Chase Matthews

Chase Matthews

A Story by A.M Leone

A story for people who want to escape the shackles of the type of life that we are cursed to live with.


" Be safe chase."

A lean older man in dress pants and a shirt said as he looked around station, the man despite the rapidly graying hair (the only real indication of his age.) stood proud as he rested his hand on the younger man shoulder.  The younger man Chase looked like the older man, though the gap and generations was evident.   Dressed in worn boot cut jeans and a pair of black boots covered in mud, a large nirvana T shirt that hid his toned muscles. 

                " I will dad, I'll call you and mom when I get to uncle tom's."

                Chase said as he gave his father a quick hug before picking up his duffel bag and stepping onto the bus.  The trip to the city was a long one by bus, dreading the eight-hour trip Chase took his seat.  As the bus began to move a question began to bother him, it was a question that changed his parents' lives and subsequently his own.  Growing up his parents always said that the motivation for their moving was a simple question, what are we working for?

                He had never been able to truly understand that question, he led his entire life sheltered and hidden away, protected from the city.  This question started to develop shortly after his parents' marriage.  Before they moved away from the city his father was a day trader who, in his mid-twenties was already beginning to turn gray.  His mother was a brilliant woman who got her masters by the age of twenty-two and became an English teacher.

                Once married they began racking up the usual debt that couple's start building.  With all the hours, the pair worked together to counteract their debt accumulation, that’s when the question began to form.  It didn't take much longer for them to come up with a way to answer this question, and then save up enough money to buy several acres of land upstate.  Together with several other family's they quit their lives and moved upstate.  Starting with only tents.  His parents and the others families eventually started the green society, building their own houses and the small town in the process. 

                Over time, other families have come and join while the original families had followed at least one part of the bible which was be fruitful and multiply.  It was a long eight hours for Chase, because no matter how hard he tried he couldn't escape his thoughts, though he was very grateful when he was finally able to get off the stupid bus.  Stepping off the bus Chase felt like he was in a whole other world.  Before he knew it he was caught in the school of people all following in one direction, mumbling from behind telling him that he was moving too slow.

                " Now where was I supposed to meet them again?" He thought himself when he reached the surface of the vast bus station.

                The smell of the city caused his nose wrinkle, while at the same time he tried to tune out the noise of the blaring horns and sirens. Everything too overwhelming for but despite everything negative, the summer sun did look stunning over the City scape. Filling the gaps in between the buildings with gold, the sky various shades of reds, purples and pinks.  It felt like it took forever to find his aunt and uncle, who to his dismay he would be spending the summer with.

"Welcome to New York City, how is a trip here?" His aunt said as she ran up to him embracing him. 

She at one time was a very beautiful woman, now the features had expanded.  Wearing soft colored clothes that looked new and pressed, a style of dress that chase had very rarely seen.  Her husband a balding man who was on the lazier side, not fat but not thin either, his suit sloppy when compared to his wife’s clothes.  Chase's Cousins (a boy and girl) were no better.  His cousin Ashley a tall and appealing young woman who just exerted high maintenance through every fiber of her being.

'like mother like daughter‘ he thought to himself as he began examining his cousin Andrew. 

                 Two years younger than his sister he was almost the exact opposite.  He stood 5 foot five, where Chace was six feet tall.  His cousin, a chubby boy who looked as if he hadn’t seen his toes for a while.  In one hand, he held a large soda in the other a cellphone.  Forced in the middle seat of the car he was crushed between both of his cousins, the car ride back to their apartment felt even slower than his bus ride down.  Every time Chase examined the people in the car they all (minus Uncle Tom who was driving.) Were looking at him, and in a weird way too.

" so, what do you think of New York City so far?" His uncle asked finally breaking the silence.

" so far?" Chase started thinking quickly " it's interesting."

" ha ha, only interesting?  Do you even have a light bulb where you’re from?" Ashley said, her ignorance mind boggling to young chase.

 Curiosity forced him to wonder what these kids know about where he lives or, what his aunt and uncle even think about his family's choice.  The sounds of horns and frustrated yelling filled the air as chase sat for the first time in stop and go traffic which lasted the entire way.  Chase, watched out the window as a ten-minute walk turned into a twenty-minute drive.  Stepping out of the car, he began following his estranged family up the eight flights of stairs to their apartment.

