![]() Chapter SevenA Chapter by Aianarie (INACTIVE)Chapter
When I
awoke, I was lying on something soft, presumably a blanket. Three men were around me, talking. Two of them were quite young, neither yet
twenty, and the other looked to be in his thirties or forties. They all wore armor, tunics, boots and capes. “Oh.”
I groaned, pushing myself up into a sitting position. One of the
younger men turned around. “She’s awake! Good tidings, my lady!” “Um…who are
you?” I asked, a blush rising to my cheeks.
My mind hadn’t caught up with everything quite yet at that point. “No need to
be alarmed.” he continued. He had thick, dark hair and a boyish face and
voice. “I am Oliver, this is my
colleague Dansk, and our mentor, Corr.
We are of the Royal Guard. We
were out on a leisurely stroll when we heard the wolves and your voice, and
figured something was up.” “Thank you
very much.” I said. I felt immensely embarrassed. “I’m terribly sorry to be so much
trouble. I am Felicity Delacourte.” “No, no
trouble at all, Lady Felicity.” “So, if you
don’t mind me asking, why were you wandering the forests?” asked Dansk. He has longer, brown hair and blue eyes. I took a
deep breath. “I’m on a mission from the
Castle.” His eyebrows
raised a bit. “Really? Well, with armor
like that, I should’ve guessed…on whose orders?” “Lord Jasper.” “Wow.” said Dansk, “Lord Jasper usually doesn’t send
women on missions. He’s a bit of sexist
in that regard.” “Don’t speak
of your superiors that way, Dansk.” said
Corr calmly. He then turned his
attention to me. “What is your mission,
Lady Felicity?” “I was
ordered to accompany the Prince on his return journey from Marrowÿn.” I said.
The three men glanced at each other. “Oh.” said Dansk.
“Well then, welcome to the party.
Is the Prince expecting you, then?” My heart
turned over. “The Prince--he is here?” “Didn’t I
say we were of the Royal Guard?” said Oliver, looking confused. “You
did.” said Corr. “I thought
so.” “Oh, I’m
sorry. I’m so terribly out of it.” I said, pressing my forefinger and thumb to
the bridge of my nose. “You should
rest, my lady.” I shook my
head. “I’m fine. And I think I’ve done enough of that
already.” I stood up, dusting myself
off. Much to my relief, my beautiful
armor was still without scratch or blemish.
“Where is the Prince now?” “He is
having a private meeting with the Lord of Marrowÿn.” said Oliver.
“He will most likely not be finished for a few hours yet. You are more than welcome to accompany us to
the bar, if you wish.” “Yes, thank
you. I am in need of refreshment.”
Marrowÿn’s ‘finest’ bar was much different than
Epsilia’s. At least Epsilia’s was large,
clean, and well-decorated. I felt quite
cramped, in between Corr and some other man I did not know. The air was hot and stuffy and smelt
like--well, alcohol, and men who were much overdo for a good long shower. I ordered a
glass of water and a turkey sandwich, which I consumed faster than I had ever
eaten in my life. I was keenly aware
that Oliver and Dansk were watching me with amused faces, but somehow, I didn’t
care. I was hungry, and I was not in a very happy mood. “I have a
question, if I may.” I said, to no one
in particular. “Of course,
my lady.” said Oliver. “I was
attacked in the forest by some masked elf mercenary.” I said solemnly. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about
him, would you?” Oliver exchanged a
confused look with Dansk. “No, I
don’t.” he said. “How odd.
Elf mercenaries are quite rare.” I laughed
humorlessly. “Hmph. I’d like to know what he’s up to.” “It’d
probably be in your best interest to avoid him, Lady Felicity.” said Corr.
“The elves are a tricky enough as is.
I’ve never encountered an elf mercenary, but I know that I wouldn’t want
to mess with one.”
Later that evening, the boys took me to their “camp”, which
was actually a little plateau outside the city that overlooked the shimmering
southern sea. It was such a beautiful
sight. I stood there, mesmerized as the
crisp, salty air slapped my face. I had
never seen the ocean before. “Ah, the ocean.” I remember my brother saying back at the
restaurant in Turleín. “I don’t feel like I belong there, but
somehow, it seems to call me home.” Isaiah was
not prone to sentimentality. He would
never say something so heartfelt unless he really meant it. I missed
him. I missed mother. I missed my sisters, even Xenia. Deep down, I wanted to go home. But even deeper, I knew that was not to
happen. “You can set
up your sleeping things, now, if you like.”
said Oliver, right near my ear.
Judging by his tone he must have tried to get my attention more than
once, on account of my aquatic rapture.
I snapped out of it and looked at him.
He smiled. I looked around him
and saw a large windmill that caught my attention. It gleamed in the light of the setting sun. “I’m
sorry. This is my first time seeing the
ocean. It’s so beautiful!” I sounded more childish than I would’ve
liked, but I quickly lost that train of thought. “Oh
really! I should’ve guessed. My sister was the same.” said Oliver, laughing at the memory. “Well, at any rate, I assume you have your
own bedding, yes? There’s a spot for you
around the fire.” And with that he walked
off towards Dansk and Corr. The former
was busy charming the campfire, the latter was seated against a log, smoking a
pipe. I approached
and took off my packs, sighing at how good it felt to have those burdens off of
my shoulders. I wasn’t used to carrying
so much equipment quite yet. I sat down
wearily on a log. The heat of the fire
was a pleasant contrast to the cool air. Dansk leaned
back, obviously satisfied with his work.
