I was looking forward to going to sleep after a long day. I've taken my shower, cleared off my bed, and laid down. I wasn't very tired yet, so I surfed the web and played games until I felt tired. When I finally felt tired, I put my laptop away and proceeded to lay down and go to sleep.
I closed my eyes until I drifted into dreamland. I destined for the best sleep ever, but sadly, that didn't happen. You see, I have this condition, where I feel paralyzed while sleeping, or awake. I can't move or even scream, All I can do is breathe. It's a terrifying thing to have.
A few minutes into my slumber, I fell into sleep paralysis. I tried to wake up but couldn't. I felt like something was pinning me down. I wanted to scream, but to no avail. I started to panic while thinking, what If I never wake up? What if this is the end?
Suddenly, I could have sworn that I heard my door open, and feet dragging across my floor. Then, I felt something on my bed, walking on me and sniffing me and my bed. I figured it's my brother, playing a prank on me. When I finally woke up, I didn't see my brother or dog. I would have heard the door shut, once my bro saw me open my eyes or move, right? I didn't. Also, my door was closed when I woke up. Who could have been in my room? It wasn't my brother. Maybe it was a demon? Shadow person? Ghost? my imagination, playing tricks on me? I guess, I'll never know. It had taken me awhile to go back to sleep that night.