![]() JamesA Story by A.M Leone![]() A story that came to mind when thinking of Rick, from Casablanca![]() The smell of cigarettes filled the dark room, the only light coming from the stage where a jazz trumpeter played his soul loudly for the audience accompanied by the peaceful sound of the pianist carrying the melody. The audience watched the musicians in awe as the musicians watched the awe on the faces of the crowd they played for. Waiters and waitresses moved through the crowded room serving people from a construction worker on a date with his wife, to the mayor and his newest girlfriend. Each one perfectly dressed and clean, a daily requirement to come into work; not that anyone minded too much. The men wore a tux some with the jacket on some with the vest, each bow tie hand tied. Women wore either a tux like the men or tasteful black skirts with a white blouse. Each section was set up for a waiter and waitress to serve. It is rare for any waiter to be content at their place of servitude, but not the staff of this club. In an establishment, such as James' any employee can make it in the world. Whether it be politics, law or even business anyone can make a connection there. Sitting at the bar with a cigarette burning in between his fingers as he took a few drags before ashing it, sat James, the owner of the club. He watched with pride as his club was full nearly to the brim. No one believed that he could operate a fully functioning club like this. His 'friends' believed he was born at the wrong time and his idea was one of the past. Standing up he brushed off his clean and unwrinkled white suit. Leaning over the bar he caught the attention of the bartender. “How are we doing tonight Alex?” James asked, his voice deep and full of authority and comfort. “Best night yet, though you may need to start looking for a couple of new waiters.” Alex said as he pointed to a couple of waiters talking to the mayor, who was up for Re-election this year. Alex was a man who some would say have it all. Looks, brains, and a sharp-witted tongue. He was James' right-hand man who was with him since day one. Chuckling along with his bartender, James watched the exchange from afar. "Again? Well, it's all for the best I suppose. It just means I have more friends in politics. Keep an eye on things out here for me, I have to check the back." Turning on his heel James left the bar and made his way to the back where a door was well lit with no one in front of it. Knocking three times the door opened, behind it stood an elderly man with thick circular glasses and a vintage suit. The old man smiled as he spied his boss. “Hello Mr. James, C'mon in, the atmosphere is exciting.” the old man grinned as he moved over almost bowing as James entered the room. “Hey there Oscar, thanks. How are we doing tonight?” James asked as he looked at the old man amusingly. "You win some you lose some." Oscar laughed feebly as he pointed to the teller who stood to pace about nervously, a track almost forming in his wake Walking over to the teller who immediately once James was in ear range, began apologizing in a low voice. “Mr. James, I’m so sorry. The friend I asked you to hire, I I just found out he has been stealing half the portion of each winning pot.” The teller flinched as he waited for James' reaction. Surprising the man, James merely smiled. “Don’t worry about it Al, just tell your friend to beat it and never show his face in my club again.” Still nervous the teller Albert made his way quickly away from his boss in an attempt to find his friend quickly and get him out. James watched till he was out of sight before looking around the room before spotting a familiar face, at the casino bar. Walking to the only man sitting at the bar James smiled falsely. "Ahhh if it isn't my old friend," James said as he patted the man's shoulder. The man rose to his feet and pulled James into a quick hug. “Ahh Jamie, how’s it been going? Business seems to be going as good as ever.” The man said as he smiled sitting back in his seat. James who took a seat next to him smiled as well as he ordered a drink from the bartender. “Great night actually, except for one rodent problem.” James said as he took a sip of his liquor “There has been a rat pillaging at the winnings.” The man sighed as he flagged down the bartender. "Have another drink with me, Jamie, what do you say." "No no I mustn't, I only came here to say hi and tell you to avoid table three tonight, it seems to be unlucky." To emphasize what James said, a loud groan came from the Blackjack table over his shoulder. Holding out his hand, James smiled at the older man who shook his hand. Standing the man brought James into another quick hug before raising his glass. “Go run your business Jamie, I’ll just help myself to another glass on you.” The man raised his glass up in a toast, in which several of the gamblers did the same, though they had no knowledge of the conversation just had. James turned and left the bar heading back to the main room where the music coming from the open door had changed. Passing Oscar a tip James made his way into the main dining room in time to hear the sweet and intoxicating vocals of Rachel, the most popular singer in the lounge. Rachel was a tall, thin and leggy woman who had been rescued from an unpleasant life shortly after James had opened his club. She had started off as a waitress who had a hidden voice. When he discovered her voice, James gave her a choice. She could either stay drugged up, or she could clean up her act and walk onto the stage. In that minute, she dropped her vices, all but nicotine and stood up on the stage and sung her heart out. Tonight, she wore a form-hugging blue dress that was sleek and hugging all the right places till it opened up around her knees. The audience watched in awe as she sang out her own rendition of Billie Holiday's "God bless this child." Her red hair flowed with every breath and note. It wasn't until Alex ran up to him having an assistant of his watch the bar. “Sir we have a small problem?” Alex whispered to him. Turning to face him James looked around not bothered