He looked back and considered me. “If you
don’t mind me asking, where you ordered to come here, or did you request it?” It’s a funny
question, one that somehow I’m sure he knows the answer to. “I requested
it.” He was quiet
for a moment. “Considering what you’ve
been through, would you still have requested it?” I didn’t
need to think about the answer. “Yes.” Dansk smiled
and nodded once. “I admire your courage,
Lady Felicity. Not many women have your
spirit.” “Thanks.” I said.
I smiled back. For the first time
since meeting them, I felt slightly uncomfortable being around three men, two
of which were young--and I’ll be honest, attractive enough. I made
myself busy taking off my armor. It felt
amazing to be wearing just my blouse, pants, and riding skirt. I took off my boots and stretched my
feet. One of the lovely pink socks that
Ali had knitted for me now had a hole at the toe of my left foot. I frowned at the hole, ruining my little
sister’s handiwork. “Your
majesty!” said Oliver suddenly. All four of us sprung to our feet. I
immediately forgot about my sock.
Sebastian stalked by, not even bothering to look at us. “Your
majesty? Is everything all right?” asked Corr.
Sebastian stopped and drew in a heavy sigh. He turned, but didn’t look at any of us
personally. His face is solemn and slightly pained. A string plucked in my heart, causing an
unpleasant pull in my chest. “I’m sorry,
I don’t mean to be so rude.” “You need
not apologize to us, your majesty.” said
Oliver. “Do you need anything?” “No, no, I
am fine. I will bathe and then go to bed
straightaway. I’m exhausted. Good night.” “Good night,
your majesty.” said Oliver, Dansk, and
Corr all at once. “Good
night.” I said after. My young, feminine voice sounded odd and hung
in the air. Sebastian looked at me then,
as if noticing for the first time that I was
there. His expression didn’t change, but
I saw the recognition in his eyes. We
stared at each other for what felt like minutes but were less than five
seconds. “Good
night.” he said with a nod. He went into the windmill.
I found it immensely difficult to fall asleep. Oliver and Dansk were up playing cards, or
something. I assumed they were playing
some sort of game, judging by their playfully snide remarks and quiet laughter. One cause of
my discomfort was the feeling of dirt and sweat and stench that stuck my
clothes to my skin. I hadn’t showered in
nearly two days. Secondly, the ground
underneath my sleeping bag was hard and rocky.
Third and probably worst of all, I felt uneasy about Sebastian. Had he forgotten entirely about our encounter
back at the castle? I was being
foolish. I was stupid to believe that
the Prince would truly love someone like me.
I was just another face. I turned
over, unintentionally letting out a groan of annoyance. “My lady,”
said Oliver gently. I made a sound to
acknowledge him. “You should sleep
inside, too. You shouldn’t be out here in the wilderness.” I sat up and looked up at him, he now stood
before me. I heard
Dansk snicker behind me, and I honestly hadn’t a clue why. Oliver couldn’t hide a tiny smile as he
lowered his eyes to the ground. He then
busied himself by adding a log to the fire.
Corr snored loudly to my left. I got up
uncomfortably and tried to fix my mussed-up hair. “I suppose
you’re right. I’m very uncomfortable out
here.” I said, a blush rising into my
cheeks. “I don’t like to be such a spoiled prissy, but I really am not
accustomed to such rugged environments, especially for sleeping.” “Go ahead,
m’lady.” said Dansk, somewhat
smugly. I gathered up my things. “Thank you.”
I said. “Good night,
m’lady.” said Dansk and Oliver at the
same time. “Good
night.” I said. I made my way to the windmill. The door creaked loudly and got stuck when I
tried to open it. I shoved my body
weight into the door and finally got it to open. I wondered to myself why the Prince of
Ancantha was sleeping in such a dump, but when I went in, I noticed that the
inside of the windmill was amazingly well kept.
It was almost like a room at a nice inn.
There was a large chaise. I
breathed a sigh of relief. After I was
finished arranging my things, Sebastian came down the stairs. I turned to pay him proper respect but
realized that he was only wearing a heavy pair of white pants. Immediately my heart did a back flip that
nearly choked me to death. I took a deep
breath and cleared my mind. Sebastian
looked up from his reading, noticed me, and his expression barely changed. “Lady
Felicity,” he said with a nod. “What’s wrong? You don’t look very good.” He didn’t mean it to be rude, but I took it
that way. “I’m
tired.” I said immediately. “And I feel really...grimy. I don’t know.
