Perfection isn't up for grabs

Perfection isn't up for grabs

A Story by Faust

No one is perfect though we want to be

People aren't perfect. No matter how much we strive to match perfection, it just isn't meant to be. You can exercise all you want to achieve that perfect body figure. You can study as hard and for many hours into the night to create that perfect mind. You can keep trying to one-up yourself all you want, but the truth of the matter is, you just won't be the perfect person. Everyone has there flaws. Some people try to correct these flaws or alter them so they don't stand out to the public. Flaws don't make you a bad person. Not realizing that you have flaws on the other hand, means that you need to wake up and notice the world. Flaws are the building blocks that makes you who you are. Imagine if we were all perfect. There would be no individuality. We would all act the same, we would all look the same, and we would all practically be the same person. We are all so set on trying to be better than we are, we don't realize that there is no better person than yourself. Most people I know have spent countless hours trying to be what they see as perfection. They are never happy with the outcome and they usually regret wasting so much of their time trying to fix themselves when they weren't even broken to begin with. It's kind of iike trying to fix or change an already working computer. You might just make it worse. Now, I'm not saying to stop trying to make yourself better. I'm saying to know what the limit is. Do what you can, but nothing more. Don't try so hard to make yourself someone you're not. There is no such thing as perfection in this world, but there is a thing as greatness. Make yourself a great person by having a great personality. Don't judge or belittle people because you think that you are better than them. Extend the hand of life and see if they are willing to live it. 

© 2019 Faust

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Well said and very well put and words that need to be heard in fact I am printing them out as I am typing this out an posting it on my wall. One thing you can do for me is change the font to 12 or 14 would go a long ways dear. it made it really made hard to read.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Will do :) I'm glad you liked it
Words to "live" by - until others pull your world apart because it doesn't fit THEIR narrative. Hi Emily ...well thought out.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you, Chris, for the the review :)

6 Years Ago

This is a wonderful reminder full of wisdom. You hit the nail on its head when you remind us all of our uniqueness and individuality in terms of our potential, gifts and characteristics. We all cannot be mechanics! What about the doctors, builders, scientists, painters, poets, bus drivers...
Yet the natural equilibrium of life allows us to admire others without being obsessed and have hatred and low self-esteem of ourselves.
Contentment, simplicity and earthiness are the keys to the doors that lead to peace of mind, inner joy and genuine self love ❤️

Posted 6 Years Ago

Wise words and great wisdom held with this exceptional story. So very true Emily. Well said. and I agree wholeheartedly with you too.

Posted 6 Years Ago

I agree Emily.
"Don't judge or belittle people because you think that you are better than them. Extend the hand of life and see if they are willing to live it."
I liked the thoughts and the wisdom shared. The above lines. Words to live by. Thank you for sharing the outstanding story.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on February 23, 2019
Last Updated on February 26, 2019



Sun Prairie, WI

I'm back! I don't think anyone noticed that I closed my account for a short time though lol. Basically my sister was messing with my computer and it screwed up my account more..

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