The memories of life

The memories of life

A Story by Faust

Everyone has memories. Some are good and some are bad. But they are still there and you won't ever forget them.

They say memories are the key to happiness. But what if you don't want to remember? What if you want to forget all the bad things in life;all the things that have done you wrong. They say that memories start to fade as you age. But what if they are as vivid as they were when they were created? I would love to forget all those times I have made a fool of myself. I wish I could forget all those times when I was alone and scared;when it was just me and my bad memories. I wish I could forget all those times I had to run and hide just because I didn't feel safe in my own skin. I wish these memories didn't make me so paranoid;that they didn't make me flinch at the slightest touch. But these memories are there. They have always been there and sadly they always will be there. But I can replace all the sad, lonely, and scary memories with happy ones. Don't think of the dark nights alone when you can think of the sunny morning that will come later. Don't think of the times I was at home, crying and upset. Think of the friends that were there to show me that not all things are bad. I am allowed to be happy. I am allowed to be in the sun. I am allowed to create memories that I want to remember. But do I really want to? I am still trying to figure that out.

© 2019 Faust

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I really like this prose, I found it to be extremely relatable. I often wish I could erase the memory of my dad's death but at the same time, I am thankful to have those memories, to begin with.
It's funny how that works, we want to forget our torments but at the same time, we cling on to those moments.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 10, 2019
Last Updated on January 10, 2019



Sun Prairie, WI

I'm back! I don't think anyone noticed that I closed my account for a short time though lol. Basically my sister was messing with my computer and it screwed up my account more..

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A Story by Faust