Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Eidolon Michael

Michael has a friend coming over. Big mistake...Also, I don't know how to fix the viewing problem, so please, bare with me. I'm posting this on the Wii so...yeah...


"Roran, no freaking out. Dante, no yelling. Daniel, I might have to lock you up. Ralph..."

 Ralph looked up from the tv and looked at Michael. Michael couldn't think of anything to tell Ralph NOT to do. Ralph never caused any problems, unless you count extreme laziness and greediness.

"Just keep doing what you're doing,"Michael sighed. Ralph nodded.

Michael was expecting a visit from someone important, and he did not want his other selves ruining it.

"Daniel, give me back that paper!" Roran yelled, chasing after Daniel. Daniel laughed and ran into his room and locked himself in.

"Daniel!"Roran roared, banging on the door with a fist," Open this door right now!"

"Say 'Please'."


"Please what?"

"Please open the door!" Roran yelled.



"I don't feel like it."

"YOU-" Roran yelled. Everyone looked at each other as Roran called Daniel a lot of things that even Dante hadn't said before.

"Oh my..."Michael said as Roran called Daniel something extremely vulgar.

They all heard Daniel's door open and Daniel came runngin downstairs, wildly running from Roran, who had a baseball bat and was not afraid to use it.

"Guys, stop!"Michael yelled.The two guys ignored him.

Michael's stomach did a back-hand spring as there was a knock at the door.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and sat on the couch and watched tv.

Michael gave a nervous sigh and opened the door. "Hi,"Taire said with a smile, her light blue eyes shining.

"Hi,"Michael attempted to say, however, "Blig" came out instead.

Taira giggled.

"Thumb-I mean, come in,"Michael said, swearing to himself in his mind.

"Hi,"the four other people siad in unison.

"Wow, hi,"Taira said quietly.She had never met the other Michaels. She had only heard about them, but to see that they were actually real came as a shock to her.

"So, um...who's who?"Taira asked shyly.

Daniel flipped forward(literally) and grabbed Taira's hand and kissed it.

"My name is Daniel,"he said politely and Michael had to admit, he was impressed.

Roran stepped forward.

"You're Roran,"Taira said.

"How'd you know that?"Roran asked, looking at Taira like she was crazy.

 "Well, he looks really mad, so that must be Dante,"Taira said, pointing at Dante,"and he looks like he won't get up so that must be Ralph, and Daniel already introduced himself, so you're the only one left."

","Roran said,"I like her,"he added to Michael. Michael himself was suprised by Taira's abilities of observation.

"So what do you want to do?"Taira asked.

"Tic-tac-toe?"Michael suggested.

Taira nodded.

Forty-five minutes later, after Taira had won twenty-two straight games in a row, Michael had finally won a game.

"Yay, I win!"Michael cheered.

"You lost twenty-two already,"Ralph muttered,"How can you be proud?"

"You suck,"Daniel chuckled.

"Shut up,"Michael growled.

Taira giggled.

"Did you know he snores?"Daniel asked Taira.

"Really?"Taira said in suprise.

"Yep, it's really loud and it sounds like-"Michael covered Daniel's mouth.

"So, moving along-"

"Did you know, when he was three he got lost at a store and was looking at Mickey Mouse stuff?"Ralph asked.

"Ralph, not you too!"Michael groaned.

"Did you know he is failing school majorly?"Roran asked.


"Did you know he used to have imaginary friends until he was nine?"Dante laughed.

"Dante, stop!"Michael pleaded.

 Taira was still laughing.

"Wow,"Taira said breathlessly,"That's really interesting stuff."

"No it's not,"Michael mumbled.

"Yes, it is!"Taira urged.

"Well, if it's so funny, why don't I say some things about you?"Michael said with an evil grin.

"No! Don't please!"Taira begged.


"Well, I should go now,"Taira said, standing up to leave.

"Did you know he used to love Pokemon a little to much?"Daniel laughed and Taira fell over laughing.

"You guys are mean,"Michael pouted. "Well, bye,"Taira said, shaking with laughter.

The moment Taira left, Michael went over to a glass case that held a very pretty, six-inch dagger that was perfectly sharpened.

"What're you doing?"Roran asked quietly as he and his other mind-brothers backed away.

"Oh, nothing,"Michael said, stepping towards them, an evil smile on his face.

"Michael, put the dagger down,"Ralph urged.


"Then what are you gonna do with it?"

"Oh, nothing,"Michael repeated. He gave a war cry and ran at them and they scattered wildly in all directions.

© 2010 Eidolon Michael

Author's Note

Eidolon Michael
Poor Michael lol DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN POKEMON OR MICKEY MOUSE!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^_^ We're one chapter away from the Part 1 Finale ^_^ Updated to correct format ^_^

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lol loved it...Will he ever learn that he cant do anything that doesnt end in disaster? lol

Posted 14 Years Ago

I thought this chapter was the funniest so far. I love Michael haha. I agree with you poor Michael.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Lol! Run away from Michael! Loved the chapter! Great job! :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

yay! i'm glad you added more. This one was hilarious and i'd like to point out even if you did like pokemon or mickey mouse...who cares you like what you like, you have the right to, that having been said GREAT write!
:) ear

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 22, 2009
Last Updated on April 14, 2010
Previous Versions


Eidolon Michael
Eidolon Michael

The Gates of Zonei, TX

My name is Michael and I am 18 years old. I'm a pretty nice guy(mostly) but if I don't like you, I'll tell you so,yeah.I'm really short for a guy (5ft, 6in.) and I'm pretty average weight(125lbs).. more..


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