Chapter 41

Chapter 41

A Chapter by Eidolon Michael

Okay, back to the main story-line lol That wasn't a very long break...oh and btw...NEW CHARACTERS!!!


Dante stepped into the room, stopping in front of Angel, who was standing in front of her throne, a very angry expression her face.

"What do you want?"she snarled. Dante could tell immediatly that she was in a bad mood.

"My Lady, are you aware that there are only five days left until the Queen Ceremony?"Dante asked.

"Of course I am,"Angel snapped.

"Well, what do you want to do?"Dante asked. Angel began to pace back and forth in front of Dante.

"Your Highness?"

Angel ignored him. What could she do to kill Rene before the ceremony? Or maybe she didn't have to do anything at all...

"Dante!"Angel said, looking at Dante fiercly.

"Yes, my Lady?"Dante replied, bowing.

"The others will trust you,"Angel said and Dante took others to mean Rene's bodyguards whos names escaped him.

"I want you to infiltrate them,"Angel said.

"You already gave me that order,"Dante said."I've been working on it."

"I'll tell you how,"Angel said with a small grin."Now, this is how you will accomplish that task..."


Dante walked up to the Sacred Palace, trying his best to look innocent.

"Infiltrate the castle, find out where they're hiding inside, then report back immediatly,"Angel had told him. She had explained that the solution to getting inside was simple-wear a wig and wear contacts in order to look just like Michael...hopefully the subtle differences between them wouldn't be noticeable-

"Identify yourself,"the guards said simultaneously.

"I am Michael, bodyguard of Rene,"Dante lied smoothly. Dante found it weird to be calling himself Michael, considering how he didn't even know who that was, though it rang a small bell in his head...

"Access granted,"the guards said and Dante walked into the palace. After this, he had no idea what to do. He did not have a map of the palace nor had he ever been inside of it. Fortunately, luck was on his side.

"Hey, Michael!"Dante heard a voice call from behind him. He turned around quickly to see what appeared to be a clone of himself walking towards him. The differences were very slight, but Dante could see himself in those eyes...

"Hi...?"Dante said uncertainly. What was this guy's name? And why did he suddenly have a massive headache?

"What are you doing?"Daniel asked.

"J-just looking around,"Dante said."What are YOU doing?"

"Lookin for you,"Daniel replied, starting to lead the way back to the hidden area.

"Who sent you?"

"Taira,"Daniel said with a sigh."She was really anxious. She started yelling 'Daniel, go get Michael so I can kill him for wandering off!'"

Dante took note of the strange clone's name-Daniel- and also made sure to memorize the paths and hallways they were walking down.

"Wait!"Dante said suddenly as Daniel stopped in front of a girl standing in the woods with a white puppy by her foor and a dove above her head.

"Wait, what?"Daniel asked as he opened up the portrait and stepped inside. Dante followed slowly.

"Where did I apparently go?"Dante asked. Daniel shrugged.

"You said you had something important to take care of,"Daniel said, walking through a door at the end of the hallway. Dante followed again, his headache getting worse as his unease grew. Why did he get the feeling he had met Daniel sometime before?
"Ok, Dante, how did you get here?"Daniel demanded suddenly, turning around to glare at Dante.

"What're you-"

"Michael never left,"Daniel said. Dante swallowed. He felt extremey exposed.

"So, how did you get here?"Daniel asked.

"I-I don't know,"Dante said."But how do you know me?"

"You don't remember?"Daniel asked, disappointed. Dante nodded.

Suddenly, as he nodded, his mind seemed to start racing with strange memories.

"Dante, please stop that!"he heard someone yell. The person was Michael...right?

He was suddenly dressed in a snowman outfit, dancing on the sidewalk embarassingly. Were these his memories?

Suddenly, a scene began to play out in his mind.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying!"Dante insisted and he was suprised by how feeble is thirteen-year-old voice sounded.

"Yeah, right. He would never do that."

"Why won't you believe me?!"

"I don't believe little children like you."


"Shut up. Drop it."

