In the Beginning

In the Beginning

A Chapter by Alex Hunter

Meeting the characters

Chapter I:
In the Beginning
Friday March 10th 1980. Charleston, West Virginia.

So he woke up slowly. And moaned as he stumbled over to his calendar by his desk next to his door. He held his eyes shut for a moment then looked up. Timothy paused for a moment. There were a vast amount of emotions that were running though him at that moment, and he couldn’t identify one of them. It was a mixture between lust, happiness and his teenage hormones. He knew a various amount of things that could possibly fix his confusion, but he only prayed for one. He had been staring at the calendar for only moments. His heart was racing and beats of sweat were running down his face. Were his eyes lying to him? Was this the truth? The day he had been waiting to meet since his eyes first opened. The day of spring break- but not just any spring break. It was the spring break of his senior year. According to the calendar it was March 10th. That meant nothing to most people, but to Timothy it meant freedom. Then flashbacks hit him. It was his freedom, his week to go crazy and get wasted. He remembered his mother telling him the day he turned 17, that year, spring break, he could leave the house for the whole week with his friends. That was 12 years ago and he still remembers the memory. He opened the door and flew down the hallway to be the first one to take a shower. Its 6:00 in the morning and his parents would be bombarding at the bathroom door any second demanding he gets out. His father was balding, old- around his mid-forties. His mother was more uptight with her hair always being flipped up and her deep brown eyes always looking for trouble. He ran into the bathroom, shut the door, and cut the water on. Normally it took 3 minutes for the hot water to come because he was usually the last one to take a shower, but today he waited 10 minutes for the hot water to cut on. He slowly undressed from his red and yellow checkered pajamas and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water massage his skin. 15 minutes later fog was the only thing he could see. His mother banged on the door, nearly making Tim slip in the shower.
“You better get out of there!” Her loud angry voice echoed throughout the walls of the bathroom.
“Almost done!” Tim’s voice was scratching- being the first words he has said all morning. He did a heavy sigh then cut the water off.
“Get out!” His mother screamed.
“Calm down Lorraine!” His father's deep voice was a mumble in his ears.
“No Albert! He needs to get out.” Tim moaned and grabbed a towel off the towel rack and wrapped his waist.
Should I do this? He rolled his eyes then opened the door. His mother was waiting for him, grabbed his arm then pushed him down the hall.
“You be dressed and down for breakfast in 5 minutes.” Then she pushed him in his room and slammed the door.

Tim looked around his room. Clothes on the floor, posters hiding his blue walls, wooden brown flooring. He sat down on his bed and stared at the walls. Today was the last day of school. Spring Break with his friends down at the Lake house- the thing he has been waiting for his whole life. His friend Alan finally managed to take it off his parent’s hands- he got them to trust him- that’s all he needed. Tim walked over to his walk in closet and pulled out a simple outfit. An outfit he was known for. He got dressed in a red, orange and yellow tye-dye shirt, semi-torn yellow jeans and some big grey floppy sneakers. He then walked over to his dresser by his bed. He opened the top drawer and pulled out his glasses case. He slowly puts his thick-rimmed glasses on and also took his car keys. He closes the drawer and opens the door to his room slowly and walks down the spiral stairwell. He observed the things he wouldn't miss this week, like his family, his bedroom, his old TV. He sat down at the table and looked at his parents who were waiting for him at the table. Cereal. Again? He moaned and took a seat.
“Okay.” His mother began slowly. “You are going to the Lake house with your friends. I just want to tell you some rules.”
“First.” His father cleared his throat.
“First-” Tim interrupted, looking around the kitchen then back at his parents. “I want to let you know Veronica and I will not be having sex.”
“Ohh.” His father covered his ears.
“Second.” Tim smiled. Veronica was his girlfriend of 2 years- of course they would be having sex.
“I want your credit-card.”
“No beer.” His mother clarified. “Beer is not good for your body.”
“Beer is refreshing.” His father uncovered his ears and folded his hands. “But no beer for you. “Your only 17.”
“Which is why I should be able to have freedom.”
“You can have my credit card but I will make sure you have a budget of about 50 dollars.”
“Good, that should be enough to buy me booze.” Tim took a sip of his orange juice.
“Find someone to buy it for you first.” His father said.
“I have my ways.” Tim laughed.
“If I find out you had beer I will make sure you are grounded for the rest of your life.” His mom said.
“I’m going to college next year- so it won’t matter.”
“If you can get in.” His father whispered.
“We finish this when you come home.” His mother took his bowl of untouched cereal and dumped it in the sink.
“Fine.” Tim stood up and grabbed his book-bag that was on the counter. His book bag was green and torn. He had it since the 9th grade. He opened the front door then ran outside.

