College Officially Begins

College Officially Begins

A Chapter by Alex Hunter

The group goes to their first class of the day. On the downside, a certain someone has a class with them.


Chapter III

College Officially Begins


Tim woke up to the sound of an alarm. It was 6:30 in the morning. All he could remember was that last night was great. He turned his head to the left and saw Veronica cuddled up to him, her head resting on his chest. Then, she got up.

“Good morning beautiful.” Tim smiled.

“Hey babe.” Veronica smiled as well and kissed Tim.

They got up. They both were naked and had to get their undergarments on before they could go take a shower. Once they had clothes on, they left the room. Steve’s door was open, indicating he was showering. What surprised them was a fully dressed Rod reading the newspaper and drinking hot chocolate. He was wearing a blue polo and khaki pants.

“Morning guys.” Rod smiled.

“Dude, how?”

“I woke up early, anxiousness man.” Rod smiled. “Steve should be finishing up. You guys look like you just woke up from a wild night.” Rod chuckled.

“You bet.” Veronica smiled, tussling Tim’s hair.

“How about you, how’d your night go?”

“Let’s just say-.” Rod pulled out approximately 15 papers. “I have a hidden charm.”

“Seriously?!” Veronica and Tim looked shocked.

“Yep, I guess girls have taken a liking to me, 15 phone numbers.” Rod smiled.

“Yeah, could you believe it?” Steve walked by Tim and Veronica wearing a towel. “Bathrooms all yours now, I already ate breakfast and brushed my teeth.”

“Cool, hey Tim, do you mind showering first?”

“Not at all.” Tim said before he bolted to the bathroom.

Tim took over his underwear and glasses and turned the shower on. He waited for it to get warm before stepping in. The water felt good as he began to wash his hair. He rinsed of the shampoo and began to wash his body. He washed quickly as he was anxious to get to the first class. Of course, after the first day, Tim wouldn’t be this anxious anymore because he knew what to expect but he still went with it. He turned the shower off after rinsing his body from soap and grabbed a dark blue towel. He rubbed it on his face before wrapping it around him. He stepped out of the shower, grabbed his glasses and underwear and went out of the bathroom as he walked towards his room. Veronica walked into the bathroom, Rod was still reading the paper and Steve was reading the comics from the paper.


Tim entered his room and closed the door. He opened his suitcase and put on a pair of blue boxers. He then grabbed a shirt with the Panorama album cover by The Cars on it. He pushed his hair back as he slipped into some blue jeans. Finally, he put on some red converse. He closed his suitcase, put his glasses on and walked out of the room.

“Where’s the laundry room?” Tim asked.

“I dunno.” Steve said. He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with green sleeves, blue jeans and dark blue converse.

“All I know is that it’s probably on the first floor, just put it in your drawer, it’s too early to do laundry.” Rod said.

“Good idea.” Tim nodded and walked back into the room.

He opened the drawer to the left of the bed and tossed his underwear in it before walking back out again.

“You want a donut?” Steve asked.

“Sure man.”

“Glazed, chocolate, white, strawberry or coffee flavored?”

“Um, strawberry please.”

Steve tossed him a strawberry donut from the box.

“Thanks man,” Tim said as he caught it.

“No problem.” Steve replied.

“You can have coffee if you want.” Rod said, not looking up from the newspaper.


Tim took a bite of the donut as he walked towards the coffee maker. He quickly glanced at the clock, 7:00. One hour and fifteen more minutes until class begins. Tim nodded to himself as he got a mug out and poured some coffee into it.

“Yeah, I’m sure glad I remembered to get the other stuff out of the car last night while you and Veronica were screwing your heads off.” Rod chuckled.

Tim laughed. “Thanks man, I’m glad you’re getting back into the game.”

“Yeah, it’s gonna be hard to forget Liz and all, but I just feel like I’m due for a girlfriend now.” Rod said.

Veronica walked out of the bathroom with a red towel rapped around her.

“Breakfast whenever you’re ready.” Steve said.

“Thanks.” Veronica smiled and entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

“Damn, we’ve all known each other for 14 years.” Steve said.

“Yeah.” Rod smiled as he reminisced a little.

“Yep, we’ve had some hardships at times but we always come through.” Tim smiled and nodded.

“You bet, we’re like brothers; Veronica is like a sister to us, but she’s like a wife to Tim.” Steve chuckled.

“Don’t rush things Steve.” Tim playfully pushed his friend.

“How long have you two been together?” Rod asked.

“2 years and 7 months.” Tim smiled happily.

“Damn, longer than any of our relationships have lasted, especially Steve’s.” Rod couldn’t help but laugh at his statement.

