Loving the vicious tone throughout this one, AJ......it's the kind of brilliant realism I could certainly inflict on some certain hapless a******s. Ohhh, to rip their pitiful faces off with my bare hands! Wouldn't that be "quiet" fun! Lolololololol You really hit the nail on the head with this one. Romantic in its own way and bristling with wonderful imagery and murderous intent. Now...can i borrow that hammer?.....some useless skulls need cracking! Great piece!
Posted 4 Years Ago
3 of 3 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
I get into these moods myself sometimes lol. Many a wretches could be skinned alive.
Thank y.. read moreI get into these moods myself sometimes lol. Many a wretches could be skinned alive.
Thank you sir Brilliance for such a lively review!
Such a unique piece of writing! The heights of love taken to carnivorous ecstasy. I think Hannibal Lecter would have enjoyed this writing, AJ. Refreshingly original!💐💐💐
AJ, this was...amazing, absolutely phenomenal!!!!
LMAOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This, perhaps, maybe the best love poem I have ever ever read!!! It was so funny and different and...I really loved this, AJ. Great poem!!!
Nix ❤️️
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Wow! Thanks a ton Nix! :)))))
I so truly appreciate!
4 Years Ago
You're so very welcome, AJ! You're such a great writer!!! 😊😊
I love the in-your-face irreverent portrait of attraction/love as bloodshed. I love how this seemingly bloody scene could symbolize how intense attraction is a sort of slaughter where (sometimes) people stop acting in their own best interests & will do ANYTHING to get their fix. This also reminded me of how many people describe babies as being so cute, they just want to eat them. There's something appealing about such concepts & you fleshed this one out vividly (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Thanks a ton Ms. Margie. I love how you saw this piece and the thought that was behind it.
Alrighty then....a bit violent, but still there is romance in between the lines. Not sure if you are saying you want to be closer to a loved one or if you are ready to murder one! No matter though, well written. Lydi**
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thanks a ton Ms. Lydi. A love poem with a difference i was trying. So glad you appreciated.
Intrusively is hardly sufficient to describe the desires expressed in this one. I believe the references are metaphorical, expressing the longing for oneness with the beloved. Otherwise, it might be mistaken for something Jack the Ripper might have said. A real cutup, that boy.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Yes he was legendary! A poet gone haywire perhaps...? Thanks a ton dear sir!
an intense piece
one of deliciously
dark desire and
decadent intentions
so intrusively put
into play
so many good lines
hard t o pick just
one but I like the
4th set of three
a poem with a lot
punch and bite
just like Dracula
might say
" I vant your blood" :)
nice work
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thanks a ton for appreciating this dark piece, Ms. Fran....
It feels like peaking inside the hidden diary of a serial killer who is trying to control themselves. Love the tone and the vivid picture you paint with every line. Well done!
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Than a ton dear Jess! This is how they turn to killing....
I like this an awful lot ... I love the fact that you can write about stuff that some might find distasteful and I am extending an invitation now to join the club ... this art form of ours aint just about puppy dogs n kittens is it .......................... Dali once said of his wife Gala .. I intend to eat her once she is dead .. becuz that is an act of true love ... or summat like that anyway .......... Neville
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Even our cats will eat us if we die alone. Doesn't mean they don't love us 😀 Thanks a ton dear si.. read moreEven our cats will eat us if we die alone. Doesn't mean they don't love us 😀 Thanks a ton dear sir.