I just feel very uncomfortable at the moment.” More than he knew, really. Apparently walking around shirtless in front
of the girl who has a grand crush on you, or any girl, actually, didn’t strike
him as just plain rude. “There’s a
nice little pond out back if you’d like to bathe. Watch your step, though. It’s a rocky cliff.” he said before returning to his book. I felt annoyed, for some reason. He was acting like we had never even
met. I was just another person in his
little party. I grabbed my bag and
stalked by him. I sensed that he had
looked up, which mollified me to a certain extent. Almost immediately after I thought of it, though,
I scolded myself. Since when had I become so
irritable? I carefully made my way down the cliff into a
patch of trees. There was a small
pond. I quickly bathed--that was also a
new experience for me, bathing in a pond--and I did indeed feel much better
afterwards. I put on the silk and lace
nightgown that Xenia had given me as a present on the day of my Armoring. It was quite lovely. I wondered why I had brought it for this
trip, though. I must have mistaken it
for my normal nightgown. My conservative
one. I left my
hair down, to cover my shoulders. The
back of the nightgown was quite low for my personal taste, and I hadn’t brought
a coat. I hoped that Sebastian had gone
to bed and wouldn’t see me when I went in. But sure
enough, he was sitting on the chaise inside (on top of my bedding, how lovely), arm draped over the back, reading
his book. He didn’t look very content,
however, like I usually did while reading a book. I felt very shy around him, especially with
what I was wearing, but I clasped my hands behind my back and walked over to
him. He looked up
at me and then returned his eyes to his book.
“You are very beautiful, Lady Felicity.”
he said, something odd to his voice.
Embarassment? Sadness?
Remorse? I couldn’t tell. “Sebastian.” “Yes?” “For
Heaven’s sake, look at me, please.” He did,
earnestly. “What’s
wrong?” He didn’t
hesitate, but took a breath before he spoke.
“I’ve had a lot on my mind.
That’s all, really. This Prince
thing is quite overwhelming. I’m very
sorry that I’ve been so impersonal with you as of late. It’s just all so--“ “--Frustrating.” I finished the sentence for him. “Yes.” he sat the book down on my pillow. “I’m exhausted, Felicity.” “Then
sleep.” I said, sitting beside him. He withdrew his arm respectfully, but I
helped him lay his head down in my lap.
I stroked his hair from his face and caressed his cheekbone with the
side of my finger. I was probably breaking
a million different rules on how a commoner (of sorts) should treat the Prince,
but I didn’t care. The man whom I loved
needed comfort, so I would be there to give it to him. “Felicity.” said Sebastian, his voice muffled, “Will you
sing for me?” “Of
course.” I thought fast. Then I remembered the lullaby that I sung for
Hope, Vivian, Ali, even Xenia, when they were babies. It was a family song, made up by my
great-grandmother. I vaguely remember in
the back of my memory my mother singing it for me when I was very little.
warm western wind, it blows The
secret in my heart, it knows Whenever
it blows through my hair I
know it has always been there It
watches me as I grow and learn It
soothes me when sorrow takes a turn Like
a mother, like a father The
wind helped me to grow All
the secrets in my heart, it knows--
I stopped,
and was overcome with sorrow that caused me to sob involuntarily. Oh, how I missed my family, and I couldn’t
contain it any longer. Sebastian sat up
and observed me with a concerned expression.
He smiled a little bit. “Shh, don’t
cry.” he said, wiping tears off of my
cheeks with his thumb. I took a deep
breath, sobbing like a child, and wiped my face with the edge of my blanket. Sebastian put a hand behind my head and put
his forehead against mine. Our noses
touched lightly. His warmth seeped into
me like sunshine. “Shh.”
he soothed. “I am here.” His breath against my lips made me feel warm
and secure, and I calmed down within a few minutes. His lips
were so close to mine. They nearly
touched-- “Felicity.” he said suddenly. I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Come to bed with me.” I must have had a shocked look to my face,
because his expression sank a little.
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that.
I promise you, I only want you by my side. You are a my comfort.” I closed my
eyes and tried to think, but no thoughts would materialize in a way that made
any sense. “Please? You trust me, right?” “Yes.” I said.
“Okay.” He put my arms around his
neck and lifted me easily. I didn’t open
my eyes. He carried me upstairs to a
small loft and sat me on the bed. It was
a low, soft bed with simple blankets. He stood for
a moment. He dropped his eyes from my
face. “Saint
Felicitas.” he said. I was relieved that he was staring at the
silver medal that hung from my neck and not my chest. “One of the human saints. A very brave woman. She watched her children suffer martyrdom and
afterwards, received the martyr’s crown herself.” “Yes. My mother told me that she named me after her
so that I might have her courage.” I
said. “Well, I
believe that you live up to your baptism name…unlike me.” he said, remorsefully. “You’re
brave, and you’re strong, too.” I said,
unable to think of anything else. “No
matter what happens, you will lead your people to whatever end. And be rewarded for it in Heaven.” He looked
back at me. “I hope you’re right.”
© 2012 Aianarie (INACTIVE)Author's Note
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Added on June 15, 2012Last Updated on June 15, 2012 Author![]() Aianarie (INACTIVE)Eugene, ORAbout**IMPORTANT: This account is inactive. To keep up with me, A.M. Wied, follow me at the Facebook link below! Thank you for your support!** Hello~! My name is Ashley and I am a great many things, .. more..Writing
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