African Hope

African Hope

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

My hope that all the children of Africa no matter where they may have traveled and appear Unite as one Family.



Why do your children kill each other?

Basing hate on language and skin tone



I can feel your tears

Will the mundane madness ever end?



Unite your children

Make them appreciate one another

Tell them how you birthed them all


Africa hold on

Don’t lose hope

One day all of humanity will dance under your sun

One day all of the earth will rest under the mother tree

I know the madness will end

Don’t lose hope Africa

Africa don’t lose hope

Don’t lose hope Africa

Africa don’t lose hope


© 2012 Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Author's Note

Abdul Batin Osman Bey
Let me know what think, feel, give me the load down

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Added on July 13, 2012
Last Updated on July 13, 2012
Tags: Africa, children, mundane, hope, birthed, unity


Abdul Batin Osman Bey
Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Cambridge, MA

It is said that if Johnny Thunders and Janis Joplin were to have a child then have him to be raised by the unwanted aspects of Society while having him schooled in Timbuktu that person would be me. I.. more..
