Why New Years sucks

Why New Years sucks

A Chapter by

based from Duncan's and Cody's view


Cody's point:(on blog)

Hey Wow This year was s**t...I only liked when Shawn brightened up the day .But every other day was s**t.If 2010 is anything like this b***h a*s year the I'll kill myself. If It's a really good year maybe I'll live not sure.. yet. Well my dog Zoey Is jumping on me for no reason at all. Well I'm a human and she's a dog she could be telling me something but like I know what the f**k she's talking about . Duncan is sleeping I think? Well Mom's in the kicten make me a samich. Oh yeah I have A question what is love? Spray painting the walls tomorrow with Jacob Faults.

© 2009

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Added on December 31, 2009
Last Updated on December 31, 2009



Small Town, OH

First oh all My name is Elise Iwas lying saying itwas Shawn ... But it isn't I live a full life and I don't need you to tell me how to live it. more..

So Short. So Long So Short. So Long

A Poem by