's he wondered what happened to the check he had just cashed before all this had occurred. He fished into his pockets before he found the bundle of bills looking through them. The way his clothes were changed had the same effect on the money in his pockets. He had close to two thousand dollars of bills that he could use. He quickly put the money back in his pocket before Felicia had a chance to see. He took out his gold cigarette case and took out another cigarette lighting it quickly just as the coffee came. Felicia looked lit her cigarette and smiled at him as she handed him his coffee “Thanks," Both Felicia and Collin said in sync. “I don't believe I've met you before," Jean said, his face serious yet friendly at once. “I'm Collin It's nice to meet you," Collin said as with a smile holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you Collin, so how do you know El? He asked as he left collin hanging. He then began adding milk and sugar to his coffee. “I just met her today. She has been kind enough to show me around the city," he said as he raised his mug up to take a sip. “New huh? Well, El is the best, you best not cross her though." Jean said with as he smiled and moved to serve someone else. “I know, I know I am amazing.” She said with a smile and began laughing along with Collin. “So is that your boyfriend?” he asked as he took another sip of coffee before taking a drag of his cigarette. “Nope I don't have a fella, that's my cousin, he is kind to me. Why were you a little jealous?” she asked with a wicked smile. “Not jealous just re-leaved. I don't have any family, the last of my family just passed away." he sighed and frowned as his thoughts returned to his grandfather. Taking another sip he sighed again. “Are you ok?” she asked looking concerned, putting her own hand on his own. “Yea sorry just lost in thought, what were we talking about?” he asked distractedly Someone then, Most likely Jean turned on the radio filling the restaurant with a crackly fast-paced music began singing out. Just as if it was in a movie the tables and chairs were pulled away in a perfectly choreographed way, leaving everyone enough room to start dancing. The more the people danced the louder the music got. This was another picturesque scene, as Felicity pulled him to the center as the dance floor where they joined in the festivity. As they danced he noticed that no one was grinding or twerking. No one looked like they were having sex on the dance floor. The closest people got was during a waltz, this was perfect. The music changed tempo as a slow song came over the radio, only couples remaining on the floor as well as Collin and Felicity. She led the slow-paced waltz, an action that Collin couldn't argue too much with. It had been a long while since he had felt anything more just contentedness. He actually felt happy. After the song ended they went back to their seats, the night blew by too quickly for either of the two. The only thing that separated the pair was the late hour. He paid the tab for the two of them and walked with her from the restaurant. He had offered to walk her home but Felicity was smart. “Nope, you have to work to earn the right to walk me home. You can meet me here tomorrow morning at nine-thirty. After, maybe you can walk me home." she smirked. Her smile having a wicked tint. “Sounds like a date to me," he said with a smile. Without another word she waved and turned almost skipping away. Collin watched after she turned around, now in search for a hotel to stay at. He took back out his cigarette case and took out a cigarette. “Excuse me, friend, could I grab a snipe?" a voice that came from behind asked Collin, causing him to turn around. There he was standing face to face with a man who looked almost exactly like him. There were a few differences, Collin looked to be a little younger, not as muscular and not in as nice a suit. “You look lost. Can I point you in the right direction?” the man asked his voice deeper than Collin's. Taking another cigarette out of his case Collin handed it to the other man. Taking out a lighter he lit both his own cigarette and the man in front of him. “Yea I could definitely use some directions. I need a place to Sleep while I'm in town. For however long that is." he sighed taking a drag of his cigarette, the other man doing the same. “It's not too far away, Follow me, I'll take you there" taking another drag the man began walking, Collin following after. They moved through the city streets, not as packed as Collin was used to but still busy. “So how are you liking the city so far?” he asked as they walked. “It's been a new experience that's for sure. I'm enjoying myself so far." Collin chuckled. “Well now is the time to be living in the city, don't you think ?” the man asked as they walked. The streets alive as the night grew on. Music and loud chatter, some couples fighting, mothers calling to there children. Now was the time to live in the city, it's still alive and creative not orderly and predictable. “Its a civility that I hadn't yet experienced, I wish I knew how long I would be able to stay in this city. It is quite a place.” “Your trip here doesn't have to end yo know.” the man said as he stopped, the lights of the Lexington glowing brightly behind him. “How can I know If I will stay here, what if I settle down and then I'm forced to leave," Collin replied. “I'll be leaving tonight, getting on a train at nine thirty, if you don't want to live in this city any longer, come get on the train with me.” the man said as he pulled out a golden cigarette case nearly identical to the one collin owns. Taking out a cigarette he handed it to Collin before turning around and walking in the direction they just came back from. “See you around, or at nine thirty your choice.” those were his parting words. Collin watched after the man for a few minutes before lighting the cigarette he just got. Once the light was clear to cross He made his way into the Lexington hotel, a brightly lit and spacious room where a dozen people sat about scatter talking. Walking up to the red-suited concierge who greeted him with a genuine smile. “Hello there how may I help you tonight?” he asked, his hands smoothing out his already pristine uniform. “How much is a room per night?" Collin asked. “Five dollars for a suite, three fifty for a single bed,” he replied seeming like it was an automatic response, having to answer that question at least a hundred times a day. “I'll take the suite for two days please," he said as he pulled a ten from his pocket and handed it over. The bell boy who rushed over needlessly to Collin was sent away with a frown due to the lacking of baggage that he possessed. With a cheap thanks, the bell bow shuffled away. “Here is the key to your suite, it's on the third floor. The stairs and floor are over there." the concierge said as he handed him the key. Turning from the front desk Collin made his way to the elevator. Pushing the up button he took a minute to stare at the death trap that they called an elevator. The gates were metal that was pulled by a visible cable. It moved loudly and sluggishly down the track if it hadn't been for the fact that the doors opened just as he was about to head for the stairs. Stepping into the elevator he audibly gulped and pushed the button for the third floor. It was the scariest ride ever, imagine the feeling of a roller coaster as it cranks up the cable pulling the train up. There was no drop but there was a jump, as soon as the doors opened Collin jumped out of the elevator vowing never to use an elevator till they up their quality. Opening the door to his room and turned on the lights showing a cute but barren room. The bed was neatly made in a rust-colored comforter, the halls half wood paneled the other a white color. There was no television but there was a radio next to the sofa that was one that you melted into when you sat. He took off and hung up his suit, getting into bed in his undershirt and boxers; he turned off the light by a convenient switch right near the bed. He awoke the next morning early, at about eight o'clock in the morning. He stretched before getting out of bed, his suit cleaned and pressed. “I'll have to definitely tip whoever did this one.” he grinned as he got dressed, checking his pockets as a reaction happy to be finding his money where he left it. He stepped out of the hotel and made his way through the city, slowly heading for Jeans Beans where he was meant to meet Felicity, the day bright and full of life spring in full bloom. For once he thought back to what his Grandfather had said without getting sad. “The past was a different country- We did things differently.” © 2018 A.M Leone |
Added on January 29, 2018 Last Updated on January 29, 2018 Tags: time travel, fiction, romanticism |