by the problem he knew nothing about yet. "What's wrong Alex? I'm sure It's not as bad as your making it seem," he said as he half paid attention to Alex while listening to Rachel. “The commissioner has just arrived and he wants to talk with you in your office. One of the waitresses made it worse when she tried to charge him for his drinks.” Alex said quickly in a whirl of panic. James shook his head as he sighed. “And where would the Commissioner be currently?” James asked as he looked at Rachel and listened to her sing. "He is in your office now sir, I believe it is time for his monthly visit," Alex replied "Ok, thanks, Alex, keep an eye on things till I get back. Remember the Mayor and D.A who are with their wives over there have to be the happiest. Aside from the commissioner of course." he chuckled softly. He watched Alex for a signal he understood before he turned and made his way to the darkest part of the club, wherein the darkness was a black door that was unlocked. Walking through the door James froze. Hearing a gun c**k he shut the door, all the music of his Rachel now gone leaving only blackness and silence. The lamp on his desk clicked on to reveal an older leaner and meaner looking gentleman who sat in James' chair., a gun aimed directly at his heart. James froze but his hands didn't rise nor did his face show fear. “Don't you think it’s a little crowded in here tonight to shoot me?” James asked the commissioner who sat crouched over his desk in a foul mood. A worn fedora on the desk next to his free hand. "Good point, but I can easily remedy that pickle, after all, I am in charge of the police." the Commissioner grinned maliciously. "Oh, yea? And how would that be?" James asked as he took a few steps to his right, the barrel followed him the entire time. “You attempted to bribe the commissioner of police, and when I turned you down you pulled out a gun. I will mess up your office a bit, of course, that way I heroically took the gun away, but you left me with no choice to shoot you protecting myself," he explained. "Oh ok, I gotcha, so you don't want the bribe then. That's cool." James said as he smiled and walked to a Monet hanging on his wall. Lowering the gun at him the commissioner chuckled. “Now I don't believe I said that. All of your permits and my ignorance isn't charity Mr. James.” Opening the safe hidden behind the Monet he pulled out an envelope that had the commissioners name on it. Placing it on the table, James slid it over to him. The commissioner simply puts the envelope in his right breast pocket. “You know you almost scared poor Alex to death. Not to mention those new waitresses.” James chuckled as he took a seat in front of his own desk. “I would hope so.” the commissioner said. “They actually expected me to pay for my drinks.” the commissioner roared with laughter at his own serious joke. “Now I understand, that is your reason for making me miss the lovely Rachel’s performance huh?” James said with a chuckle “I should not forgive you so lightly for this.” he laughed "Oh, but you will forgive me. I could hurt you badly and you won't hold a grudge against me. I am too valuable to you." the commissioner said with a cocky grin. "Oh, yea and what is it that makes you so valuable?" James asked humor vacating his mood. “Because of the age. This is the age where technology is knowledge which Is power. Without me my friend you wouldn't be able to do half of what you do. You can’t even blow your nose without my knowing. I’m your best friend.” Walking back to the safe James closed it and locked it before he closed the painting. He made his way to the door before motioning to the commissioner to leave the room. "Let's not waste Rachel's performance tonight, right my friend," James said as the commissioner walked past him. The sound of Rachel's angelic voice filled the office once the door opened. The commissioner stepped out in front of him, and with a quick glance behind him to James spoke. “It’s been fun but I must go and join the Mayor and District Attorney. I am sure we will see each other soon, my friend.” The commissioner walked off quickly leaving James alone, in time to see the rat who had been stealing from his club escorted out by Al and another of his employees. Two men in dark black suits exiting seconds after. "Goodnight Jamie." said the man from earlier. He embraced James again before he spoke again. "I must be off, so much to do." Smiling James hugged the man back. “Good night my friend.” looking at his watch he noticed the late hour, it was just past midnight. “It is getting late, have a nice night and ill see you soon.” James watched as the man left and he sat back at the bar, his mind relaxing to the last of Rachel's set. As soon as he sat ale had a drink in front of him. "Thanks, Alex, I need that." taking a sip of the drink he sighed. “Tough night?” he asked trying to lend support. "No just have to get used to the commissioner's sense of humor," he said as he raised his glass as the commissioner and his party left. "Remember this Alex, a club is only as good as the friends you have to help you." taking another sip of his drink he smiled at the younger man as Rachel's set came to an end. Walking off the stage she made her way to the bar, her face annoyed from the men who whistled and pawed at her as she walked. She walked straight to where James sat, taking the seat next to him, the perfect Alex already pouring her drink. "Thank you, Alex." Rachel said as she spoke her voice soft and intoxicating. She turned to face James smiling at him. "Good evening James, I really hope you didn't miss my set tonight." she frowned. "I barely saw you tonight while I sang." she leaned in and kissed him softly her arm around his neck. When he was free from her lips he smiled warmly, a genuine smile. “I caught the majority of it. Unfortunately, it was a very busy night. I had to be all over the club tonight. But I made it in time to see your Finale, you were as amazing as ever my dear.” he beamed holding her hands. She flushed and smiled and kissed him again. "I-I'm taking off James, I have an early morning tomorrow." she