![]() Embarrassing Memories Act 1A Stage Play by 54NDR4 4DJ31![]() A short script to define an embarrassing feet I had to endure. Enjoy my suffering, why don'cha?![]() No, I refuse to begin this"I don’t even think
this can be called a story. Hmm, maybe a few short memorial stories crammed
into one tightly packed piece of text. So, yes, as I was saying, I refuse to
being this story by saying “my life sucks”, because it doesn’t. Instead I’ll
say “my life needs some varnishing and a bit of dusting in the high corners”,
and then I’ll see you on your way to reading this…this…
there is this one person, and of course
he has to be male, who I see almost every morning when I’m commuting to school,
and almost every afternoon when I’m commuting from school.
(Pause and breaths)
Now, I as a female individual,
have had no interaction with males my age for almost three years now; after
primary school and being admitted into an all-girls school the concept of male
interaction was lost on me.
(Audience gives her a sceptic glance)
Hey, don’t
blame me, I have homework''
lame excuse. Sandra:
"and mountain of anime to watch" Audience:
"ah-and…erm… (sighs deeply, finally conceding
and giving a tired sideways glance to Audience) you know what, a long time ago I realised
that there was nothing for me out there"well, nothing ‘fun’ to do outdoors, or
nowhere to go other than the library or park"so I decided staying at home and
being a recluse was good enough.
the only places you can think of going is the library or park? (Stifles a laugh). Sandra:
do I look like a rich working thirty-something year old to you? I have no money
to spare on tedious outings, plus no one would go wi" Audience:
so, you have no friends? (Tauntingly,
I would really appreciate it if you stopped interrupting me, it’s annoying.
Yes, I have friends, but they’re almost as reclusive as me…plus, my friends
have lives outside our friendship. You gotta give friends some space, they’re
like pet…(contemplating the previous
comparison)…that was probably a real bad analogy.
Any who, back to my memory. We have covered the fact that I’m
not very good with situations concerning males, and as such, you could infer
how nasty this situation could turn out. So, every morning I leave at the
same time as him, not by choice…it’s not like I’m spying on him through my
window or anything, although he does live in the estate beside mine"
stalker. Sandra:
"hey, no, no, I’m not. I only figured
out where he lived because one day I ended up walking in the same direction as
him and saw him going into his house. Audience:
Yes, because that didn’t sound stalker-ish at
all. Sandra:
(finally agitated, snapping) shut up,
and just listen would ya?! Eesh (exhales
deeply). Audience:
(exhales in a ‘hmph’, slightly offended).
(clears throat) Ahem! So, yes, we go
the same way almost all the time.
The awkwardness began to pile up,
however, when I noticed him giving me suspicious side-glances. The first day I noticed it, was
as Tuesday. I’d just missed my bus, because I’d slept in half an hour into my
alarm, stubbornly insisted on showering and doing all the prep stuff I usually
do in the morning. When I reached the bus stop, he was standing there, arms in
pocket, looking the way he usually does…(notices
the grin on Audience’s face) and no, before you get any ideas, I don’t have
any kind of a crush on the dude.
(dubiously) then what, you just watch
him? Sandra:
did you have to make that sound so wrong? Audience:
I tell it like I see it, and right now, you seem
like a real creepy chick. Watching guys without them knowing and what no. Sandra:
(pause) I have no response to that. Audience:
(smugly) exactly. Sandra:
(snorts and rolls eyes) oh, shut up;
acting as if you know me.
So, he gave me a “I’m suspicious
of you, you might steal my chickens if I were a farmer” kind of glance.
really? Farmer? Sandra:
shut up.
The bus came, and he started
walking towards it, as people do. While walking towards it, I bumped into him
of accident, and he stopped walking. He stood in the position in which contact
was made, while I walked past him and onto the bus.
Once on the bus, I claimed my
usual place near the doors.
…once I got trapped behind a bus
door when it was opening. Worst bus riding experience realised.
you’re side tracking. Get on with the story. Sandra:
(chuckled lightly) yeah, sorry.
I stood in my place, wriggling
around to make myself comfortable. Then, as he got on and walked down the aisle
and made a move to walk up the stairs, he temporarily paused and gave me the
same suspicious look. Although, on this account, it was more of a glare.
We rode on the bus. Got off the
bus, and then got onto the same second bus. He didn’t look at me during these
transactions…well, I don’t think he did, because I wasn’t looking at him.
The next re-collective events
happened weeks apart"ish.
what d’ya mean? Sandra:
should I just summarise it? Audience:
(lazily shrugs shoulders) sure, yeah,
why not?
well, what I noticed was that, the times I saw him decreased. He stopped
leaving at the same times as me. Audience:
oh, so you mean he caught onto your pervi" Sandra:
I was not perving. Audience:
then what do you call what you were doing? Sandra:
I’m uncomfortable around dudes, so I tend to notice their movements a lot more.
I’m weary of ‘em and all that. Especially dudes who I see on a frequent basis.
And that’s what I think happened
to him as well. He got suspicious"although I have no clue as to why"of me. (Suddenly
getting angry) I mean, I don’t even know
him, and just because I happen to live in the same area as you, that doesn’t
mean I’m stalking you.
This one time, I was really early
for school, because I had some Drama and Spanish assignments to do. I didn’t
see him at the first bust station"I take two buses to get to school"but when I
got on the second bus, and went to sit up-stairs, because it’s a double decker
bus…he was the only person sitting there. There was nobody else on the upper
bunk of the bus, but him, and he was just sitting there sipping on his tea, or
whatever he had in that flask.
He stared at me, with the same
suspicious eyes, although they were slightly ‘softer’, until I seated myself.
Before I took my seat, I returned his look with one of my own.
so…basically, you think that he thinks that you’re following him? Sandra:
(nods defeated). Audience:
but you’re not, so what’s the problem? Sandra:
I don’t know, actually. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does.
so what…was that all you had to tell me? Sandra:
don’t say it like that, you make it sound as if I’m paranoid. Audience:
that’s probably because you do sound paranoid.
Hey, who cares about some dude
who just so happens to be the same age as you thinking that you’re a stalker.
You’re not. End of discussion.
b…b-but. Audience:
(snaps) what?! Sandra:
I’m bad with boys. Audience:
aint we all.
(Audience stands to leave)
You should just ignore the dude.
I mean, it’s not like he’s got a girlfriend for him to be suspicious of and or
for. If you ask me he"
but I think he does. Audience:
what?! (wide-eyed).
(Lights go out).
END. © 2013 54NDR4 4DJ31Author's Note
1 Review Added on November 13, 2013 Last Updated on November 13, 2013 Tags: Embarrassing, memory, funny, script Author![]() 54NDR4 4DJ31London, United KingdomAboutFull name Sandra Adjei (54NDR4 4DJ31), slightly 'immature' code-naming system, but what else can you do when you're not the only Sandra around. Not much, that's what. I am a fourteen (almost fifte.. more..Writing