Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A Chapter by Eidolon Michael

As the situation with Rene's mom gets worse, Ralph can't help but look to Daniel for help it overcoming it...but Daniel himself may not be able to take it...


Ralph had almost completely forgotten about Queen Shayla's condition. Rene had been so busy making plans for Queen Shayla's funeral that she didn't have much time for anything else.

About two days ago, the hospitla had called and informed Rene that Queen Shayla had passed away some time during the night, in her sleep. Since then, Rene had kept herself in her bedroom, making calls, and calling family members. She had even kept the death from reaching the media.

Meanwhile, Ralph ahd been so preoccupied with Daniel that he almost couldn't help with Queen Shayla's funeral. Ever since he and Daniel had finally met up, they had become the best of friends. Just yesterday(a Sunday), Ralph and Daniel had gone to the movies together. He was looking forward to school today and was just about to leave when Rene stopped him.

"Ralph, I need you to transfer back to Dunelia High School,"Rene said quietly.

"W-what?"Ralph said in suprise.

"I need you to transfer back. The detectives have found that the explosion was a murder. Even though it was obvious, they believe me and you are in danger,"Rene said.

"I-I don't want to!"Ralph said. He had not told Rene about Daniel. He had kept it his own secret.

"B-but,"Rene stammered, but Ralph interrupted.

"I'm not transfering!"Ralph said.

"Please!"Rene pleaded."I want to keep us together in case of an emergency!"

Ralph sighed. He had to tell her.

So he told her about Daniel and how they were keeping in touch again and how if he left, Daniel would be worried. When he was done, Ralph was staring at Ralph in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me?"Rene asked.

"I wanted to keep it to myself,"Ralph muttered.

"I'm sorry,"Rene muttered,"You don't have to transfer."

Ralph looked at her sad face.

"I'm sorry,"Ralph sighed."Thank you, though."

And he quickly left for school.


He arrived just as the bell rang to go to first period. He quickly rushed to class. When he arrived, he saw someone new, seemingly waiting for him.

Jonathan was standing by the doorway of the classroom, wating.

"What are you doing?"Ralph asked."Do you have this class?"

"Memory restoration, begin,"Jonathan said in response and suddenly his mind was racing with memories, most of which he did not recognize.

Just as soon as the memories started, they ended, leaving Ralph feeling light-headed. He looked at where Jonathan had been standing, but he was gone.

"What was that?"Ralph asked, quickly going to his seat, getting ready for the lesson.

When he arrived in fourth period, Daniel was waiting for him as usual.

"Hey,"Daniel said with a big smile.

"Hi,"Ralph said, deep in thought.

"Are you okay?"Daniel asked as they sat at the very back, a new spot they had decided to sit at on Friday.

Ralph told Daniel quietly about what Jonathan had done. When he was done, Daniel looked just as confused as Ralph felt.

"So waht do you remember now?"Daniel asked, looking up at the board to take notes on the strange Algebra 2 they were supposed to learn.

"Just about everything,"Ralph said, copying Daniel's notes. His eyes weren't as good as Daniel's by they weren't so bad that he needed glasses.

"Well, do you remember anything from before we met Michael?"Daniel asked. Ralph closed his eyes.

"A little,"he said."Which reminds me. I had to tell Rene about you."

"Why?"Daniel asked, looking at Ralph with a hurt expression on his face."You told me not to tell anyone!"

"I had to!"Ralph insisted and he told Daniel about Rene trying to make him switch schools again. Daniel, however, was more upset about Queen Shayla.

"She died?"Daniel said quietly, looking very grave.

Ralph nodded sadly and Daniel looked down at his knees sadly and Ralph knew he was trying not to cry. Daniel had always been the one to mourn death the most. He hated seeing people die, even if he had never met them.

In an attempt to comfort him, Ralph took one of his hands and held it. Daniel looked at him with watery eyes, but no tears went down his face.

"Thank you,"Daniel muttered and Ralph let go of his hand, even though a small part of him didn't want to. A small part of him wanted to keep holding the hand just to make sure Daniel wasn't too upset to concentrate on the work, but the other part of him knew that by Daniel saying thank you, he had done enough.

After class, Daniel mysteriously disappeared. Ralph had already gotten his lunch and eaten it when he decided to go look for Daniel.

He found him in an empty upstairs bathroom, sitting on the floor, his knees pulled up to his chest, crying. Daniel didn't even realize that Ralph had walked in until Ralph and had gotten on his knees and hugged him.

Daniel looked up in shock and saw Ralph holding him and he suddenly felt okay.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming into the bathroom and they quickly broke apart, Ralph jumping backwards away from Daniel wile standing up and brushing off his knees, whistling at the same time. Daniel had thrown pencils all over the floor and pretended to be picking them up. Ralph pretended to be helping him.

As they left the bathrrom, Daniel quickly wiped off his face. Ralph felt Daniel's hand grab his for comfort and, strangely, Ralph didn't pull away as they walked.

© 2010 Eidolon Michael

Author's Note

Eidolon Michael
This was a long one lol Anyway, the next two chapters are going to be interesting. And after that is Spring Break(in the book that is), and since I've already written the book, you'll be happy to know that there's only 7 more chapters until the Part 2 Finale ^_^ Only seven lol

My Review

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Aww aint that last part sweet!!!


Posted 14 Years Ago

Great chapter! :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 13, 2009
Last Updated on April 14, 2010
Previous Versions


Eidolon Michael
Eidolon Michael

The Gates of Zonei, TX

My name is Michael and I am 18 years old. I'm a pretty nice guy(mostly) but if I don't like you, I'll tell you so,yeah.I'm really short for a guy (5ft, 6in.) and I'm pretty average weight(125lbs).. more..


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