stood up and walked from the bar with a quick goodnight. Pulling out the pocket watch he smiled to himself, it was an hour till closing. “Alex, would you mind if I took off early today. I think you can handle the closing.” James said as he took a sip of his drink. "Yea I've got it, Mr. James, just leave the books on your desk? He asked as he picked up the empty glass from in front of James. “Yea just get the books and put them on my desk, the money goes away, I’ll take care of the rest tomorrow. Thanks again Alex I appreciate it.” he held out his hand shaking Alex's before heading to the door. "Good night boss, see you in the afternoon," Alex said after him, James simply waved at him. Stepping out into the city streets, it felt like to him you just stepped through a portal in time. Within the walls of the club, you feel like you are in a much more civilized era. The music was fresher and more real, made of instruments and talent. A time where there was always an air of mystery. The women now, dress trashy and its accepted, men dress like slobs and are praised. The idea of language is now repugnant an unappealing. It was a sight and idea the repulsed James and made him wish he would never leave the sanctity of his club. The next morning as James sat the bar, the news on the t.v filling the background noise. The leading story was the mysterious death of a John Doe. A few witnesses claimed they had seen him leaving a club the night before. No comment has been issued by the police chief who claimed he could give no comment due to it being a part of an active investigation. They have some suspects but none could be mentioned at this time. James listened to the new as he went through the books, jotting down some irregularities that he didn't understand on a separate piece of paper. A knock on the entrance was the only thing that pulled his attention from his books as more and more irregularities began appearing. Standing from the bar he took a sip of his drink before heading to the door to open it. Behind the door stood three detectives and the police commissioner, a sour look on the commissioner's face. “Good morning detectives, how can I help you this morning? He asked. “Have you heard about the man who was killed?” the police commissioner asked as he and the detectives made their way in. "Yea the John Doe, I was just hearing about it on the news. What's up? "He asked as he looked across at the officers. “He was a john doe, that is until his cousin came into the precinct with a picture of our john doe. It’s some of the information that hasn’t been said to the press.” The commissioner said as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. “What is this?” James asked as he took the paper and began to read it. “A warrant to search the premises. It turns out he worked here as a card dealer in your back room. From there we found his friend your teller who told us you just had him fired for stealing from your table.” he said as he motioned the officers to begin their search. James waited till they were out of hearing range, and he and the commissioner were alone before he began to speak. “What’s going on here? I thought we had an understanding friend.” panic finally breaking through his calm facade "I thought we had an understanding too. See I had begun going through my records as I do every couple of months when I noticed something. Why don't you take a guess at what I found? No? Well, I'll tell you then. Yesterday's payment was nearly a quarter of what it once and is supposed to be. I also found each month my payment has been slowly been dropping. I found this going back for months, and then a murder just so happens to fall on your front door." the commissioner just said. ‘" I've been paying you the fifty thousand that I have always been paying you, the same sum we agreed upon. There has to be a mistake." James said his panic building. "well don't worry, when we bring you down to the station, I will show you the books and you can tell me I'm wrong," he said with a cocky smile as he waited for his officers to find anything. He scowled when all three-returned empty-handed. They explained to his=m how there is enough evidence to show that the card dealer was connected with the mob “I’m sure you have connections. Don’t worry I’ll be seeing you again soon.” the commissioner said as he and his officers left the already open door. James followed after closing the door, his heart almost sinking. As James leaned out the door he saw Alex come in through the back an indifferent look on his face. “I can’t believe the commissioner. So, fickle as to go back on his word, just because you are trying to save money.” Alex said as he sighed and walked to the bar pouring himself a drink. And one as well for James. “How long were you listening in back there?” James asked as he straightened himself up and walked over to the bar taking a seat. "I just got here, I swear I wasn't listening in," Alex replied as there was a knock at the back door. "C'mon in the door is open," James called out. Raising his glass, he took a fairly large sip of his drink. As he watched his old friend enter the room. “Jamie why must you bring so much heat down on me and my organization?” the man asked as he took a seat at the bar next to him. His two friends in black suits hovering behind him. "How did I bring heat down on your organization?" James asked unsure of how to feel anymore. "You guys were the ones who did the killing," James said as he rose to his feet. "I would Silence yourself, sir. See I feel that it is the time that you pass the torch on to another. Someone younger. I think Alex would make the perfect candidate. I don't think he would be dumb enough to bribe a cop." The click of the hammer as the trigger was pulled was the only warning that James had before the baring sound of the gun went off. At that moment, he felt a tear as the bullet flew through him. He fell to the floor his last sights and sound were of Alex. “Thank you for your support Uncle.” © 2018 A.M Leone |
Added on January 29, 2018 Last Updated on January 29, 2018 Tags: Fiction, Short story, gangster Author