"I won't 'drop it'!"Dante heard himself say angrily."If you won't believe me, then-"

"Then what?"

"Then I don't have to say here and be called a liar!"

He walked to the front door angrily.

"If you leave, don't come back!"

"Don't worry-I didn't intend to!"



Dante swayed as his headache suddenly disappeared.

"You're Daniel!"Dante said excitedly.

"I know,"Daniel said, looking worried."Are you-"

"I remember everything now!"Dante said.

Daniel was confused at first, but then he though about Ralph, who had lost his memories for two weeks after his disappearance.

"Really?"Daniel said, finally catching on.

"Yes!"Dante saidk but then his excitement left him as he remembered Angel.

"I gotta go,"Dante said and before Daniel could stop him, he had rushed out of the room.

"What was that all about?"Daniel asked himself, but then he heard Taira's voice behind him and he quickly tried to hide himself from her wrath. He had been bluffing.

Michael really had gone to the store without telling Taira.


He stood atop the highest tower of the Sacred Palace, watching the young man hurrying to some unknown place. Of course, he had been sealed away for quite some time. Actually, now that he thought about it, it had been ever since Queen Sandra's second year as queen. It made sense that everyplace was unknown to him.

"Lord Evito, what is your wish?" the bumbling servant asked, quaking in fear of the man in front of him. Evito did not answer immediatly, choosing instead to ponder the question.

"What did I ask you to do earlier?"he asked, tilting his head to one side in thought.

"You asked me to bring you a book to read,"the servant said, shaking even more now.

"Did you do that?"Evito asked quietly.


"And yet you are standing here asking me what I want you to do!"Evito roared angrily, turning around to face the man, who squeaked and stepped back.

"Paulatim, how you expect me to be nice to you when you have almost no brains?"Evito asked stepping towards Paulatim slowly.

"I'm sorry!"Paulatim squealed and he rushed off through the tower to fetch a book for Evito. Evito sighed. He hated being trapped in this tower.

He had been sealed away by priests almost a century ago. Since then, his powers had started to slowly diminish and recover at the same time. It was a slow cycle that was taking a toll on him. But something good came out of being sealed away-he never aged.

He still had his eighteen year old figure, with its dark brown hair and its gray eyes that dangerously turned black whenever he was angry. His hair was quite short, reaching only his ears. He was also tall for the time that he came from(five feet, six inches, though he tended to change this) and he wore a very strange assortment of clothes-a formal suit with a crimson cloak wrapped around himself.

Paulatim arrived a few moments later, holding a very thick book in his hands. Unlike Evito, he was short, reaching only four feet, six inches in his short lifetime of thirty-five years. He hair was thin and graying in places due to stress and his light brown eyes always seemed to be worried. He always seemed to be in a sort of high bow when he walked, almost as though he were preparing to duck should something be thrown at him.

"Thank you,"Evito said and he sat down in an armchair, opening the book, a bored expression on his face.

"What else do you-"

Paulatim did not get to finish the sentence due to the fact that with a small flick of his wrist, Evito had forced his mouth shut.

"Be quiet, I'm studying,"Evito said and with a bow, Paulatim left Evito alone to read his book.

Why did he have to be sealed with Evito? Sure he had helped Evito long ago, but he wasn't the one with demonic powers!

"Well, hopefully, he'll let me out when he escapes,"Paulatim muttered happily adn he went to the tower library to read.

© 2010 Eidolon Michael

Author's Note

Eidolon Michael
Yes! Finally got to the chapter I've been waiting for for like...ever lol btw, Paulatim mean to give in Latin(I think...I don't remember anymore) and Evito means to kill in Latin :-) Thanks for reading, reviews welcome ^_^

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Added on April 22, 2010
Last Updated on April 22, 2010
Previous Versions


Eidolon Michael
Eidolon Michael

The Gates of Zonei, TX

My name is Michael and I am 18 years old. I'm a pretty nice guy(mostly) but if I don't like you, I'll tell you so,yeah.I'm really short for a guy (5ft, 6in.) and I'm pretty average weight(125lbs).. more..