“Funny.” Steve smiled. “But I don’t know if you restart dating someone that you previously had a relationship with, if that continues it.”

“Sorry man, but this is all new.” Tim said.

“Damn, well Dawn and I lasted 2 years and 2 months before we broke it off.”

“Yeah well, she aborted our unborn baby, without me knowing about either. Besides, I was stressed out during that time. Senior year, a job, my parents losing their jobs. If I wasn’t going through that stuff, I would’ve just talked to her about it, but instead I j-just lashed out on her. I berated her and then I broke her heart, coldly dumping her right there.” Steve breathed in deeply. “And from those months on, I couldn’t forget about it. You saw me at Liz’s house before Spring Break, not wanting to talk about it, because it was so painful.”

Tim put his hand on Steve’s shoulder.

“It’s okay bro, you and her are back together again, both of you are happy.” Tim assured his friend.

“Yeah.” Steve smiled.

Veronica walked out of the room. She was wearing a striped black and red shirt, blue jeans and black boots. She had her hair teased up again.

“Hey guys.” She smiled. “Toss me a glazed?”

Steve tossed her a glazed donut from the box.


“You’re welcome.”

“Well, it’s 7:20, what do you all wanna do?” Rod asked.

“Let’s leave around 7:45, that way we won’t get in traffic, nor will we be late to the class.” Steve said.

“Maybe we could lounge about in front of the Astronomy building for a while?” Tim said.

“Good idea.” Veronica poked Tim in the stomach which made Tim smile.

“I’m just not looking forward to one thing.” Rod scowled as he turned the page of the newspaper.

“Oh, and what’s that?” Veronica asked.


“Oh god, I swear if I have a class with that stupid dipshit.” Veronica rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, just torment, torment and torment that f****r spews.” Tim sneered.

“Whatever, I’m just happy to see Dawn, Cole and all our other friends again.” Steve smiled. “Ha, Cole even has a girlfriend now; they seem to be madly in love.”

“That’s good.” Rod said.

The group passed their time by chilling and having a good time before they all left in Veronica’s car. Tim got in the front while Steve and Rod were in the back.

“First day of learning in college, pretty exciting I guess.” Veronica said as she drove towards the Astronomy building. “It’s the Astronomy Center right?”

“Yep.” Tim nodded.

“What a dull name.” Rod and Steve chuckled.

Veronica pulled her Volvo wagon into the parking lot. The group didn’t get out of the car though.

“So our teacher is Mr. Woodwind.” Veronica said while looking at a pamphlet. “Looks a bit pompous doesn’t he.”

Tim laughed. “He seems to be from the south, wearing a cowboy hat and bolo tie.”

“Possibly, but don’t be so quick to say so.” Rod said.

The group had a laugh before a green Triumph Spitfire pulled up next to their car. In the car was Roger with a girl who had curly blonde hair. Roger was wearing a dark green polo and khaki pants while the girl was wearing a pink shirt with a white skirt. Randy, Roger’s right hand man was in the back sleeping. Randy was wearing a red polo and khaki pants.

“Oh no.” Tim said.

“You have to be kidding me.” Veronica groaned.

“D****t.” Steve moaned.

Rod just shook his head.

Luckily for the group, Roger and the girl paid no attention to them as they started making out.

“What does that girl see in that fuckwad?” Rod asked.

“Who cares man, what sucks is that we have a class with the two biggest jackasses and it has to be our first period.” Steve said.

“Alan and Richie.” Tim laughed. “They would’ve left this car and picked a fight with those guys right here and now.”

The others laughed as well, remembering how funny Alan and Richie were.

“Yeah, those two wouldn’t take s**t from anyone.” Veronica smiled.

“What time is it?” Steve asked quickly.

“7:58.” Rod said, looking at his silver watch.

“I’m taking a nap.” Steve fell back and closed his eyes.

Tim started daydreaming again before he fell into a small sleep.


Tim opened his eyes. He was sitting in front of his parents at the table during breakfast.

“Beer is refreshing.” His father uncovered his ears and folded his hands. “But no beer for you. “Your only 17.”
“Which is why I should be able to have freedom.”
“You can have my credit card but I will make sure you have a budget of about 50 dollars.”
“Good, that should be enough to buy me booze.” Tim took a sip of his orange juice.
“Find someone to buy it for you first.” His father said.
“I have my ways.” Tim laughed.
Tim’s nap was awoken by Veronica.

“Wake up, class begins in 5 minutes.”

“Oh.” Tim laughed.

“You were smiling.” Veronica smiled back.

“I was thinking about the conversation I had with my parents the day before Spring Break began. About why I couldn’t have freedom.”

Veronica smiled and pushed Tim’s hair from in front of his eyes.

