How bad New Years was!

How bad New Years was!

A Story by

dont read if you like something interesting because me myself and I isn't!


New Years.

Well fun. But not when your sitting in your house with your two cusions and all of your brothers and sisters step mom and your dad. Let's think did I say boyfriend..? NO!! Yupp me + no boyfriend= unhappy. Easy Math when you think about it. The night after new years (ok I know I"m getting off the topic but still it's fun to read) me and my ister and cusion watch Aungus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Good movie trust me but then I hated my life even more . Now today is Sunday and tomorrow school starts again. I'm gonna get very unset if I don't get a boyfriend in the next week! I don't get mad easyly though.

Well I'm gonna go do something! Bye : )

© 2010

Author's Note

Just me being me no rude comments!

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Added on January 4, 2010
Last Updated on January 4, 2010



Small Town, OH

First oh all My name is Elise Iwas lying saying itwas Shawn ... But it isn't I live a full life and I don't need you to tell me how to live it. more..

So Short. So Long So Short. So Long

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