Why us..

Why us..

A Chapter by

Read it like it! featuring Shawn and Miyla Fidnn, Cody and Duncan Thimp, Alicia Witts, Lisa Yorl, Jacob Faults, Todd Stiner. Thanks guys for taking part in my story!


Recall of the last Chapter: Cody skated fell then shawn became his girlfriend and Duncan Says sorry for everything Now they'er going back to the rink to teach cody how to skate.


Alicia calls Shawn that night.


Alicia:Hey girl!!

Shawn: Oh Hey Alicia! Whats going on..?

Alicia: Nothing just wanted to know if you wanted 2 stay the night?

Shawn: Oh My God Yeah.

Alicia:Pick yah up in 10?

Shawn:Sure alright well bye



10 Mintues Later.

Beep Beep! Alicia's car beeped. Shawn ran outside with her emo hair messed up. Shawn's hair is emo cut with the tips blonde she has light brown hair. Alicia's hair is always different her hair is dark brown.Duncan's hair is black and kinda spikey. Cody's hair is light brown also emo cut. Both Shawn and Cody are scene (the real version of Emo).

"Finally I miss you !"Alicia says . Shawn laughs like the little girl she is."You have a weird laugh!"Alicia says.

"No I don't"

"Yes you do!"

"Ugh..Fine you win." Shawn addmits.


© 2009

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Added on December 28, 2009
Last Updated on December 30, 2009
Tags: Shawn and Miyla Fidnn, Cody and Duncan Thimp, Alicia Witts, Lisa Yorl, Jacob Faults, Todd Stiner



Small Town, OH

First oh all My name is Elise Iwas lying saying itwas Shawn ... But it isn't I live a full life and I don't need you to tell me how to live it. more..

So Short. So Long So Short. So Long

A Poem by