The sky was grey. He felt the humidity on his skin, and he loved it. He walked over to the big green bush about two feet away from the door and found his best friend Steve’s blue skateboard. He grabbed it and walked to his 1979 black and gold Pontiac Trans Am. He got it the year before. His mother didn’t want him to have it but his dad gave the car to him anyways. Tim opened the left backdoor to the car and threw the skateboard onto the gold car seats. He then closed the door and turned to the front door and opened it. He sat in the car for a second before putting the black car keys in the ignition and backed out of the driveway before he drove away.

He drove over to his friend Steve’s house which was down the block. He honked the horn and immediately after, Steve opened the light blue front door. He ran over to the car. Steve had shaggy dark brown hair that went down to the center of his neck. He had hazel eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt with cargo pants and boat shoes.
“Hey man!” Steve smiled as he opened the car door and jumped in. Tim began driving.
“Veronica, Rod, Alan and Richie are going to meet us at the school.”
“Gnarly, bro.”
“And can you believe my parents think Veronica and I are having sex?”
“Can you believe it's true?” Steve laughed as Tim rolled his eyes.
“Well it’s sad they don’t trust me.”
“I wouldn’t trust you.”
“That’s cause you know me. My dead cat knew me better than my parents do.”
“Well you also spent a bunch of time with Spiffy. Too bad he died.”
“My father buried him alive.” Tim stopped in front of a big grey mansion. Elizabeth's house.
Elizabeth was a tan girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Classic rich beauty.
“Ugh. Do we have to pick up Liz?”
“We have enough for one more person. Pick, Rod or Alan.”
“Richie.” Steve moaned.
Elizabeth rushed out, wearing a pastel yellow sundress, tan heels and a big hobo bag over her shoulder.
“Guys!” Tim heard her squeaky voice as he rolled down the window.
“Back.” Tim pointed to the back door and she opened and slid in.
The smell of rich perfume filled the air. Tim held his breath, waiting for Liz to shut the door, and continued driving.
“Where are we going now?” Liz jumped up and down.
“Stop jumping!” Steve rolled his eyes. “Richie's place.”
“Fun. Fun. Fun.”
“I’m excited for the Lake house.”
“I know right? How did Alan score this?” Liz asked.
“Easy. Trust your parents.”
“Besides, our spring break will be filled with beer, sex and everything else in between.” Steve smiled at his own comment, satisfied.
“We can’t pick up Rod?”
“Your boyfriend is riding with his mommy.” Tim clarified for Liz.
"Shut up, I know for fact that Rod is going to be driving his old black '63 station wagon” Liz crossed her arms and pouted.
"Honestly, that's a pretty cool car." Steve said.

