![]() Mr. And Mrs. ValentineA Chapter by Edwina![]() February offers a new window at Grayson's Antique Shop![]() Farleigh showed up Saturday morning dressed in his 1930's clothing. Brenda declared herself well enough to head for the shop, and work on the Valentine's Day window. There were plenty of mannequins left to hang out for the public eye, but Robert and Shirley would be stars in February. Shirley needed her "sitting" legs attached, and the backdrop might take some doing, but Farleigh was eager to hear the scoop. The front left window was to be a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Park Valentine, who had burned to death in one of Webster Wagner's sleeping cars after a freak train accident. More details would be provided on a poster in the window if "Helene the artist" was willing to do the lettering. After a quick phone call from Brenda, she said she was up for a " try." Farleigh said that the couple certainly qualified to be part of the Spiritual "Train Gang." They signified true love and devotion. Brenda needed a painted backdrop for an interior railway car askew, and several seats that could be used to "trap" the two lovers. Fake flames would flicker and add the element of danger. Helene could help with the art, but any old train seats would have to be hunted up quickly. A few phone calls to Sherman Stokes might do the trick, and the seats, when located, would be purchased outright, if possible, because Brenda had other things planned for them after February ended. Dressing the young couple proved challenging, because Brenda wanted to depict the scene in a positive way, despite the hellish circumstances. Farleigh suggested that their clothing would be partly burned, and the other parts could be clean, with red and white "heavenly" designs. Brenda phoned her seamstress, Lorraine Sweeny, and ran the idea past her. Lorraine said she could handle it, but needed old clothing she could "mangle up a bit." Four days at the most, and her fee would be 100 dollars. Brenda said "and a bonus" before Lorraine hung up laughing. Farleigh helped to find the 1882 "his" and "her" outfits in less than an hour. Brenda's clothing collection was legendary. She and Farleigh dragged their lunch to the upper floor of the shop, and played dress ups. He looked good in costumes, as did Daniel. If there were any way to turn back the clock, Brenda would do it. She wanted to know the Blundons, and she longed to see Riverdale Park before it got "built up." The curtains were drawn shut in the shop windows, and the living lovers headed back to the big house on Oglethorpe Street. Helene Shelby began her quick sketches, and searched for wood to paint the scene upon. She had very little to go on, and decided to check the library for any antique train car interior books. If that failed, there were several old timers who were retired from the railroad, and, if possible, she would pay them a visit. C J marks © 2014 Edwina |
Added on February 4, 2014 Last Updated on February 4, 2014 The House On Oglethorpe Street
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Moving Day
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Noisy Bugs
By EdwinaAuthorEdwinaDolan Springs, AZAboutI live in the desert, and write. I had been doing poetry, but recently decided to write a novel. It gives me a whole new place to hang out, so to speak. more..Writing