" all these stairs and they still move are sluggish." He thought to himself.

The apartment they lived in was on the fourth floor, spacious probably to everybody but Chace. To chase the height of the building and all the walls caused him to start feeling claustrophobic. 

" We don't have a spare room but I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing a room with your Cousin Andrew." His aunt said when they got settled in the apartment

" But mom, no one said he'd be crashing with me in my room." Andrew said, his protest an immediate reaction

" well it's a good thing my loving son is so generous.  Don't you agree Chase?" She said beaming.

'generous my a*s.' Chase thought again to himself, settling for just nodding, not wanting to say something he’d regret.

Giving into his mother's desires he motioned for Chase follow.  Walking down the tight hallway, Chase began feeling homesick.  Despite living in a community away from the city, he was finding that he was so far unimpressed with the big city.  The open air, clean and fresh held no value in this big city, the pollution and smog was so bad it was often hard to breathe leaving you unable to enjoy the relaxing feel.

"So, what you on your Brands bring her or something like that." Andrew asked when the door closed behind them.

"Excuse me?" Chase questioned back.

" your Amish, aren't you?  Isn't that why you've never been to the city before?"

His fists balled slightly as he exhaled to try and calm himself.

"No, I'm not Amish.  I do live in a community, but not in Amish community. Also, it’s called Rumspringa" Chase said trying to hold back saying something stupid.

" Then why haven't you come to the city before?"

" why would I?" Was the only response Chase could give.

Several weeks had passed since he arrived in the city, his homesickness and want to return home grew heavier with each day.  Watching as his aunt and uncle worked all day every day, spent money egregiously on the most unnecessary things. The food they ate made him a nauseous and bloated, the television shows they watched were crass and mind numbing.  The only time he felt at peace in the city was when he was alone, usually when he went for his morning and nightly run.  Only source of tranquility he could find in this crowded city was in central park, which too was too fast paced for Chase’s liking.  In his moments of peace he began thinking once again about the question What is it they’re working for?

His Cousins probably by order of their parents never left him alone, taking him out wherever they went.  One night he'd be bar hopping with his technically underage cousin Ashley.  Hanging out with her he found problems that he'd have to try to find a way to deal with later on before he leaves.  Other nights he was home playing video games with his Cousin Andrew.

Honestly, he missed the simple things, the way his home was much simpler than the city yet in his eyes for the.  Sleeping on for the sound of the tour being kicked in, and Ashley’s voice a hiss, lethal and venomous that filled the room.

" you little thief!  You stole the s**t I stashed in the music box."

Waking up groggily Andrew sat up his sister slams his door shut behind her.  Their parents must have already left for work

" I didn't touch your s**t, so get out!" Andrew snapped, the irritation on his face hidden by the shadows from curtains.

" you know that stuff is seriously bad for you.  You might as well save your money and get healthier." Chase said as he sat up and watch the scene

Turning to Chase Ashley was seething with anger and snapped at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are Amish boy!"

Chase laughed as he rose to his feet before he walked from the room laughing.  He was followed by Ashley, still seething with anger.

"It better not have been you who stole my f*****g s**t.” She snapped at her cousin again. 

" Me?  No of course not, I'm Amish remember, I know not what you speak." Chase said as he reached the kitchen and began pouring himself glass of water. Sarcasm and anger clear in his voice.  " hey, did you know water comes out of these metal tubes?"

The sarcasm flowed naturally as he spoke, he drank the water in the glass, before he left her in the kitchen to go get dressed and start the day.  Through the closed door he heard her scream storm off to her room.  He Left the building alone, stopping at the curb, he inhaled the morning air, his eyes were closed and his nose burned from the smell of the fresh tar being laid.  When he opened his eyes, the fumes in the air made him tear, this is one of his least favorite parts of the city life.

                Chase walked down the block and watched as the workers on site inhaled not only the toxic fumes from the materials they were working with, but also the cigarettes they were smoking to pass the time.  The hot summer left and the hydrated and some looked even think once again the question popped into his head what is you're working for.  The sites of the city for the most part made him shudder.  That day was last week in New York City, he couldn't be happier.

© 2017 A.M Leone

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Added on March 3, 2017
Last Updated on March 3, 2017


A.M Leone
A.M Leone


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