They drove the rest of the way in silence until they pulled up to a small blue house. Tim honked the horn as Richie stepped out the door.
“Hey man!” Richie ran over to the car and opened the door, slid past Liz, and crossed his legs.
Richie was wearing a white T-shirt, blue denim pants and boat shoes.
“Pretty chill- man.” Tim waited for Richie to close the door then drove off again.
“What?” Liz asked.
“I’m talking about your outfit.” Tim looked in the rear-view mirror to Richie. “It seems like everyone’s wearing boat shoes but me.”
“Didn’t get the memo.”
“I’m so excited for the lake house!” Liz jumped up and down.
“Stop jumping!” Tim and Steve moaned and rolled their eyes.
“I am not going to lie, so am I.” Rich put his arms around Liz’s shoulder. “Tonight is the annual sleep over in the school.”
“So?” Tim began pulling up to a big yellow brick building. School. He parked the car in the student parking lot.
“We need to go!” Richie exclaimed. “We gotta keep the coolness of school events going. Therefore, we are going.”
“Is that final?” Tim unlocked the doors.
“Everything I say is final.” Liz, Richie, Steve and Tim slowly got out the car.
They all stood, leaning on the trunk- waiting for the rest of their friends to get here.
Moments later the roar of an engine pulled up next to them.
“Rod!” Liz jumped up and down and greeted her boyfriend as he jumped out the car to kiss her passionately.
“Again with the jumping?” Steve whispered to Tim. They both began walking away.
“Bro, are you waiting for Alan?” Rod yelled as Liz clung on to him. People began staring.
“Alan and Veronica will meet us later.” Steve waved them away.
“Word.” Tim and Steve walked in the building.
The building was cold, old, and sad. The lockers were faded blue, the white tile was dirty. Everything was fading away in Franklin Pierce High School. Luckily they were all seniors, and this would be their last time moping around the halls.
“Thank goodness this is the last year we’ll be in this rotten school.” Tim said as he looked around at the posters for the basketball game tonight.
They bypassed classrooms. They stopped in front of a big glass door that lead out to the courtyard.
“I agree with you.” Steve looked around before he finally saw people outside in the courtyard through the door.
Rod, Liz and Richie fast-walked over to them, Rod looked up at the grey ceiling.
Rod had long straight black hair that hung down to his shoulders, and brown eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with a Pisces symbol on it, tight leather pants, black converse. He also wore a long dangle on his left ear.
“Did Alan come yet?” Tim looked around the hallway. Kids were starting to fill in the halls.
“Haven’t seen him. But he will be here, tonight we’re spending the night in the school.” Rod leaned against the wall.
“I’m so excited.” A voice came from behind. Tim smiled as his girlfriend walked up to him.
Veronica. She had wild curly black hair that hung to her torso, green-blue eyes, and perfect soft lips. Tim had to admit, he picked the best girl in the school and she was all his. She walked up to him and kissed him on the lips.
“Ew.” Steve put his hands over his eyes.
“Get over it.” Tim pushed his hands away and smiled at him.
“Spending the night at the school, Lake House tomorrow and all week. I’m excited. We meet at my house tonight at 6 before we leave. Got it?”
“Two more months and we’ll be gone.” Veronica said happily.
They were about to walk their separate ways to their classes as the bell chimed through the school when another voice stunned the group.
"When are you guys gonna thank me?" a voice came from behind.
Everyone turned and smiled, it was Alan. He has short medium brown hair that went down to his upper neck and light brown eyes. He was wearing a red polo with blue jeans, and of course had his lucky blue cap on.
“Thank you Alan!” the group all said in unison.
“No problem guys, all you have to do is get your parents to trust you.” Alan smiled.
“Alan, we’re spending the night at the school, you wanna stay?” Rod said.
“Hell yeah!” Alan said as he high-fived Rod
“Cool, we’re meeting at my place at 6 okay?” said Liz happily.
“Gotcha.” replied Alan.
“This is going to be awesome.” Liz jumped up and down.
“Stop jumping, d****t!” Veronica yelled.
“Thank you!” Everyone excluding Liz and Veronica cheered.

Then they went to class, parting their separate ways from Tim. Tim dragged his feet all the way to first period, and then dazed out- dreaming about Veronica, the Lake House, and his Nights Alone.

The bell for lunch chimed through the hallways. Tim was in 3rd period staring at the wall. His last classes were a blur, the only thing he remembered was first period was math, second period was science and now he was currently in history. Tim grabbed his books and rushed out the class room. He walked down the hall, bypassing his crowd of friends and the group of girls calling his name. The lunch room was warm, small, and smelled like chicken. He skipped getting lunch and sat down at his table. His friends followed soon after. Him and his friends have the center table, because they are the center of the schools social life and deserves the school center table.
“Tonight I have legends to tell you guys.” Alan was shoving mashed potatoes down his throat.
“Cool.” Liz was primping. “I am excited.”
Rod put his arm around Liz and she put her hand on Rod's hand
“Don’t get too scared before we come here through.” Alan laughed. “I think Liz or Steve will get scared first.”
“In your dreams Alan.” Steve was playing with his hair. “If anything you will get scared”
“I will get scared.” Liz admitted.
"It's alright, I doubt I'll get scared though." Richie took a bite of the fried chicken.
“You guys are stupid.” Tim was still staring into space. Veronica reached for his hand but he pulled away. “Besides, this school event is minor compared to what is to come at the Lake house.” he kissed Veronica on the cheek and she blushed.
“The Lake house is going to be a blast! I get away from my grubby parents.” Liz continued, pausing for a second then applied lip gloss. “They want me to get with Stan, y’know, the one who owns like everything in town.” She paused again. “Anyways his family is like super rich and so is mine and they think that if we can combine out net funds we can be the richest family in this region.”
"Thats bogue, Rod and you look good together." Steve crossed his arms before taking another sip of his fruit punch.
"That's what I'm trying to tell them but they think Rod is a bum musician." Liz pouted.
“West Virginia has its fair share of richies.” Veronica rolled her eyes. “But if anything, you don’t need to be more cocky than you already are.”
“I am not cocky!
“Yeah. You are.” Rod finally spoke up. Tim looked at him, his eyes were bloodshot- his face was red.
“Whats wrong?” Veronica spoke up before Tim could.
“Nothing. Just tired, I guess?”
“Or hearing Liz’s voice. I know that has to be it! Because you like it when she jumps.” Steve laughed.
“You fantasize!” Tim shouted.
"You undress her with your eyes." Richie grinned.
“And you like it.” Alan added.
The group all laughed as Liz groaned. The teacher came by to hush them but Tim shooed them off.
“Anyways, my mom thinks Tim and I are perfect.” Veronica and Tim smiled at each other.
“You are.” Alan admitted. “You guys look amazing together.”
“Almost better than my parents did together.” Steve crossed his arms. “Hint the word ‘did’, because now they are old sags.”
“Ha!” Tim laughed. “My mom is still acts like she has a stick up her a*s.”
“Oh and my parents just learned how to trust me after that Freshmen Party I had my freshman year.” Alan laughed.
“That was rad.” Veronica smiled.
“Talk about grounded for the rest of my life.”
“Could be worse.” Tim shrugged. “And besides, everyone from around our district went to that house. Even much older kids.”
“Thats because when your Alan James, anything can happen.” Rod said again, his voice getting weaker and weaker.
The crowd tried to laugh as they noticed Rod getting weaker and weaker.
“So about the house...” Liz finally talked again. “Tell me more.”
“It is a three story, sky blue colored beauty, it has 5 bedrooms, two king size, 1 bunk, 1 single, and one queen size.”
“Are their any neighbors by us?,” asked Rod”.
“No, its just a house in the woods.”
“The woods!,” Liz shouted making everyone in the lunch room look at her. The teacher gave them the signal to be quiet and they just turned around and laughed.
“Quiet down babe,” replies Rod- the only one who wasn’t laughing, “There is nothing wrong with that okay!!” He sounded irritated. Tim looked at Veronica who noticed the same thing.
"Rod, what's got you all upset?" Liz got concerned as she motioned for Rod to lie down on her lap.
"I don't know, sorry I got all mad at you babe." Rod lied on her lap. Liz started rubbing his hair.
“Calm your weazers.” Steve rolled his eyes, “Your worse than Elizabeth when she jumps.”
“I like jumping.” Liz began jumping up and down as everyone moaned angrily.
Tim looked at Rod looking at Liz. Everything about his facial expressions said that he was wanted more, but his body language was asking for less.
"Over here!" Alan called the custodian over to pick up their garbage as he finished his milk.
“I love being the center of everyones attention.” Liz smiled as she stopped jumping.
“Cause you're a cocky prick.” Veronica added. “Besides, whats the worse that could happen being popular besides being hated,”
“I love being hated.” Alan said.
“Me too.” Everyone agreed.

