Christians, Muslims and Jews
Not one of you can speak for God
You can only speak for your small portion
A small glimmer into the great eternal
How are we to fully grasp the Lord?
The one who controls every aspect of the universe?
It is HE who created us and only HE can destroy us
He numbered the days of our lives, the stars, and even the sand
Because we wrote books and went to the moon we think we know
If Abraham is our father why must we fight?
God speaks to us but we filter the message
Mixing our views with what should be blowing our minds
Fencing in the beauty so only the privileged few can grasp it
Even the chosen don’t truly grasp anything
They don’t grasp because they are programmed to view things in certain ways
We condemn people to Hell so easily
Based on orientation and religion
Who are we to do so?
What authority do we have?
If you don’t do exactly as you are told
Pray a certain way
Eat a certain way
Stay away from one product but not the other
Believe this way not that way
Then you will be allowed into paradise
What about others?
They burn?
Is the all-knowing God that petty?
Is our Master purposely holding the key so far off knowing we can’t read them?
Or is the way simple and man messed it up?
I love God
I live for God in my imperfect way
But for religion I feel contempt
They hide too many truths
Hurt too many people
If God is a God of love
As all the people say
Then why do all his religious followers spread so much hate?