“Hey let’s get out from the left side, you know, you that prick Roger doesn’t notice us.” Steve said.

“Smart idea.” Tim said.

The group scurried out of the car from the left side and fast walked to the building. Luckily, Roger, the girl, and Randy all failed to notice them at all.

They got into the building where there was a bunch of students already seated in the stands.

“Just take your seats anywhere.” Professor Woodwind said in a southern accent.

“Ha.” Rod laughed softly.

Tim chuckled.

Rod quickly turned to go get the 4 open seats in a row but he accidently walked into a girl with curly medium brown hair who was wearing a yellow sweater and white skirt. The accident caused her books to fall.

“I’m sorry about that.” Rod said, quickly picking her books up.

“No problem.” The girl smiled. “I’m Leigh Harding.” She put her hand out.

“Rod Evans, nice to meet you.” Rod smiled and shook her hand.

“You guys gonna take the four in a row?” Leigh asked.

“Um, do you have some friends here that you want to sit with?”

“Oh no, I’m completely new to West Virginia, I’m from Westchester, New York.”

“Cool, but why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re actually the first person I’ve interacted with during my day here so, I was wondering if I could sit in the fifth seat over with you guys?”

Rod looked at her, smiling. Tim knew what Rod was thinking. So sweet, so innocent, so gorgeous.

“Of course.” Rod said.

“Groovy.” She smiled.

“You bet.” Rod smiled back.

The group all went up the stairs to the 7th row where they took their seats. Steve sat on the outside, then Tim, then Veronica, then Rod, then Leigh. And what timing, Roger, Randy and the girl all walked in just as they took their seats. What made it even better was that they sat in the opposite side of the room from them.

The clock hit 8:15.

“Well good morning everyone, I’m Professor Alvin J. Woodwind and welcome to Astronomy class. I’m going to proceed with role now.” He took out a sheet of paper and began.

“So, have you lived West Virginia most of your life?” Leigh asked Rod.

“All of it actually. Born and raised.” Rod smiled.

“Rodney Evans?” Woodwind called.

“Here.” Rod raised his hand.

“That’s cool.” Leigh said.

“Yep, me and these guys here have been friends for 14 years, since kindergarten.”

“Wow.” Leigh smiled. “That’s awesome! You’re lucky though, most of my friends went to different colleges, and I’m probably the only one here who went to Westchester Prep.”

“Oh, so your family is wealthy?”

“Yeah, I don’t like talking about it because it makes people treat me differently.”

“Well I was wealthy too, but then a bunch of stuff started happening.”

“Really?” She said surprised.

“Leigh Harding?” The professor called.

“Here.” Leigh raised her hand.

“Evans sounds familiar, what’s your father’s name?”

“Jack, Jackson Evans.”

Leigh’s eyes lit up. “Oh Mr. Evans, oh damn, I’ve heard of you. Mr. Evans used to talk about you all the time!” She said happily. “You also have a sister, Mary I think it was?”

“Michelle.” Rod said softly. “She’s um-.”

“Roger Lionel?”

“Always here.” Roger smirked arrogantly.

“I’ll tell later, but just watch out for that guy okay.”

“Veronica Miller?”


“How come?”

“He’s a jackass.”

“Hey, Rod, don’t mean to bother you but can you lend me a pencil?” Tim asked.

“Addison Orcowski?”

“Here.” The blonde girl sitting next to Roger said, in a valley girl voice.

“Sure.” Rod pulled a pencil from his shirt pocket.

 “Timothy Richards?”


“Randall Theodore?”

“I’m here.”

“And Steven Wagner?”

“Thanks for the pencil man.” Steve grinned.

“Is Mr. Wagner present?”

“Oh, um, yeah, here.”

Just then, Roger noticed the group.

“Oh, everyone look, it’s the survivors!” Roger cackled. “How about that good old Alan Crandall, you see him lately you freaks?!”

“D****t.” Steve said.

“Mr. Lionel, not here, not now.” Professor Woodwind said.

“Whatever, I’ll see you after class, pals.” Roger smirked. Randy, Addison and a few others laughed.

“I see what you mean.” Leigh said.

“Yep.” Rod and Tim nodded.

“Okay everyone, today you are going to learn about the planets, you may think you know them now, but you’ll be an expert during this class period so get some notes down.”

“This is gonna be fun.” Tim said as he relaxed a bit.

© 2012 Alex Hunter

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Added on November 11, 2012
Last Updated on November 11, 2012
Tags: First, day, annoyance, fun


Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter

Palm Coast, FL

I like 80s films, like slasher and teen comedy. I love music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s mainly. I like nature and walking as well. I'm a bassist and long to be in a band. And of course, I love wri.. more..

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