What you're saying is true enough, yes, I suppose. Sometimes good is done because it makes the do-gooder feel good (hah hah.) Humans are creatures of self-interest. They fall in love because it's satisfying to say, "This man/woman is mine." They give money to the poor because it makes them look grand and righteous. You understand what I'm saying, so... ect.
But I also believe there are those who do good because it's what should be done. To lend a helping hand. If they feel good then it's because emotions are contagious and they had made someone feel happy.
A lovely poem, thanks for the sharing of your thoughts.
What you're saying is true enough, yes, I suppose. Sometimes good is done because it makes the do-gooder feel good (hah hah.) Humans are creatures of self-interest. They fall in love because it's satisfying to say, "This man/woman is mine." They give money to the poor because it makes them look grand and righteous. You understand what I'm saying, so... ect.
But I also believe there are those who do good because it's what should be done. To lend a helping hand. If they feel good then it's because emotions are contagious and they had made someone feel happy.
A lovely poem, thanks for the sharing of your thoughts.
This is a very intelligent critisim of the world. Everything you've said here is true, and that can be viewed as sad. But one must always keep the hope that good, and most importantly good people, exsist in the world. Where good exsists there lives giving. The more people give the more we can learn what is really valuable in life.
Quite like the story of my life and that of many others that I have had the privilege if getting acquainted with. And the truth is there are so many ways of giving... however minutely... and if we all gave just a little, and that each day... it won't be Utopia but pretty darn close. Thanks for sharing. And waiting, rather impatiently for your other poems to be posted and/or written. Cheers.