© 2012 Alex Hunter

My Review

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Featured Review

Okay, I admit... at first, I was a little bit like "oh, typical teens... typical horror" but when I read into it more, I LOVED IT. It's so different from the typical blonde-bimbo/teenage s**t combo that is usually stuck into horror stories related to psycho's and woods. I love all their personalities and to be honest their hilarious, and besides that you can tell just by this chapter "why" their friends, because usually when I see things like Friday the 13th and stuff, I don't even understand why the group being attacked are all friends because of how different they all are, but in this they are all pretty similar but also have certain differences- It's all really great!
I love your character choices, your set-up, your word choices, and your dialogue, it's all really honestly amazing.

& might I add that “Cause you're a cocky prick.” Veronica added." is also my favorite line, hahahahaha :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Alex Hunter

12 Years Ago

That'll be great! I got a bunch over here, I also got some really rare ones :)
Sabrina Marie

12 Years Ago

Sounds like a great night to me (:
Alex Hunter

12 Years Ago

Same here ;)


Okay, I admit... at first, I was a little bit like "oh, typical teens... typical horror" but when I read into it more, I LOVED IT. It's so different from the typical blonde-bimbo/teenage s**t combo that is usually stuck into horror stories related to psycho's and woods. I love all their personalities and to be honest their hilarious, and besides that you can tell just by this chapter "why" their friends, because usually when I see things like Friday the 13th and stuff, I don't even understand why the group being attacked are all friends because of how different they all are, but in this they are all pretty similar but also have certain differences- It's all really great!
I love your character choices, your set-up, your word choices, and your dialogue, it's all really honestly amazing.

& might I add that “Cause you're a cocky prick.” Veronica added." is also my favorite line, hahahahaha :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Alex Hunter

12 Years Ago

That'll be great! I got a bunch over here, I also got some really rare ones :)
Sabrina Marie

12 Years Ago

Sounds like a great night to me (:
Alex Hunter

12 Years Ago

Same here ;)

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1 Review
Added on August 7, 2012
Last Updated on November 6, 2012
Tags: Beginning, meeting, fun, silly, chill


Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter

Palm Coast, FL

I like 80s films, like slasher and teen comedy. I love music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s mainly. I like nature and walking as well. I'm a bassist and long to be in a band. And of course, I love wri.. more..

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A Story by Alex Hunter